Gowdy fabricated redactions on Clinton's email to make it look like she'd outed a spy

1st post
hillary is struggling to remain relevant

she isnt "ripping' anything you laughable idiot! lol
you may be right look :ahole-1:

Clinton opens 31 point lead....

Clinton, judged winner of debate, holds big national lead over Sanders

By a wide margin, Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents rated Clinton over Sanders as the winner of last week’s debate in Las Vegas.

Clinton currently leads the Democratic race with the support of 54 percent of registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents. .... Sanders runs second at 23 percent, almost identical to his September number.

More than seven in 10 Democrats say that Clinton has the best chance of the party’s candidates to win the general election..... Just one in five cite Sanders as the party’s strongest candidate.
oh my God!!

stop the presses!1 she's opened up a big lead over the ancient white Socialist guy!!

ur a joke; continue making me laugh please idiot! ;)
If you heard in this message board or the media that Hillary Clinton outed a CIA source in an email, disregard, as it was just proved to be a lie. the CIA itself has said it's nobody was outed.


Full letter: http://democrats.benghazi.house.gov...uments/2015_10_18_EEC_to_TG_re_CIA_Source.pdf
Update: Newsweek reviewed the committee's correspondence and confirmed that CIA said no classified information was transmitted in the email, and no redaction was required.
If you heard in this message board or the media that Hillary Clinton outed a CIA source in an email, disregard, as it was just proved to be a lie. the CIA itself has said it's nobody was outed.


Full letter: http://democrats.benghazi.house.gov...uments/2015_10_18_EEC_to_TG_re_CIA_Source.pdf
Newsweek confirms that the CIA food nothing wrong with the emails. http://www.newsweek.com/another-bad...592?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

More importantly, even if this were true it still doesn't change the fact that she had classified material on her server and outed a CIA agent in the field. The inspection of her server was confirmed done via the New York Times by the Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III early last month:


This is no way acquits Hillary of wrongdoing. Gowdy already has all he needs. She's caught in a web of deception so big it would make Spider Man proud.

The FBI is pissed off now, so they're not going to play lapdogs anymore. It's out of her hands now, literally.
it's all a right wing fabrication of spun lies....you've been duped from the get go...
If you heard in this message board or the media that Hillary Clinton outed a CIA source in an email, disregard, as it was just proved to be a lie. the CIA itself has said it's nobody was outed.


Full letter: http://democrats.benghazi.house.gov...uments/2015_10_18_EEC_to_TG_re_CIA_Source.pdf
Update: Newsweek reviewed the committee's correspondence and confirmed that CIA said no classified information was transmitted in the email, and no redaction was required.
If you heard in this message board or the media that Hillary Clinton outed a CIA source in an email, disregard, as it was just proved to be a lie. the CIA itself has said it's nobody was outed.


Full letter: http://democrats.benghazi.house.gov...uments/2015_10_18_EEC_to_TG_re_CIA_Source.pdf
Newsweek confirms that the CIA food nothing wrong with the emails. http://www.newsweek.com/another-bad...592?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

More importantly, even if this were true it still doesn't change the fact that she had classified material on her server and outed a CIA agent in the field. The inspection of her server was confirmed done via the New York Times by the Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III early last month:


This is no way acquits Hillary of wrongdoing. Gowdy already has all he needs. She's caught in a web of deception so big it would make Spider Man proud.

The FBI is pissed off now, so they're not going to play lapdogs anymore. It's out of her hands now, literally.
it's all a right wing fabrication of spun lies....you've been duped from the get go...

then why is obama having his FBI investigate her you moron?

are you admitting it's all a show and obama is lying again????
5th post
Poor Inbred suck hole Trey Gowdy ...Banjo playing crazed nut bag is sad ....so sad....

Gowdy on criticism of Benghazi committee: 'These have been among the worst weeks of my life'
Source: Politico


House Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor, used to get death threats in his previous line of work. But watching his Benghazi investigation get slammed by accusations that it’s a partisan assault on Hillary Clinton is actually much worse, he says.

“I would say in some ways these have been among the worst weeks of my life,” Gowdy said this weekend during a lengthy interview with POLITICO. “Attacks on your character, attacks on your motives, are 1,000-times worse than anything you can do to anybody physically — at least it is for me.”

Gowdy faces the biggest moment of his political career when he squares off with Clinton this Thursday. But as the chairman prepares for the showdown, he’s facing increasing pressure to salvage his panel’s reputation — and perhaps his own.

Gowdy worked behind closed doors for 18 months in an effort to keep the committee’s work out of the political fray. But his strategy started unraveling after three Republicans suggested the committee was aimed at hurting Clinton in the polls. Democrats pounced, newspaper editorials called for the panel to be disbanded, and now there are calls from commentators of all stripes for Gowdy to reveal what he’s uncovered

Read more: 'These have been among the worst weeks of my life'

What has the committee been doing all this time, besides setting up and partaking in gun parties and wine parties?

