Gowdy: Witnesses are telling us of a stand-down order during Benghazi attack

I would not because they only had a partial understanding of what and where and when and how it was happening.

Where they located?
Well three of the CIA contractors who were there were issued a stand down order by their bosses.

They listened to the radio with State Department people yelling for help. The three said Fuck it and went anyway.

These three were on Fox news. They were there and saw what was happening as it happened.

I'd believe them first.
You would believe FOX? They make a nice buck pandering to the gullible and keeping them uninformed. Fact!
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Well three of the CIA contractors who were there were issued a stand down order by their bosses.

They listened to the radio with State Department people yelling for help. The three said Fuck it and went anyway.

These three were on Fox news. They were there and saw what was happening as it happened.

I'd believe them first.
You would believe FOX? They make a nice buck pandering to the gullible and keeping them uninformed. Fact!
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

Sure when the three men are right there telling what they know.

You believe MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and the rest of the left leaners??

Say it ain't so. Idiot.
Well three of the CIA contractors who were there were issued a stand down order by their bosses.

They listened to the radio with State Department people yelling for help. The three said Fuck it and went anyway.

These three were on Fox news. They were there and saw what was happening as it happened.

I'd believe them first.
You would believe FOX? They make a nice buck pandering to the gullible and keeping them uninformed. Fact!
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

Sure when the three men are right there telling what they know.

You believe MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and the rest of the left leaners??

Say it ain't so. Idiot.
FOX viewers should NEVER call someone an idiot and do you know why? If you own a cat or a goldfish I hope you treat them as your betters because they know more than you do. Fact!

University Study: Fox Viewers More Misinformed
Well three of the CIA contractors who were there were issued a stand down order by their bosses.

They listened to the radio with State Department people yelling for help. The three said Fuck it and went anyway.

These three were on Fox news. They were there and saw what was happening as it happened.

I'd believe them first.
You would believe FOX? They make a nice buck pandering to the gullible and keeping them uninformed. Fact!
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

Sure when the three men are right there telling what they know.

You believe MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and the rest of the left leaners??

Say it ain't so. Idiot.
FOX viewers should NEVER call someone an idiot and do you know why? If you own a cat or a goldfish I hope you treat them as your betters because they know more than you do. Fact!

University Study: Fox Viewers More Misinformed


You can't cure stupid and boy are you ever.
Well three of the CIA contractors who were there were issued a stand down order by their bosses.

They listened to the radio with State Department people yelling for help. The three said Fuck it and went anyway.

These three were on Fox news. They were there and saw what was happening as it happened.

I'd believe them first.
21 minutes Claudette, from when they got the first call, to when they left....and the person that supposedly told them to stand down, WENT with them.....they have proof through timestamps, cables sent, and video, that it was 21 minutes to assess all information.....

I'm certain this seemed like an eternity to the contractors, under the stress of it all.... but I don't think the guys got it right.
· The former security contractors who are telling their version of events in the media do not represent the totality of the two CIA rescue teams. Some individuals remain unnamed. Some security officers continue to serve the CIA in dangerous places around the world, and thus cannot disclose their testimony publicly.

· The totality of the evidence indicates that the CIA team departed for the State Department facility 21 minutes after first learning of the attack at 9:42 pm. While Mr. Paronto testified that he believed the call came earlier, the totality of evidence, which includes other eyewitness testimony, FBI reports from the initial eyewitness interviews, time-stamped video footage, and CIA emails and cables, shows that the notification came at 9:42 pm.

· It was a tactical decision of the leadership on the ground to attempt to gather more information about the attack at the TMF before authorizing the team’s departure. There is no evidence to suggest that, absent the delay, the team could have saved Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith.

o The CIA Security Chief led and participated in the rescue mission with the other officers. The Team Leader’s presence in the car supports the conclusion that the security team did not depart without authorization or contrary to orders.

o The Chief of Base and the CIA Security Chief were in charge and made sound decisions to let the team depart after gathering more facts and trying to raise additional and more heavily armed friendly militias to assist the team.

o This was not a standard military rescue operation. The CIA was not responsible for the security of the State Department Temporary Mission Facility, and the Chief of Base and CIA Security Chief had to consider other factors, including the safety of the remaining CIA personnel under their command at the Annex.

