Governor Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide

I just can't help but wonder "Why now?" This purportedly happen 4 years ago, so why now? Why are all of these people making all of these allegations NOW?

This looks like a concerted and coordinated attack to take down Cuomo. But why?

Maybe now that it's out he hid the records of all the old people he killed, it was the straw that broke the camels back for her.
Gov. Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide | Fox News

A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accusing the embattled New York leader of sexually harassing her -- including unwanted kissing and touching -- and says his top female staffers "normalized" the behavior.
"Let’s play strip poker," Boylan said Cuomo remarked on a flight from an event in October 2017, according to an essay she wrote on Medium published Wednesday.
In another encounter in December 2016, Boylan said Cuomo arranged through a handler to meet her in his Albany office, to which she agreed reluctantly. She said he gave her a tour of his office, "smirked" and showed off a cigar box he said was given to him by former President Bill Clinton while he served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Boylan said she interpreted that to be an innuendo referencing the affair between Clinton and his then-intern Monica Lewinsky in the mid-1990s. :lol:

Boylan said his behavior "was all so normalized — particularly by Melissa DeRosa and other top women around him — that only now do I realize how insidious his abuse was."

It keeps getting worse for ol' Cuomo

I just can't help but wonder "Why now?" This purportedly happen 4 years ago, so why now? Why are all of these people making all of these allegations NOW?

This looks like a concerted and coordinated attack to take down Cuomo. But why?
How about killing seniors and small businesses as a reason to take him down? Works for me.
Were you this curious concerning Kavanagh?

Not at all. Here is one of her comments regarding Kavanaugh:

Brett Kavenaugh deserves everything he got and more. He should not have been nominated, much less confirmed. Now you have two sexually abusive creeps on the SC. Not a good look. Kavenaugh is, was, and always shall be a "tainted" justice. His anger and partisan behaviour in the confirmation hearing demonstrated his unfitness for office.

The White House prevented the FBI from completing any kind of proper investigation of Kavenaugh and his past.

Gov. Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide | Fox News

A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accusing the embattled New York leader of sexually harassing her -- including unwanted kissing and touching -- and says his top female staffers "normalized" the behavior.
"Let’s play strip poker," Boylan said Cuomo remarked on a flight from an event in October 2017, according to an essay she wrote on Medium published Wednesday.
In another encounter in December 2016, Boylan said Cuomo arranged through a handler to meet her in his Albany office, to which she agreed reluctantly. She said he gave her a tour of his office, "smirked" and showed off a cigar box he said was given to him by former President Bill Clinton while he served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Boylan said she interpreted that to be an innuendo referencing the affair between Clinton and his then-intern Monica Lewinsky in the mid-1990s. :lol:

Boylan said his behavior "was all so normalized — particularly by Melissa DeRosa and other top women around him — that only now do I realize how insidious his abuse was."

It keeps getting worse for ol' Cuomo

Every dog has it's day. Puss hound Cuomo is having his.
Were you this curious concerning Kavanagh?

Oh, and here is another Dragonlady gem from the same topic.

Kavenaugh sexually assaulted that girl and others who were NOT allowed to testify, and who the FBI were not allowed to interview.

I realize for a dumbass like you, women being assaulted is no big deal, and she probably asked for it, but for the women who make up more than 50% of your voters, Kavenaugh will always be that entitled prep school asshole who thought he could do ANYTHING he wanted to that girl. We've all met dozens of assholes just like him, and dozens of assholes just like you, who will back him up.
Were you this curious concerning Kavanagh?

Oh, and here is another Dragonlady gem from the same topic.

Kavenaugh sexually assaulted that girl and others who were NOT allowed to testify, and who the FBI were not allowed to interview.

I realize for a dumbass like you, women being assaulted is no big deal, and she probably asked for it, but for the women who make up more than 50% of your voters, Kavenaugh will always be that entitled prep school asshole who thought he could do ANYTHING he wanted to that girl. We've all met dozens of assholes just like him, and dozens of assholes just like you, who will back him up.
DL is such a piece of shit.
Were you this curious concerning Kavanagh?

Oh, and here is another Dragonlady gem from the same topic.

Kavenaugh sexually assaulted that girl and others who were NOT allowed to testify, and who the FBI were not allowed to interview.

I realize for a dumbass like you, women being assaulted is no big deal, and she probably asked for it, but for the women who make up more than 50% of your voters, Kavenaugh will always be that entitled prep school asshole who thought he could do ANYTHING he wanted to that girl. We've all met dozens of assholes just like him, and dozens of assholes just like you, who will back him up.
haha buuuuuuuuuuuusted
Let’s see how this plays out. This absolutely needs to be investigated.

