Graham calls for Senate Judiciary hearing on McCabe firing


Graham calls for Senate Judiciary hearing on McCabe firing

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday said he believes the Senate Judiciary Committee should hold a hearing on the firing of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe.

“I think we owe it to the average American to have a hearing in the judiciary committee where Attorney General Sessions comes forward with whatever documentation he has about the firing, and give Mr. McCabe the chance to defend himself,” Graham, a member of the panel, said on CNN’s “State of the Union."

“I believe when it comes to this issue we need as much transparency as possible to make sure it wasn’t politically motivated,” he added.

I think this is a good thing.

The way Sessions fired him, and the a remarkably low blow and stinks of partisanship over justice. Maybe it's deserved maybe not, but it should be looked at.

Graham calls for Senate Judiciary hearing on McCabe firing

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday said he believes the Senate Judiciary Committee should hold a hearing on the firing of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe.

“I think we owe it to the average American to have a hearing in the judiciary committee where Attorney General Sessions comes forward with whatever documentation he has about the firing, and give Mr. McCabe the chance to defend himself,” Graham, a member of the panel, said on CNN’s “State of the Union."

“I believe when it comes to this issue we need as much transparency as possible to make sure it wasn’t politically motivated,” he added.

I think this is a good thing.

The way Sessions fired him, and the a remarkably low blow and stinks of partisanship over justice. Maybe it's deserved maybe not, but it should be looked at.

Why have Congress investigate it? I am sure the reports will be published soon and more likely he will be indicted on corruption charges.
Let us see the far left is upset that a far left ,lemming got fired for leaking to the press and lying..

Anyone else would have been fired, so no matter how far you are up the food chain it should all be treated the same.

Unless we want to impose the Hilary Clinton factor into everything

If this agent has shown lemming towards the right, the far left would be calling for him to step down and be fired.

See how the far left drones will not hold their own accountable.

Graham calls for Senate Judiciary hearing on McCabe firing

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday said he believes the Senate Judiciary Committee should hold a hearing on the firing of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe.

“I think we owe it to the average American to have a hearing in the judiciary committee where Attorney General Sessions comes forward with whatever documentation he has about the firing, and give Mr. McCabe the chance to defend himself,” Graham, a member of the panel, said on CNN’s “State of the Union."

“I believe when it comes to this issue we need as much transparency as possible to make sure it wasn’t politically motivated,” he added.

I think this is a good thing.

The way Sessions fired him, and the a remarkably low blow and stinks of partisanship over justice. Maybe it's deserved maybe not, but it should be looked at.

Why have Congress investigate it? I am sure the reports will be published soon and more likely he will be indicted on corruption charges.

Because we need the far left to claim he was fired because of Trump and not because he leaked information and lied.

Graham calls for Senate Judiciary hearing on McCabe firing

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday said he believes the Senate Judiciary Committee should hold a hearing on the firing of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe.

“I think we owe it to the average American to have a hearing in the judiciary committee where Attorney General Sessions comes forward with whatever documentation he has about the firing, and give Mr. McCabe the chance to defend himself,” Graham, a member of the panel, said on CNN’s “State of the Union."

“I believe when it comes to this issue we need as much transparency as possible to make sure it wasn’t politically motivated,” he added.

I think this is a good thing.

The way Sessions fired him, and the a remarkably low blow and stinks of partisanship over justice. Maybe it's deserved maybe not, but it should be looked at.

Why have Congress investigate it? I am sure the reports will be published soon and more likely he will be indicted on corruption charges.

And if he is, then that is fine too. But in the meantime the timing of his firing looks very political.
That requires a longer answer.

The short answer is look at your post about what is and is not obstruction and then look at my reply. It's not really about Trump it's just correcting you that there doesn't need to be an original crime in order for an obstruction of justice charge to be issued.

Logic says otherwise.

No, logic says when you obstruct justice then you are obstructing justice. I don't know how it could be clearer.

There has to be a crime for you to have justice. It's required. You can't have obstruction of an injustice can you?

Nope, I'll give you an example.

A car is stolen and John Doe is being investigated for it. The police interview his wife and she lies about his alibi. Turns out John Doe didn't steal the car but his wife has now obstructed justice and that is a crime.

Or, ya' know, Scooter Libby.

Sorry! You apparently know less about the law than a middle schooler. Scooter Libby was prosecuted for lying to the FBI. There is no such law for state and local officials. Ever wonder why?

He was for lying to the FBI and obstruction of justice.
Logic says otherwise.

No, logic says when you obstruct justice then you are obstructing justice. I don't know how it could be clearer.

There has to be a crime for you to have justice. It's required. You can't have obstruction of an injustice can you?

Nope, I'll give you an example.

A car is stolen and John Doe is being investigated for it. The police interview his wife and she lies about his alibi. Turns out John Doe didn't steal the car but his wife has now obstructed justice and that is a crime.

Or, ya' know, Scooter Libby.

Sorry! You apparently know less about the law than a middle schooler. Scooter Libby was prosecuted for lying to the FBI. There is no such law for state and local officials. Ever wonder why?

He was for lying to the FBI and obstruction of justice.

What was the crime he lied about?

Graham calls for Senate Judiciary hearing on McCabe firing

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday said he believes the Senate Judiciary Committee should hold a hearing on the firing of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe.

“I think we owe it to the average American to have a hearing in the judiciary committee where Attorney General Sessions comes forward with whatever documentation he has about the firing, and give Mr. McCabe the chance to defend himself,” Graham, a member of the panel, said on CNN’s “State of the Union."