· The Committee did not receive any evidence that individuals in Washington, Tripoli, or elsewhere influenced the decision of the Chief of Base or the CIA Security Chief about when and whether to allow the security team to head to the TMF.
Well three of the CIA contractors who were there were issued a stand down order by their bosses.

They listened to the radio with State Department people yelling for help. The three said Fuck it and went anyway.

These three were on Fox news. They were there and saw what was happening as it happened.

I'd believe them first.
21 minutes Claudette, from when they got the first call, to when they left....and the person that supposedly told them to stand down, WENT with them.....they have proof through timestamps, cables sent, and video, that it was 21 minutes to assess all information.....

I'm certain this seemed like an eternity to the contractors, under the stress of it all.... but I don't think the guys got it right.
· The former security contractors who are telling their version of events in the media do not represent the totality of the two CIA rescue teams. Some individuals remain unnamed. Some security officers continue to serve the CIA in dangerous places around the world, and thus cannot disclose their testimony publicly.

· The totality of the evidence indicates that the CIA team departed for the State Department facility 21 minutes after first learning of the attack at 9:42 pm. While Mr. Paronto testified that he believed the call came earlier, the totality of evidence, which includes other eyewitness testimony, FBI reports from the initial eyewitness interviews, time-stamped video footage, and CIA emails and cables, shows that the notification came at 9:42 pm.

· It was a tactical decision of the leadership on the ground to attempt to gather more information about the attack at the TMF before authorizing the team’s departure. There is no evidence to suggest that, absent the delay, the team could have saved Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith.

o The CIA Security Chief led and participated in the rescue mission with the other officers. The Team Leader’s presence in the car supports the conclusion that the security team did not depart without authorization or contrary to orders.

o The Chief of Base and the CIA Security Chief were in charge and made sound decisions to let the team depart after gathering more facts and trying to raise additional and more heavily armed friendly militias to assist the team.

o This was not a standard military rescue operation. The CIA was not responsible for the security of the State Department Temporary Mission Facility, and the Chief of Base and CIA Security Chief had to consider other factors, including the safety of the remaining CIA personnel under their command at the Annex.

· The Committee did not receive any evidence that individuals in Washington, Tripoli, or elsewhere influenced the decision of the Chief of Base or the CIA Security Chief about when and whether to allow the security team to head to the TMF.

Well according to them they were told to stand down a command they ignored.

Of course the bosses could have wanted more info but the fact remains those three men went anyway.

Thanks for your post.
Well three of the CIA contractors who were there were issued a stand down order by their bosses.

They listened to the radio with State Department people yelling for help. The three said Fuck it and went anyway.

These three were on Fox news. They were there and saw what was happening as it happened.

I'd believe them first.
You would believe FOX? They make a nice buck pandering to the gullible and keeping them uninformed. Fact!
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

Sure when the three men are right there telling what they know.

You believe MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and the rest of the left leaners??

Say it ain't so. Idiot.
Do they tell what they know from the very place they were? or do they also tell things about stuff that happened away from where they were...in other words, hearsay?
"a number of witnesses had confirmed a stand-down order was given to military assets in proximity to Benghazi the night of the 2012 terror attack, while others said no one issued such an order."

Which is it?

( sigh )Stop looking for an argument. And don't be naive on top of being a Troll. I'm done.Shadow 355
Quit deflecting, little troll. Which is it? If Gowdy can't prove his claims, he doesn't count and his stories don't count.

You mean like your claim that you're a Republican yet everything you say supports Democrats?

I know what you are. You're a fence rider that jumps the way of the winner and because you won't pick a side, you can claim you supported the side that won. Your kind can't be trusted. You'd sell out your own family if it mean gaining something.
Well three of the CIA contractors who were there were issued a stand down order by their bosses.

