Gov't Shutdown is Bush's Fault and Here's Proof


Platinum Member
Apr 9, 2012
[ame=]Is the Government Shutdown Bush's Fault? - YouTube[/ame]​

Nothing more needs to be said. The title says it all. Stop blaming the Tea Party, Dems, Reid, Obama, Republicans or Cruz. Wake up America!

Nothing more needs to be said. The title says it all. Stop blaming the Tea Party, Dems, Reid, Obama, Republicans or Cruz. Wake up America!

top reasons to blame Bush
5. because of Bush's trillions in war spending that Democrats protested, but never forced corrupt corporate contractors to pay back to taxpayers, which could have funded health care
4. because he "allowed 9/11 to happen," which cost billions in losses to the US economy
3. because he gave out federal vouchers to Katrina evacuees instead of Obamaphones
2. in order to blame Obama for overextending war powers, Bush has to be blamed also
1. because hatred of Bush got Obama elected in the first place
Let us not forget that ObamaCare is also Bush's Fault!!

If it was not for Bush, the Democrats would not have taken over all branches of govwernment, and we would not be forced to enroll into the lefts "Death panel's" due to the inability of passing a Bill by a branch of government controlled by Conservatives!!

See, Obamacare==Bush Fault!!

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