Gowdy is TOAST!


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Gowdy is toast leftard?

exactly how so??

seems to be pretty secure in his position to me

libs are morons who lie to themselves
You know that the Benghazi issue is a phony scandal because the Republicans spent much time and effort in attempt to pin it on President Obama. Only to pivot and focus the "scandal" on Hillary Clinton the INSTANT Barack won his second election in a landslide.

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You know that the Benghazi issue is a phony scandal because the Republicans spent much time and effort in attempt to pin it on President Obama. Only to pivot and focus the "scandal" on Hillary Clinton the INSTANT Barack won his second election in a landslide.
Landslide? No, it's still a real issue, sorry if those four lives were meaningless to you. The stonewalling won't stop it though. obama never takes responsibility for his screw ups but it will haunt the next nominee.
10th post
You know that the Benghazi issue is a phony scandal because the Republicans spent much time and effort in attempt to pin it on President Obama. Only to pivot and focus the "scandal" on Hillary Clinton the INSTANT Barack won his second election in a landslide.
Landslide? No, it's still a real issue, sorry if those four lives were meaningless to you. The stonewalling won't stop it though. obama never takes responsibility for his screw ups but it will haunt the next nominee.
Thanks for admitting that this Benghazi issue is a phony scandal who's sole purpose is to politically harm our next President, Hillary Clinton.

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Last edited:
This is where you are a little confused. Stevens WAS safe in Tripoli, which is where the EMBASSY is located. He made the CHOICE to go to Benghazi on September 11, despite the anniversary, despite the fact there was unrest all over the middle east over the Mohammed Video, despite a lot of warnings that Benghazi was not secure.

Sorry, but the 'law' according to 'nuhuh' around here is either post a link to back what you're saying or you lie.

This is the 1st I have heard of Steven making the decision to go to Benghazi on his own after the Lead in Tripoli declared he had enough people to protect the airport but not to protect Stevens.

This doesn't jive with what Stevens was saying REPEATEDLY at the time, according to his own e-mails. His e-mails reveal he was pointing out that the security he was given did not meet minimum State Dept standards and warned that if he did not get more security and a 3rd terrorist attack on his compound occurred he would be killed. Stevens doesn't strike me as a stupid man who would warn his superiors that he was going to die without extra security but who went to Benghazi on his own after all that happened and was being called for on 9/11 knowing he did not have that extra security.

Not saying it did not happen, but it makes absolutely NO sense.
You know that the Benghazi issue is a phony scandal because the Republicans spent much time and effort in attempt to pin it on President Obama. Only to pivot and focus the "scandal" on Hillary Clinton the INSTANT Barack won his second election in a landslide.

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i love the way you idiots just pull something out of your ass and throw it out there, not even believing it yourself.
i do agree it is still obama that needs to be investigated ALONG WITH Hillary though. Didnt the freakin CIA DIRECTOR'S EMAIL JUST GET HACKED THE OTHER DAY???
clearly safegaurding data in the obama administration has been a MASSIVE FAILURE

libs are losers who lie to themselves
You know that the Benghazi issue is a phony scandal because the Republicans spent much time and effort in attempt to pin it on President Obama. Only to pivot and focus the "scandal" on Hillary Clinton the INSTANT Barack won his second election in a landslide.
Landslide? No, it's still a real issue, sorry if those four lives were meaningless to you. The stonewalling won't stop it though. obama never takes responsibility for his screw ups but it will haunt the next nominee.
Thanks for admitting that this Benghazi issue is a phony scandal who's sole purpose is to politically harm our next President, Hillary Clinton.

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again; simplistic, "ignant" and dull lib minds just glean the "conclusion" they want to when they read something, not what was actually said
If you heard in this message board or the media that Hillary Clinton outed a CIA source in an email, disregard, as it was just proved to be a lie. the CIA itself has said it's nobody was outed.


Full letter: http://democrats.benghazi.house.gov...uments/2015_10_18_EEC_to_TG_re_CIA_Source.pdf

Now with Gowdy having made public the name of a highly classified CIA asset
for intell on Libya, will the Republicans demand 7-Investigations and waste over $4,000,000.00?

Gowdy claims human error. Gowdy did redact the name of Libyan Defector isn the body of the email, but not from the subject line. Gowdy does not know how to handle classified information.

Or Gowdy transmitted intelligence that he did not at the time know was classified, kinda like Hilary did.
Hilary is a triton and should be in jail and because of her and the president good men died for Thier political machinations

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