They listened to the radio with State Department people yelling for help. The three said Fuck it and went anyway.

These three were on Fox news. They were there and saw what was happening as it happened.

I'd believe them first.
You would believe FOX? They make a nice buck pandering to the gullible and keeping them uninformed. Fact!
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

Sure when the three men are right there telling what they know.

You believe MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and the rest of the left leaners??

Say it ain't so. Idiot.
Do they tell what they know from the very place they were? or do they also tell things about stuff that happened away from where they were...in other words, hearsay?

Since they were listening to the State Department via the radio I'd make a guess that they weren't to far away. I fact they made it there in no time.
I think we need 9 more investigations....let the RW start a PAC to pay for them instead of stiffing the American Public.

Read the book.

Read the book/see the movie that both were written for profit.
However, 9 of the top military personnel who oversaw Benghazi/Libya, testified in front of the Armed Services Committee, under oath with supporting evidence. Below is a link to the transcripts, plus other corresponding evidence which lead Chairman McKeon to conclude there was not stand-down ordered.
I bet I have posted this link with all the conclusive evidence 2-3 dozens times. But the mouth-breathers refuse to believe the strongest conclusive evidence.
I doubt any of our residence tin-hat-wearers would ever take the time or use the effort to read all the evidence that this link provides. It's much easier and convenient for them to just believe their favorite hyper-partisan opinioned blog.
The link:
Committee Oversight of Benghazi Attack - Committee Actions - Armed Services Republicans
Last edited:
So you are telling us that they were not at the main building. Tell us how far away were they.

The three lying contractors were in the parking lot of the CIA Annex with the two vehicles during the fifteen minute tactical delay when the Chief of Base and the Security Team Leader were requesting a drone, gathering intelligence, assessing the situation, planning the rescue mission and trying to contact the local militia. When it became clear that the local militia could not provide any large caliber machine guns, the team leader went out ti the vehicles, got into the lead vehicle and the team departed the Annex.

Page 111 of 13 Hours, "After 20 minutes, possibly more, had elapsed since the first radio call had come from the compound, another call came in: If you guys don't get here, we're going to die."
The four operators got into the cars and then the team leader ended the phone call and also got in. Why the delay?

The CIA Annex Security Team Leader took the call for help from the RSO at the diplomatic mission on his cell phone. He ordered his second and four contractors to get their kits and prepare two vehicles. He then informed the Chief of Base. The COB and the team leader then proceeded to request a drone, gather intelligence on the number and weapons of the attackers, asses the situation, formulate a plan for the rescue team (taking into consideration the possibility of an ambush) and contact the local militia for assistance particularity in the form of heavy caliber machine guns). When it appeared that the local militia could not provide heavy caliber machine guns, the team leader went to the vehicles, entered the command seat in the lead vehicle and the team departed the Annex twenty one minutes after the team leader took the call for help from the RSO at the diplomatic mission.

He has to go along with the story given him.
I believe the 4 contractors, who begin to leave of their own volition, and the team leader followed their lead. The contractors previously services: Dave Benton, former Marine sergeant and swat team officer.
Mark (Oz) Geist spent 12 years in the Marine Corps; Kris (Tanto) Paronto was a member of the Army's 75h Regiment; Jack Sila was a former Navy Seal; John (Tig) Tiegen was a former Maine sergeant; and Tyrone (Rone) Woods was a former Navy Seal. These men knew what they were doing.
There are only three contractors lying about what happened. There were six members of the CIA rescue team. One was killed. The team leader and his second in command say there was no stand down order. So do other security officers who where in the Annex. The Chief of Base and his second say there was no stand down order. The HSPCI found that recordings from the CCTV system in the annex support those who say there was no stand down order.

