Graham is afraid trump impeachment might lead to impeachment of Pres. Washington


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Looks like the Fluffer of the Senate is back on the job. trump must be a sweet partner for Miss Lindsey.

Impeachment of a President has to do with ones actions as President. George Washington never committed an impeachable act as President of the United States. As President, George Washington did not take any action on the issue of slavery. While it is true that he owned slaves, this ownership preceded his election and time in office as President and was legal at the time.

Looks like the Fluffer of the Senate is back on the job. trump must be a sweet partner for Miss Lindsey.
Graham likes to play fence sitter yelling at and for both sides. A few weeks ago his was Trump's BFF then he's Trump's worst enemy and now he's Trump's bud.
Sen. Graham is a kook. He's the type of pol who puts his finger in the air and can't seem to decide which way the wind blows. Thus when he speaks he will contradict himself and still believes the people won't see his position on trump has turned in circles.
Graham is the ultimate shuck and jive artist. He conned his way into reelection by pretending to be a Republican.

Well done! Gotta give him credit for his act
Senator Graham is spot on!

Because of changing demographics, in twenty or so years (if not even earlier), the activists will be demanding:

1. Washington, D. C. be renamed. Nancy has already changed D.C. to [Frederick] Douglass Commonwealth.

2. Mount Vernon must be razed to the ground.
Sen. Graham is a kook. He's the type of pol who puts his finger in the air and can't seem to decide which way the wind blows. Thus when he speaks he will contradict himself and still believes the people won't see his position on trump has turned in circles.

He is hoping to be able to polish trump's shaft on the circuit again one day.
Senator Graham is spot on!

Because of changing demographics, in twenty or so years (if not even earlier), the activists will be demanding:

1. Washington, D. C. be renamed. Nancy has already changed D.C. to [Frederick] Douglass Commonwealth.

2. Mount Vernon must be razed to the ground.

Sooooo.....trump's face on Mt Rushmore is not looking good?
Senator Graham is spot on!

Because of changing demographics, in twenty or so years (if not even earlier), the activists will be demanding:

1. Washington, D. C. be renamed. Nancy has already changed D.C. to [Frederick] Douglass Commonwealth.

2. Mount Vernon must be razed to the ground.

Sooooo.....trump's face on Mt Rushmore is not looking good?

Mt. Rushmore?

In 20 years (or earlier), all those faces will be removed and replaced with demographically more correct faces.
Graham is not stupid but may be gay as it seems some of those posting are accusing him of. We should realize that Graham is not talking about whether he is gay or not. He is talking about destruction of our country and the Republican Party.

This may be fine with some of the Democrats, but they need to use their brains and think of what this means, It means a President can be impeached then tried after he leaves office. That holds true for their Golden Boy, and they need to think since Trump just declassified a lot of things taking place within the Government during his transition coming into office.

I don't doubt that much of the information coming into view will be troubling to Democrats. I was given a copy of Permanent Record by Eric Snowden by a Democrat family member. Snowden is charged with espionage and I sure wouldn't have bought the book. But I am not afraid of listening to or reading what a person has to say. Snowden does not deny his guilt in 2 charges of espionage and a charge of theft of Government property. This book was published in 2119, but he could not board his flight to South America being stranded in Moscow as the US Government revoked his passport in 2015. He, working as a contractor to NSA/CIA, found that in violation of the Patriot Act the US Government was using data collected against American citizens. For a few months he collected scrubbed files of anything damaging and thumbdrived them and gave them to the media as an example of what was being collected. He wanted to come back to the USA but AG Holder would not give him a deal similar to the one given deserter Bergdahl. One passage gives Snowden's thoughts. Not an exact quote - These files contain not only emails sent, but what is actually stored on a person's computer. Phone calls, texts, and pictures from cell phones, any purchases made with credit cards, pictures from traffic and security cameras are in these files. This information can make any of us an outcast in our own family, a paraiah in our community, and put an end to successful careers.

The Swamp is real. Do you wonder how much of this data was used against those whose responsibilty it was to look into election fraud?
Yea they've done a job on Washington.

I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me.9 The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely, the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, and the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am &c.


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