Graham sums up how stupid the GOP has become


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
'Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in a number of ways epitomizes the Republican Party’s descent into intellectual rot and immoral opportunism. Graham as a candidate called out President Trump as a bigot and "the most flawed nominee in the history of the Republican Party.”


He’s now among the worst apologists for Trump — vowing to investigate unsubstantiated smears of the Justice Department and FBI and insisting there was no collusion between the Trump team and the Russians (despite evidence of Paul Manafort’s meeting with Konstantin Kilimnik, the Trump Tower June 2016 meeting and the Roger Stone-WikiLeaks connection.)


There was one remark that perfectly typifies the horrible habits of the Trumpized GOP — playing to low-information voters’ ignorance, ignoring real problems in favor of hyperventilating over phony ones, infatuation with authoritarianism and deep cynicism.'

The GOP’s descent into intellectual rot, immoral opportunism, and repressive authoritarianism.
'Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in a number of ways epitomizes the Republican Party’s descent into intellectual rot and immoral opportunism. Graham as a candidate called out President Trump as a bigot and "the most flawed nominee in the history of the Republican Party.”


He’s now among the worst apologists for Trump — vowing to investigate unsubstantiated smears of the Justice Department and FBI and insisting there was no collusion between the Trump team and the Russians (despite evidence of Paul Manafort’s meeting with Konstantin Kilimnik, the Trump Tower June 2016 meeting and the Roger Stone-WikiLeaks connection.)


There was one remark that perfectly typifies the horrible habits of the Trumpized GOP — playing to low-information voters’ ignorance, ignoring real problems in favor of hyperventilating over phony ones, infatuation with authoritarianism and deep cynicism.'

The GOP’s descent into intellectual rot, immoral opportunism, and repressive authoritarianism.
Same thing is happening all over the republican party. Just look at the tRumpkins here. They usually can't even come up with reasonable responses or even excuses so they just spew some "maga" bullshit and call you (or me) a libtard.
when Graham's approval rating dipped to the 50% level he started kissing Trumps fat ass - now that he's back up in the 80's he can wipe off his chin.
I don't trust Graham...he is a swamper....once a swamper always a swamper...he will have to a lot to change my when I start seeing justice again in my country and the deep state serving time I will believe him...but not until then....
The GOP’s descent into intellectual rot, immoral opportunism, and repressive authoritarianism.

I call you on that, chicken shit.

Why don't you accept the challenge?
its no reply jones....he doesnt converse well when actually communicating with bys are better for him...

Hopefully more and more members will see his acts of cowardness and intellectual weakness for what they are.
Intellectual rot! Immoral opportunism!

Ladies, gentlemen, others and the terminally confused, I give you Jussie Smollett and supporting cast of Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, dozens of Hollywood personalities and Broadcast Media.

Special mention of the prior failure of the persecution of Brett Kavanaugh and the manufactured outrage of the Covington students.

NOW let's talk about intellectual rot and immoral opportunism.
'Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in a number of ways epitomizes the Republican Party’s descent into intellectual rot and immoral opportunism. Graham as a candidate called out President Trump as a bigot and "the most flawed nominee in the history of the Republican Party.”


He’s now among the worst apologists for Trump — vowing to investigate unsubstantiated smears of the Justice Department and FBI and insisting there was no collusion between the Trump team and the Russians (despite evidence of Paul Manafort’s meeting with Konstantin Kilimnik, the Trump Tower June 2016 meeting and the Roger Stone-WikiLeaks connection.)


There was one remark that perfectly typifies the horrible habits of the Trumpized GOP — playing to low-information voters’ ignorance, ignoring real problems in favor of hyperventilating over phony ones, infatuation with authoritarianism and deep cynicism.'

The GOP’s descent into intellectual rot, immoral opportunism, and repressive authoritarianism.

The libs descent into depravity is vile, immoral, and nihilistic. Tell us about that cortez magic train across ocean and greenie stuff. Talk about the dumbness. Lol.
'Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in a number of ways epitomizes the Republican Party’s descent into intellectual rot and immoral opportunism. Graham as a candidate called out President Trump as a bigot and "the most flawed nominee in the history of the Republican Party.”


He’s now among the worst apologists for Trump — vowing to investigate unsubstantiated smears of the Justice Department and FBI and insisting there was no collusion between the Trump team and the Russians (despite evidence of Paul Manafort’s meeting with Konstantin Kilimnik, the Trump Tower June 2016 meeting and the Roger Stone-WikiLeaks connection.)


There was one remark that perfectly typifies the horrible habits of the Trumpized GOP — playing to low-information voters’ ignorance, ignoring real problems in favor of hyperventilating over phony ones, infatuation with authoritarianism and deep cynicism.'

The GOP’s descent into intellectual rot, immoral opportunism, and repressive authoritarianism.

Are you still unaware of the way Strzok altered the final FBI report on Hillary?
'Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in a number of ways epitomizes the Republican Party’s descent into intellectual rot and immoral opportunism. Graham as a candidate called out President Trump as a bigot and "the most flawed nominee in the history of the Republican Party.”


He’s now among the worst apologists for Trump — vowing to investigate unsubstantiated smears of the Justice Department and FBI and insisting there was no collusion between the Trump team and the Russians (despite evidence of Paul Manafort’s meeting with Konstantin Kilimnik, the Trump Tower June 2016 meeting and the Roger Stone-WikiLeaks connection.)


There was one remark that perfectly typifies the horrible habits of the Trumpized GOP — playing to low-information voters’ ignorance, ignoring real problems in favor of hyperventilating over phony ones, infatuation with authoritarianism and deep cynicism.'

The GOP’s descent into intellectual rot, immoral opportunism, and repressive authoritarianism.


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