"Bob" was given a special medal (in secret) for his roll.
Think about it.
Hillary Clinton said the family of the four dead Americans were lying when they said she told them their deaths were because of a video.
Who's lying?
The three lying contractors were in the parking lot of the CIA Annex with the two vehicles during the fifteen minute tactical delay when the Chief of Base and the Security Team Leader were requesting a drone, gathering intelligence, assessing the situation, planning the rescue mission and trying to contact the local militia. When it became clear that the local militia could not provide any large caliber machine guns, the team leader went out ti the vehicles, got into the lead vehicle and the team departed the Annex.

Page 111 of 13 Hours, "After 20 minutes, possibly more, had elapsed since the first radio call had come from the compound, another call came in: If you guys don't get here, we're going to die."
The four operators got into the cars and then the team leader ended the phone call and also got in. Why the delay?

The CIA Annex Security Team Leader took the call for help from the RSO at the diplomatic mission on his cell phone. He ordered his second and four contractors to get their kits and prepare two vehicles. He then informed the Chief of Base. The COB and the team leader then proceeded to request a drone, gather intelligence on the number and weapons of the attackers, asses the situation, formulate a plan for the rescue team (taking into consideration the possibility of an ambush) and contact the local militia for assistance particularity in the form of heavy caliber machine guns). When it appeared that the local militia could not provide heavy caliber machine guns, the team leader went to the vehicles, entered the command seat in the lead vehicle and the team departed the Annex twenty one minutes after the team leader took the call for help from the RSO at the diplomatic mission.

He has to go along with the story given him.
I believe the 4 contractors, who begin to leave of their own volition, and the team leader followed their lead. The contractors previously services: Dave Benton, former Marine sergeant and swat team officer.
Mark (Oz) Geist spent 12 years in the Marine Corps; Kris (Tanto) Paronto was a member of the Army's 75h Regiment; Jack Sila was a former Navy Seal; John (Tig) Tiegen was a former Maine sergeant; and Tyrone (Rone) Woods was a former Navy Seal. These men knew what they were doing.
There are only three contractors lying about what happened. There were six members of the CIA rescue team. One was killed. The team leader and his second in command say there was no stand down order. So do other security officers who where in the Annex. The Chief of Base and his second say there was no stand down order. The HSPCI found that recordings from the CCTV system in the annex support those who say there was no stand down order.
You know they want to believe anything that reflects negatively towards this Administration.

Why would the grieving families of the four dead Americans lie?
Hillary Clinton says she never told Benghazi victims' families ...
Typical far right partisanship: lie until their lips fall off.

The fact remains that the contractors' story is false.

Their story is accurate. Those brave men served their country and went back to serve it again.

Their story is full of lies. They were brave that night in Benghazi. In fact, their conduct was heroic.

Their lies about what happened is disgraceful and dishonorable.

May they live forever with their shame.

What is their motive to lie? What are the motives of the families of the four dead Americans to lie?
Why was "Bob" awarded publicly?
"Bob" was given a special medal (in secret) for his roll.
Think about it.
Hillary Clinton said the family of the four dead Americans were lying when they said she told them their deaths were because of a video.
Who's lying?
A medal for a roll? What a deal.
Gowdy: Witnesses are telling us of a stand-down order during Benghazi attack

The film 13 Hours depicts the brutal attack and sacking of our consulate in Benghazi from the perspective of the men who fought and died to defend it. The Michael Bay film depicts a unit of responders being given a “stand down” order, which critics claim perpetuates a debunked allegation that investigators have long since retired. Not so says Trey Gowdy, the chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, who wonders why people have reached conclusions before all the witnesses have had a chance to testify. In fact, some first-person witnesses insist to this day that such an order was given:
Rep.Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Wednesday that a number of witnesses had confirmed a stand-down order was given to military assets in proximity to Benghazi the night of the 2012 terror attack, while others said no one issued such an order.

