Government Motors?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
First off I should say I spent a summer of misguided youth working at GM's Saginaw Steering Gear. Back then a guy could get his head taken off and the line would keep moving. GM frequently got caught speeding up the line by 20 seconds to get free labor out of the UAW. In other words, Detroit has a long history of pissing on it's worker's shoes to make money. Now GM has crossed Trump. The Never-Trumpers will accuse him of "siding with labor" for this. The Toyota fans will claim GM is still a colossal collection of assholes, even after the bailout. And are now using Trump's corporate tax cut to line their shareholders' pockets while they close plants.

The truth is GM is a much saner company than they were and are building world-class cars. But they still will act in their own best interests. We can't live without them. They can shift from civilian vehicles to tanks and half-tracks in a matter of weeks if we get in another protracted world war. If they are gone, so are we...the "Arsenal For Democracy" years during WW2 proved that. Low gas prices doomed their little electric cars but oil prices are fickle and GM should wait out the market...the closures are a year off so they may never happen if the A-rabs try (again) to kill off our fracking industry. So everybody relax...Trump won't let them double-cross him or us.


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