Grand Central Station Reduced to Homeless Shelter

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Grand Central Station Reduced to Homeless Shelter
Prior to Rudy Giuliani, getting through Grand Central Station was rough. You had to step over the multitudinous psychotic bums who slept there day and night, any of which might suddenly snap awake and come at you with a knife. The beggars were so aggressive as to qualify as muggers. It was wonderful when Giuliani came in and reclaimed Grand Central on behalf of civilization. Unfortunately, under Bill de Blasio, the famous terminal has reverted to jungle. Business owners find the current situation intolerable.

From CBS New York:

Inside the world-class transit hub adorned with grand chandeliers, you’ll find men and women sleeping at tables, hunched over on benches, using drinking fountains to bathe and walking barefoot feet away from where about two dozen business owners are trying to make a living selling food.

Joe Germanotta reports that Grand Central has in effect become a homeless shelter.

Germanotta owns Art Bird & Whiskey Bar, one of the restaurants in the lower-level dining concourse of Grand Central Terminal. He says the overwhelming homeless problem has him on the brink of closing. He’s already cut staff.

Running a business in Grand Central isn’t cheap.

Germanotta says he pays about $50,000 a month to the MTA.

But the Metropolitan Transportation Authority doesn’t see a problem, so long as it can fill its leases. Expecting de Blasio to side with business owners and employed commuters against psychotic drug-addled bums would be absurd. So the standard of living in New York continues to decline, despite the booming economy.

On tips from Steve T and R F.

All links highlighted

I bLame greedy capitalist
Nothing to do with wise caring progressive nazi policy at all fact only enlightened super smart leftwing progressive policy can save us all

Vote Bernie!

This is, like, new in your world?

Hell I remember hanging out in France in the '70s prepping for the Vendange. Ended up in the beautiful little town of Macon and that turned out to be where the action was. By day we'd all be combing the area looking to set up a working situation, then at night everybody came back to the train station to spend the night, socialize, compare notes, etc The Brits were over this way, the Italians down that way, the Swedes were over here, etc. We had our own international community going on. Good times.

Somebody's never been out of they bubble.
Ok boomer

Somebody hasn't been out of thier bubble since the 70s



You been watching "The Way"?

Ok ancient crustacean
The what now

Thought you were making a movie reference. A movie which actually captured that experience very realistically.

Can't believe it's me, of all creatures, making a movie reference. What's the world coming to.

Ok rube er
Am I supposed to have seen it ? For some weird irrelevant progressive /millenial hipster wanna be cosmopolitan reason ?
Ok boomer

Somebody hasn't been out of thier bubble since the 70s



You been watching "The Way"?

Ok ancient crustacean
The what now

Thought you were making a movie reference. A movie which actually captured that experience very realistically.

Can't believe it's me, of all creatures, making a movie reference. What's the world coming to.

Ok rube er
Am I supposed to have seen it ? For some weird irrelevant progressive /millenial hipster wanna be cosmopolitan reason ?

Holy shit I need a bigger drill bit to penetrate Duh Stupid....

You used the word "Boomer". I assumed you were referring to the use of that term in the movie. It fits perfectly.

You know what, forget it.
I was wondering why you were referencing 'The Hunt For Red October"
The Hunt for Red October Trailer A new Soviet nuclear missile sub (a Boomer) heading out on her maiden voyage that is being tracked by a Los Angeles class American submarine suddenly goes silent and "disappears".
I was wondering why you were referencing 'The Hunt For Red October"
The Hunt for Red October Trailer A new Soviet nuclear missile sub (a Boomer) heading out on her maiden voyage that is being tracked by a Los Angeles class American submarine suddenly goes silent and "disappears".

That doesn't in any way work in this context.
Here in Louisville we turned the main railroad depot...

... over to TARC, the main bus terminal...

... it seems to be working...

... even though the big bus driver...

... has been exposed for getting handsy...

... with the ladies.
Grand Central Station Reduced to Homeless Shelter
Prior to Rudy Giuliani, getting through Grand Central Station was rough. You had to step over the multitudinous psychotic bums who slept there day and night, any of which might suddenly snap awake and come at you with a knife. The beggars were so aggressive as to qualify as muggers. It was wonderful when Giuliani came in and reclaimed Grand Central on behalf of civilization. Unfortunately, under Bill de Blasio, the famous terminal has reverted to jungle. Business owners find the current situation intolerable.

From CBS New York:

Inside the world-class transit hub adorned with grand chandeliers, you’ll find men and women sleeping at tables, hunched over on benches, using drinking fountains to bathe and walking barefoot feet away from where about two dozen business owners are trying to make a living selling food.

Joe Germanotta reports that Grand Central has in effect become a homeless shelter.

Germanotta owns Art Bird & Whiskey Bar, one of the restaurants in the lower-level dining concourse of Grand Central Terminal. He says the overwhelming homeless problem has him on the brink of closing. He’s already cut staff.

Running a business in Grand Central isn’t cheap.

Germanotta says he pays about $50,000 a month to the MTA.

But the Metropolitan Transportation Authority doesn’t see a problem, so long as it can fill its leases. Expecting de Blasio to side with business owners and employed commuters against psychotic drug-addled bums would be absurd. So the standard of living in New York continues to decline, despite the booming economy.

On tips from Steve T and R F.

All links highlighted

I bLame greedy capitalist
Nothing to do with wise caring progressive nazi policy at all fact only enlightened super smart leftwing progressive policy can save us all

Vote Bernie!

View attachment 307104
Very sad. Thanks, Dim Dems, for making New York City a monumental shithole. Great work.
Ok boomer

Somebody hasn't been out of thier bubble since the 70s



You been watching "The Way"?

Ok ancient crustacean
The what now

Thought you were making a movie reference. A movie which actually captured that experience very realistically.

Can't believe it's me, of all creatures, making a movie reference. What's the world coming to.

Ok rube er
Am I supposed to have seen it ? For some weird irrelevant progressive /millenial hipster wanna be cosmopolitan reason ?

Holy shit I need a bigger drill bit to penetrate Duh Stupid....

You used the word "Boomer". I assumed you were referring to the use of that term in the movie. It fits perfectly.

You know what, forget it.

It was forgotten when I logged off boomer.

And thank god I dont have to watch you yammer on in circles ...your stupidity hurts muh teefers

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