“The best I can do is tell you what the witnesses say, and then you can decide who you think is more credible,” Gowdy said during an interview with Boston Herald Radio. …

“I don’t know why the mainstream media doesn’t understand that you have to talk to everyone before you draw conclusions,” Gowdy said, noting the committee has roughly 12 witnesses left to interview before winding down its investigation.
Politico reported last night on the controversy, fueled by a former Special Ops commando who fought in Benghazi. Kris Paronto insists he was given a stand-down order, and tells Rachel Bade that he’s not going to stay quiet to save someone’s political career:
With Michael Bay’s “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” set to premiere Thursday, the five surviving members of the six-man Benghazi security team have blitzed the airwaves to promote the film and renew their assertion that a top CIA officer delayed them from immediately answering State Department distress calls. Three even testified to the same before the House Select Committee on Benghazi last spring, several sources have confirmed to POLITICO.

“There is no sensationalism in that: We were told to ‘stand down,’” said former Special Forces Officer Kris Paronto, one of the CIA contractors who fought that night, in an interview with Politico. “Those words were used verbatim — 100 percent. … If the truth of it affects someone’s political career? Well, I’m sorry. It happens.” …
Lawmakers have grappled with the question of a stand-down order before, and several bipartisan reports on the attacks have found no evidence of such a command being passed down the chain. Moreover, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the CIA and the Defense Department have long dismissed the idea that anyone would have held back help.

But the renewed allegations have forced lawmakers to wrestle with the issue again, and Republicans in particular may find themselves in an awkward spot. If GOP members of the Benghazi panel dispute Paronto’s assertion, they could look like they’re disparaging Americans who fought and died in service of the country. But if they side with Paronto, investigators would directly contradict some big-name intelligence officials, including former CIA Director David Petraeus, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who say no one was ordered to stand down.
Yeah, well, finding out that Hillary Clinton and James Clapper might not have told the whole truth won’t be as big of a surprise as Bade surmises, nor as “awkward” for Republicans either. Republicans don’t have any reason to defend or attack Panetta, but Petraeus might be a little different for them. Nevertheless, much of that calculation depends on who and where that order might have originated; one or more of them might not have been in the command chain for such an order.

This puts the issue in the wrong direction, though. Isn’t it a little more awkward to call the men who fought to rescue Americans liars compared to assuming that politicians in Washington might have something to hide? What motivation does Paronto have to keep pressing this point? The motives for Hillary Clinton, James Clapper, and others in the chain of command to obfuscate this point — if true — are rather obvious.

Later this evening, I’ll finally get a chance to see 13 Hours. I hope to have a review up this weekend for it. In the meantime, Michael Bay may give Trey Gowdy an opening to reset the narrative.

I believe 4 of the 5 surviving members of the "commando" team trying to rescue consulate staff, including Stevens, were listed as co-authors on the original book by Mitchell Zuckoff. They wanted the un-politicised truth to be known. And Zuckoff considered their input important enough to give them co-author status. He says it is " a minute by minute account of what they saw thought and did on that Sept11/12 night in Benghazi. Important to note up-front again, there is no mention of Hillary Clinton in the movie. As told by the survivors the only "stand down" order that might have been issued came from the CIA station chief. Apparently he was trying to arrange rescue by local loyal Libyan forces or militia. And yes this angered the contractors. Here, I'll let you hear it from Kris Paronto, one of the contractors and co-authors of "!3 Hours". From an interview on CNN;

"Tuesday on CNN’s “The Lead,” former Army ranger and one of the CIA contractors who co-wrote the book “13 Hours” Kris Paronto discussed the film “13 Hours,” which tells the story of the five surviving CIA contractors during the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi and decried how the issue was being used politically.
Host Jake Tapper asked, “Let me ask you about the CIA station chief who gave an interview denying there was an order to stand down. The CIA in addition, reaching out to reporters, noting the House Intelligence Committee also concluded in their report, quote, no officer at CIA was ever told to stand down. Why do you think there’s a discrepancy with you and other contractors say?”
Paronto said, “Well, I think because of deaths, first of all. Nobody wants to take a responsibility for deaths, if there’s a possibility of a delay that caused the deaths, other than that, you know, I don’t know. We have said it on multiple occasions—we were told to wait twice, told to stand down—wouldn’t, we have testified to that as well. I think it just turns into a he said/she said. There’s nothing else I can do about it but just keep trying to tell people, hey, this is what happened. We’re the guys there. There’s no reason to not tell the truth. We have nothing to gain from it.”
Tapper asked, “Is it surprising to see the CIA actively challenging it?”