“I believe when it comes to this issue we need as much transparency as possible to make sure it wasn’t politically motivated,” he added.
Personally, I think the firing was supported by what Horowitz said, and by who Horowitz is, but typically Trump let's his adolescent peevishness/vindictiveness get in the way of just letting it go.

The FBI was investigating Russia's possible use of the Trump campaign to influence American policy, and the FBI chose not to tell the public about this, at the same time it told us they were reopening an investigation of Hillary's emails, and that very probably altered the election's outcome. THAT clusterfuck of duplicity has rocked the FBI, and will for a generation, and ultimately nothing Trump does will make him look any better to a maj of voters.
No, logic says when you obstruct justice then you are obstructing justice. I don't know how it could be clearer.

There has to be a crime for you to have justice. It's required. You can't have obstruction of an injustice can you?

Nope, I'll give you an example.

A car is stolen and John Doe is being investigated for it. The police interview his wife and she lies about his alibi. Turns out John Doe didn't steal the car but his wife has now obstructed justice and that is a crime.

Or, ya' know, Scooter Libby.

Sorry! You apparently know less about the law than a middle schooler. Scooter Libby was prosecuted for lying to the FBI. There is no such law for state and local officials. Ever wonder why?

He was for lying to the FBI and obstruction of justice.

What was the crime he lied about?

Look it up.
There has to be a crime for you to have justice. It's required. You can't have obstruction of an injustice can you?

Nope, I'll give you an example.

A car is stolen and John Doe is being investigated for it. The police interview his wife and she lies about his alibi. Turns out John Doe didn't steal the car but his wife has now obstructed justice and that is a crime.

Or, ya' know, Scooter Libby.

Sorry! You apparently know less about the law than a middle schooler. Scooter Libby was prosecuted for lying to the FBI. There is no such law for state and local officials. Ever wonder why?

He was for lying to the FBI and obstruction of justice.

What was the crime he lied about?

Look it up.

I don't need to do that. The President corrected the error.
Do all fired FBI agents get a senate hearing to tell their side of the story or just the privileged DC swamp agents?

When their firing is direct proof of obstruction of justice by the president, yes. All FBI agents should get a senate hearing to tell their side of the story in that case.

LOL Trump didn't fire the guy, and the FBI followed all protocols required for firing any FBI agent, including a recommendation from an inspector general. Why do you people constantly lie and make shit up?

At the direction of the president.

Right and you have a shred of proof to support your claim? Of course you don't. :eusa_hand:

Not my job to have proof. That's what Muller is for, and he ain't going away. MAGA
View attachment 183282
Agree. But please in the future keep your wet dreams in your diapers where they belong. Thanks, sport.
Do all fired FBI agents get a senate hearing to tell their side of the story or just the privileged DC swamp agents?

When their firing is direct proof of obstruction of justice by the president, yes. All FBI agents should get a senate hearing to tell their side of the story in that case.

Are you claiming that the Inspector General recommended the firing so he could obstruct justice as well? Are you freaking kidding?
The timing of this firing was so blatantly punitive that it's begging to be investigated.

I realize what a high priority they place on keeping "the base" happy, but they don't operate in a vacuum.

Horowitz make the charges against McCabe that he directed others to leak to the press and that McCabe lied to him. Are you going to try to make the IG a tool of the President?

That's a heavy duty charge.
Do all fired FBI agents get a senate hearing to tell their side of the story or just the privileged DC swamp agents?

When their firing is direct proof of obstruction of justice by the president, yes. All FBI agents should get a senate hearing to tell their side of the story in that case.

Are you claiming that the Inspector General recommended the firing so he could obstruct justice as well? Are you freaking kidding?

Its pretty clear the left will lie and make shit up no matter the facts.
Nope, I'll give you an example.

A car is stolen and John Doe is being investigated for it. The police interview his wife and she lies about his alibi. Turns out John Doe didn't steal the car but his wife has now obstructed justice and that is a crime.

Or, ya' know, Scooter Libby.

Sorry! You apparently know less about the law than a middle schooler. Scooter Libby was prosecuted for lying to the FBI. There is no such law for state and local officials. Ever wonder why?

He was for lying to the FBI and obstruction of justice.

What was the crime he lied about?

Look it up.

I don't need to do that. The President corrected the error.

No, Libby was still found guilty and he had a hefty fine to pay and he has a criminal record. Bush only commuted his prison sentence.
Sorry! You apparently know less about the law than a middle schooler. Scooter Libby was prosecuted for lying to the FBI. There is no such law for state and local officials. Ever wonder why?

He was for lying to the FBI and obstruction of justice.

What was the crime he lied about?

Look it up.

I don't need to do that. The President corrected the error.

No, Libby was still found guilty and he had a hefty fine to pay and he has a criminal record. Bush only commuted his prison sentence.

So? The law as being enforced still sucks! Why don't you address that?
Do all fired FBI agents get a senate hearing to tell their side of the story or just the privileged DC swamp agents?

When their firing is direct proof of obstruction of justice by the president, yes. All FBI agents should get a senate hearing to tell their side of the story in that case.

Just exactly what crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Without a crime, there can be no obstruction.

Actually you can be convicted of obstruction of justice just for trying to stop a legal investigation.

You know- say if a President tried to stop the investigation of a blowjob in the White House- even though that wasn't a crime.

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