That being said, Governor Cuomo deserves to be impeached by the NY legislature for the nursing home disgrace.
Gov. Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide | Fox News

A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accusing the embattled New York leader of sexually harassing her -- including unwanted kissing and touching -- and says his top female staffers "normalized" the behavior.
"Let’s play strip poker," Boylan said Cuomo remarked on a flight from an event in October 2017, according to an essay she wrote on Medium published Wednesday.
In another encounter in December 2016, Boylan said Cuomo arranged through a handler to meet her in his Albany office, to which she agreed reluctantly. She said he gave her a tour of his office, "smirked" and showed off a cigar box he said was given to him by former President Bill Clinton while he served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Boylan said she interpreted that to be an innuendo referencing the affair between Clinton and his then-intern Monica Lewinsky in the mid-1990s. :lol:

Boylan said his behavior "was all so normalized — particularly by Melissa DeRosa and other top women around him — that only now do I realize how insidious his abuse was."

It keeps getting worse for ol' Cuomo

I just can't help but wonder "Why now?" This purportedly happen 4 years ago, so why now? Why are all of these people making all of these allegations NOW?

This looks like a concerted and coordinated attack to take down Cuomo. But why?

My guess is because he's a vile piece of shit that ordered sick people to their deaths. But that's just a guess.
Let’s see how this plays out. This absolutely needs to be investigated.

That being said, Governor Cuomo deserves to be impeached by the NY legislature for the nursing home disgrace.

No, he deserves to be indicted and jailed for the rest of his miserable life. Remember, "no one is above the law!"
Gov. Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide | Fox News

A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accusing the embattled New York leader of sexually harassing her -- including unwanted kissing and touching -- and says his top female staffers "normalized" the behavior.
"Let’s play strip poker," Boylan said Cuomo remarked on a flight from an event in October 2017, according to an essay she wrote on Medium published Wednesday.
In another encounter in December 2016, Boylan said Cuomo arranged through a handler to meet her in his Albany office, to which she agreed reluctantly. She said he gave her a tour of his office, "smirked" and showed off a cigar box he said was given to him by former President Bill Clinton while he served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Boylan said she interpreted that to be an innuendo referencing the affair between Clinton and his then-intern Monica Lewinsky in the mid-1990s. :lol:

Boylan said his behavior "was all so normalized — particularly by Melissa DeRosa and other top women around him — that only now do I realize how insidious his abuse was."

It keeps getting worse for ol' Cuomo
I suppose it could have happened. I have never actually heard a dude suggesting to play strip poker. It has almost always been the hottest chicken in the room after she sized up the competition.
Gov. Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide | Fox News

A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accusing the embattled New York leader of sexually harassing her -- including unwanted kissing and touching -- and says his top female staffers "normalized" the behavior.
"Let’s play strip poker," Boylan said Cuomo remarked on a flight from an event in October 2017, according to an essay she wrote on Medium published Wednesday.
In another encounter in December 2016, Boylan said Cuomo arranged through a handler to meet her in his Albany office, to which she agreed reluctantly. She said he gave her a tour of his office, "smirked" and showed off a cigar box he said was given to him by former President Bill Clinton while he served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Boylan said she interpreted that to be an innuendo referencing the affair between Clinton and his then-intern Monica Lewinsky in the mid-1990s. :lol:

Boylan said his behavior "was all so normalized — particularly by Melissa DeRosa and other top women around him — that only now do I realize how insidious his abuse was."

It keeps getting worse for ol' Cuomo
I suppose it could have happened. I have never actually heard a dude suggesting to play strip poker. It has almost always been the hottest chicken in the room after she sized up the competition.

Cuomo allegedly showed her a cigar box that 'Bubba' gave him!

An alleged true story!
Gov. Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide | Fox News

A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accusing the embattled New York leader of sexually harassing her -- including unwanted kissing and touching -- and says his top female staffers "normalized" the behavior.
"Let’s play strip poker," Boylan said Cuomo remarked on a flight from an event in October 2017, according to an essay she wrote on Medium published Wednesday.
In another encounter in December 2016, Boylan said Cuomo arranged through a handler to meet her in his Albany office, to which she agreed reluctantly. She said he gave her a tour of his office, "smirked" and showed off a cigar box he said was given to him by former President Bill Clinton while he served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Boylan said she interpreted that to be an innuendo referencing the affair between Clinton and his then-intern Monica Lewinsky in the mid-1990s. :lol:

Boylan said his behavior "was all so normalized — particularly by Melissa DeRosa and other top women around him — that only now do I realize how insidious his abuse was."

It keeps getting worse for ol' Cuomo

Has anybody tried to blame Trump for this yet?
I did, but it said the Trump card I used was past its limit.

Just tell them it is a BLM emergency and they will let it slide.
feel it slipping away yet---mary-o. cuomo the homo is a mass murderer and deserves the death penalty.

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