Paronto continued, “No because it doesn’t put them in a positive light. And that’s just how it is. That’s how the world works, brother. So, we’re—we know what happened. We’re going to keep telling it like it is. We were told to stand down. Told to wait twice, delayed a half hour, and it cost lives. Actually, we’ll keep testifying to that as well.”
He added, “It’s not a political movie. It shouldn’t be. The right shouldn’t be using it as a political movie as well. It’s a movie about courage and heroism. As long as the American people see it, I’m happy.”
He concluded, “We wanted to tell the truth, that’s the middle, the apolitical story of the courage on the ground. No, I’m not happy with it. We’re turning Benghazi into political fodder, it’s a political football. And the guys on the ground, when fighting, bullets don’t care if you’re conservative or liberal. You’re going to die either way. We want to show that we were there fighting. Didn’t care if you’re black, white, red, yellow, fighting together, trying to get each other home and trying to save lives and, again, just showing there’s courage no matter what political side you are or what faith you are or what ethnicity you are. It makes no difference.”
It's obvious this has turned into an intra-mural fight amongst the CIA and its contractors. The CIA station chief wanted to avoid his team being involved in the violence and ordered them to stand down while he tried to enlist some kind of Libyan support (which of course showed up hours late) and by the time the team ignored his order it was too late, if in fact they could have made it there in time in any case. Also they would have been badly out-gunned which only adds to their bravery which I don't think anybody is disputing. So it will be interesting to see if Gowdy's narrative backs up the on-the-ground contractors account or the CIA's cover-your-ass story.
Well three of the CIA contractors who were there were issued a stand down order by their bosses.

They listened to the radio with State Department people yelling for help. The three said Fuck it and went anyway.

These three were on Fox news. They were there and saw what was happening as it happened.

I'd believe them first.
You would believe FOX? They make a nice buck pandering to the gullible and keeping them uninformed. Fact!
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

Sure when the three men are right there telling what they know.

You believe MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and the rest of the left leaners??

Say it ain't so. Idiot.
Do they tell what they know from the very place they were? or do they also tell things about stuff that happened away from where they were...in other words, hearsay?

The operators were at the annex when the calls came in for help; a total of 3. They ignored orders to stand down and proceeded to the compound where the Ambassador was located, but it was too late.
Did George Washington really cross the Delaware on 12/26/1776 or was it hearsay?
Page 111 of 13 Hours, "After 20 minutes, possibly more, had elapsed since the first radio call had come from the compound, another call came in: If you guys don't get here, we're going to die."
The four operators got into the cars and then the team leader ended the phone call and also got in. Why the delay?

The CIA Annex Security Team Leader took the call for help from the RSO at the diplomatic mission on his cell phone. He ordered his second and four contractors to get their kits and prepare two vehicles. He then informed the Chief of Base. The COB and the team leader then proceeded to request a drone, gather intelligence on the number and weapons of the attackers, asses the situation, formulate a plan for the rescue team (taking into consideration the possibility of an ambush) and contact the local militia for assistance particularity in the form of heavy caliber machine guns). When it appeared that the local militia could not provide heavy caliber machine guns, the team leader went to the vehicles, entered the command seat in the lead vehicle and the team departed the Annex twenty one minutes after the team leader took the call for help from the RSO at the diplomatic mission.

