Governor Cuomo Does a Tap Dance.


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
They want to hang Cuomo for committing negligent homicide on more than 6,000 nursing homes residents with the weapon of stupidity---and he is doing a tap dance like you have not seen. Read this in answer to getting an independent review of all the deaths---as the family of the many deceased are demanding.:

“There is no such thing as a person who is trusted by all Democrats and Republicans. That person doesn’t exist. The Department of Health, those are just numbers. They report our numbers. You can see what you want in the numbers. But the numbers are the numbers. You can politically spin numbers, but those numbers are numbers. And, as you know, the Department of Health review was then reviewed by credible industry experts, right? So, to your point about, why don’t you get independent experts to review the numbers? We did. So, well, people don’t think they’re independent experts. I know. Because nobody’s ever going to agree on who an independent expert is.”


That's more than tap dancing. That's Jean Butler and Michael Flatley level River Dancing.

I think Cuomo got people who work for him (owe their jobs to him) to look at how everything went down, and they gave him a clean bill of health, and blamed Trump instead---and, apparently, not even the New York Media is buying that.


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They want to hang Cuomo for committing negligent homicide on more than 6,000 nursing homes residents with the weapon of stupidity---and he is doing a tap dance like you have not seen. Read this in answer to getting an independent review of all the deaths---as the family of the many deceased are demanding.:

“There is no such thing as a person who is trusted by all Democrats and Republicans. That person doesn’t exist. The Department of Health, those are just numbers. They report our numbers. You can see what you want in the numbers. But the numbers are the numbers. You can politically spin numbers, but those numbers are numbers. And, as you know, the Department of Health review was then reviewed by credible industry experts, right? So, to your point about, why don’t you get independent experts to review the numbers? We did. So, well, people don’t think they’re independent experts. I know. Because nobody’s ever going to agree on who an independent expert is.”


That's more than tap dancing. That's Jean Butler and Michael Flatley level River Dancing.

I think Cuomo got people who work for him (owe their jobs to him) to look at how everything went down, and they gave him a clean bill of health, and blamed Trump instead---and, apparently, not even the New York Media is buying that.


What a fucking idiot..............

You can't find anyone who is independent, so just take our word for it.

New Yorkers are morons for voting for this murdering fuckwit.
They want to hang Cuomo for committing negligent homicide on more than 6,000 nursing homes residents with the weapon of stupidity---and he is doing a tap dance like you have not seen. Read this in answer to getting an independent review of all the deaths---as the family of the many deceased are demanding.:

“There is no such thing as a person who is trusted by all Democrats and Republicans. That person doesn’t exist. The Department of Health, those are just numbers. They report our numbers. You can see what you want in the numbers. But the numbers are the numbers. You can politically spin numbers, but those numbers are numbers. And, as you know, the Department of Health review was then reviewed by credible industry experts, right? So, to your point about, why don’t you get independent experts to review the numbers? We did. So, well, people don’t think they’re independent experts. I know. Because nobody’s ever going to agree on who an independent expert is.”


That's more than tap dancing. That's Jean Butler and Michael Flatley level River Dancing.

I think Cuomo got people who work for him (owe their jobs to him) to look at how everything went down, and they gave him a clean bill of health, and blamed Trump instead---and, apparently, not even the New York Media is buying that.


Tap dance, that was a full on choreographed Hollywood hit!

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