He has to go along with the story given him.
I believe the 4 contractors, who begin to leave of their own volition, and the team leader followed their lead. The contractors previously services: Dave Benton, former Marine sergeant and swat team officer.
Mark (Oz) Geist spent 12 years in the Marine Corps; Kris (Tanto) Paronto was a member of the Army's 75h Regiment; Jack Sila was a former Navy Seal; John (Tig) Tiegen was a former Maine sergeant; and Tyrone (Rone) Woods was a former Navy Seal. These men knew what they were doing.
There are only three contractors lying about what happened. There were six members of the CIA rescue team. One was killed. The team leader and his second in command say there was no stand down order. So do other security officers who where in the Annex. The Chief of Base and his second say there was no stand down order. The HSPCI found that recordings from the CCTV system in the annex support those who say there was no stand down order.

"Bob" was given a special medal (in secret) for his roll.
Think about it.
Hillary Clinton said the family of the four dead Americans were lying when they said she told them their deaths were because of a video.
Who's lying?
A medal for a roll? What a deal.

What would you know about the men and women who serve this country. You're a waiter, yes?
Gowdy: Witnesses are telling us of a stand-down order during Benghazi attack

The film 13 Hours depicts the brutal attack and sacking of our consulate in Benghazi from the perspective of the men who fought and died to defend it. The Michael Bay film depicts a unit of responders being given a “stand down” order, which critics claim perpetuates a debunked allegation that investigators have long since retired. Not so says Trey Gowdy, the chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, who wonders why people have reached conclusions before all the witnesses have had a chance to testify. In fact, some first-person witnesses insist to this day that such an order was given:
Rep.Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Wednesday that a number of witnesses had confirmed a stand-down order was given to military assets in proximity to Benghazi the night of the 2012 terror attack, while others said no one issued such an order.

“The best I can do is tell you what the witnesses say, and then you can decide who you think is more credible,” Gowdy said during an interview with Boston Herald Radio. …

“I don’t know why the mainstream media doesn’t understand that you have to talk to everyone before you draw conclusions,” Gowdy said, noting the committee has roughly 12 witnesses left to interview before winding down its investigation.
Politico reported last night on the controversy, fueled by a former Special Ops commando who fought in Benghazi. Kris Paronto insists he was given a stand-down order, and tells Rachel Bade that he’s not going to stay quiet to save someone’s political career:
With Michael Bay’s “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” set to premiere Thursday, the five surviving members of the six-man Benghazi security team have blitzed the airwaves to promote the film and renew their assertion that a top CIA officer delayed them from immediately answering State Department distress calls. Three even testified to the same before the House Select Committee on Benghazi last spring, several sources have confirmed to POLITICO.

“There is no sensationalism in that: We were told to ‘stand down,’” said former Special Forces Officer Kris Paronto, one of the CIA contractors who fought that night, in an interview with Politico. “Those words were used verbatim — 100 percent. … If the truth of it affects someone’s political career? Well, I’m sorry. It happens.” …
Lawmakers have grappled with the question of a stand-down order before, and several bipartisan reports on the attacks have found no evidence of such a command being passed down the chain. Moreover, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the CIA and the Defense Department have long dismissed the idea that anyone would have held back help.

But the renewed allegations have forced lawmakers to wrestle with the issue again, and Republicans in particular may find themselves in an awkward spot. If GOP members of the Benghazi panel dispute Paronto’s assertion, they could look like they’re disparaging Americans who fought and died in service of the country. But if they side with Paronto, investigators would directly contradict some big-name intelligence officials, including former CIA Director David Petraeus, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who say no one was ordered to stand down.
Yeah, well, finding out that Hillary Clinton and James Clapper might not have told the whole truth won’t be as big of a surprise as Bade surmises, nor as “awkward” for Republicans either. Republicans don’t have any reason to defend or attack Panetta, but Petraeus might be a little different for them. Nevertheless, much of that calculation depends on who and where that order might have originated; one or more of them might not have been in the command chain for such an order.

This puts the issue in the wrong direction, though. Isn’t it a little more awkward to call the men who fought to rescue Americans liars compared to assuming that politicians in Washington might have something to hide? What motivation does Paronto have to keep pressing this point? The motives for Hillary Clinton, James Clapper, and others in the chain of command to obfuscate this point — if true — are rather obvious.

Later this evening, I’ll finally get a chance to see 13 Hours. I hope to have a review up this weekend for it. In the meantime, Michael Bay may give Trey Gowdy an opening to reset the narrative.

I believe 4 of the 5 surviving members of the "commando" team trying to rescue consulate staff, including Stevens, were listed as co-authors on the original book by Mitchell Zuckoff. They wanted the un-politicised truth to be known. And Zuckoff considered their input important enough to give them co-author status. He says it is " a minute by minute account of what they saw thought and did on that Sept11/12 night in Benghazi. Important to note up-front again, there is no mention of Hillary Clinton in the movie. As told by the survivors the only "stand down" order that might have been issued came from the CIA station chief. Apparently he was trying to arrange rescue by local loyal Libyan forces or militia. And yes this angered the contractors. Here, I'll let you hear it from Kris Paronto, one of the contractors and co-authors of "!3 Hours". From an interview on CNN;

"Tuesday on CNN’s “The Lead,” former Army ranger and one of the CIA contractors who co-wrote the book “13 Hours” Kris Paronto discussed the film “13 Hours,” which tells the story of the five surviving CIA contractors during the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi and decried how the issue was being used politically.
Host Jake Tapper asked, “Let me ask you about the CIA station chief who gave an interview denying there was an order to stand down. The CIA in addition, reaching out to reporters, noting the House Intelligence Committee also concluded in their report, quote, no officer at CIA was ever told to stand down. Why do you think there’s a discrepancy with you and other contractors say?”
Paronto said, “Well, I think because of deaths, first of all. Nobody wants to take a responsibility for deaths, if there’s a possibility of a delay that caused the deaths, other than that, you know, I don’t know. We have said it on multiple occasions—we were told to wait twice, told to stand down—wouldn’t, we have testified to that as well. I think it just turns into a he said/she said. There’s nothing else I can do about it but just keep trying to tell people, hey, this is what happened. We’re the guys there. There’s no reason to not tell the truth. We have nothing to gain from it.”
Tapper asked, “Is it surprising to see the CIA actively challenging it?”

Paronto continued, “No because it doesn’t put them in a positive light. And that’s just how it is. That’s how the world works, brother. So, we’re—we know what happened. We’re going to keep telling it like it is. We were told to stand down. Told to wait twice, delayed a half hour, and it cost lives. Actually, we’ll keep testifying to that as well.”
He added, “It’s not a political movie. It shouldn’t be. The right shouldn’t be using it as a political movie as well. It’s a movie about courage and heroism. As long as the American people see it, I’m happy.”
He concluded, “We wanted to tell the truth, that’s the middle, the apolitical story of the courage on the ground. No, I’m not happy with it. We’re turning Benghazi into political fodder, it’s a political football. And the guys on the ground, when fighting, bullets don’t care if you’re conservative or liberal. You’re going to die either way. We want to show that we were there fighting. Didn’t care if you’re black, white, red, yellow, fighting together, trying to get each other home and trying to save lives and, again, just showing there’s courage no matter what political side you are or what faith you are or what ethnicity you are. It makes no difference.”
It's obvious this has turned into an intra-mural fight amongst the CIA and its contractors. The CIA station chief wanted to avoid his team being involved in the violence and ordered them to stand down while he tried to enlist some kind of Libyan support (which of course showed up hours late) and by the time the team ignored his order it was too late, if in fact they could have made it there in time in any case. Also they would have been badly out-gunned which only adds to their bravery which I don't think anybody is disputing. So it will be interesting to see if Gowdy's narrative backs up the on-the-ground contractors account or the CIA's cover-your-ass story.

That is probably what the three on FOX news were talking about.

They did receive a stand down order from their bosses and as you say. It was probably so the boss could get more info.

The three went though and it didn't take them long to get there. They helped remove most of the people from the consulate but couldn't find Stevens.

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