Got to Give it to Obama, this Ripping of Trump was hysterical and well delivered!!!

Campaign rhetoric, period. Promises (and lies) abound. McCain and Palin both falsely claimed that Alaska produces 20% of the domestic oil and natural gas supply, when the actual number is 7.4%. And they repeated it at every rally!!!

Republicans lied????

Next you'll be telling us there were no WMDs in Iraq.

Remember one year at the same annual dinner when Bush pretended to "look under his desk" to find those missing WMDs? Bush sent thousands of soldiers to their deaths to look for those weapons, and he somehow found humor in that mistake. Talk about tasteless!!!

That was way beyond tasteless. That veered into "sick" passing through "disgusting".

And yet, right wingers found it hilarious. Notice those on this board are angry that "Trump" was "punked", yet, have no problem with what Bush said. It's almost as if they enjoy what Bush did. A "nose thumb" to America.


Nice one!!!

I love this picture.
Obama has no class and neither does his cult members, I mean followers.
Come on now that is what the correspondence dinner is all about. I would fault him more if he didn't do it or if he took a serious tone at an event that isn't supposed to be serious!

I disagree. I don't think we should be paying the president to tell jokes.

I fail to see how a President "ripping" American citizens is funny. I don't recall any other President doing this. I guess King Hussein the Elitist is the exception

So presidential candidates are not American citizens?
They do not rip each other in the campaigns?
Tell that to deen'o, he's the one that "inferred" the race card, Bo. You may have to look up the word "infer" in the dictionary....obviously you got stuck on that one. :razz:
But first step back from that bottle of Thunderbird.

No, you blatantly said it was the race card....all he said is "boy?" You took it from there.
Tell that to deen'o, he's the one that "inferred" the race card, Bo. You may have to look up the word "infer" in the dictionary....obviously you got stuck on that one. :razz:
But first step back from that bottle of Thunderbird.

No, you blatantly said it was the race card....all he said is "boy?" You took it from there.

And Rdean answered with "And you don't? Gimme a break."
I knew exactly where dean was going with it, Bo. I've read enough of his posts. You are so blinded by partisan hackery, that you finally become a joke. Keep going, Bo.
Gas $4/gallon still half of what Obama and Chu want for it, unemployment at 8.8%, inflation on a tear as people flee the Dollar as the Neo Marxist spend USA into a death spiral, illegal war in Libya and this is Obama's priority

When Dumbya was in power all the righties were saying Congress - and those who controlled it - were the problem.

What's changed since then (other than Congress is now controlled by the GoP)...:tongue:

You're a fucking idiot. I shouldn't be surprised you are clueless about what Congress even is.
Obama has no class and neither does his cult members, I mean followers.

We know you're upset about yesterday...just let it out.

wtf is this new track all about? What on earth is the purpose of accusing people on the right of being...upset? that bin laden is dead?

That is what you're going on about, isn't it?

I so don't get it. What a fruitcake.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Than it should be relatively easy for you to cite an example where a previous president ripped private citizens publicly.

Go ahead -

Post away!

It's ONLY the Vice President that Bush is ripping on, but I am sure you will let it slide...

President Bush Impersonation - 2006 White House Correspondents Dinner

The Vice President (at the time) was not a private citizen - he was a public official.

Try again

you ass. Did Trump throw his hat in the ring? I believe he did. :lol:
Republicans lied????

Next you'll be telling us there were no WMDs in Iraq.

Remember one year at the same annual dinner when Bush pretended to "look under his desk" to find those missing WMDs? Bush sent thousands of soldiers to their deaths to look for those weapons, and he somehow found humor in that mistake. Talk about tasteless!!!

That was way beyond tasteless. That veered into "sick" passing through "disgusting".

And yet, right wingers found it hilarious. Notice those on this board are angry that "Trump" was "punked", yet, have no problem with what Bush said. It's almost as if they enjoy what Bush did. A "nose thumb" to America.

Are you suggesting tax payer money put the dinner on? Or are you trying to say the tax payers should control what the President does on a Saturday night?

Then let him pay for the SS and all other expenses related to carting his ass around out of his own fucking pocket when he wants to attend an idiotic social function and tell jokes.

And so you are for Bush repaying those fees since he attended the same idiotic social function and told jokes? I mean, you wouldn't want to appear partisan, right?

When have i ever defended GW?

FYI I never voted for the moron, disagreed with most of what he did never supported invading Iraq or Afghanistan thought the prescription bill was a bad idea etc.

I don't give a flying fuck who is president I want them to start acting like fucking responsible adults and stop wasting taxpayer money.
Come on now that is what the correspondence dinner is all about. I would fault him more if he didn't do it or if he took a serious tone at an event that isn't supposed to be serious!

I disagree. I don't think we should be paying the president to tell jokes.

It's only been a standard affair for 90 years. So we should go back and reimburse taxpayers?

So your argument is that since a waste of taxpayer money has been going on for years that we should pay for it forever.

It is exactly that "thinking" that has put us in the financial hole we are in.
I disagree. I don't think we should be paying the president to tell jokes.

I fail to see how a President "ripping" American citizens is funny. I don't recall any other President doing this. I guess King Hussein the Elitist is the exception

so them ripping on the president is funny. but the president giving it back, isn't?

so you're both stupid and disingenuous. :clap2:

Yeah there is nothing like a petulant president trying to one up everyone who ever criticizes him to inspire the American people.
And what makes you think I ever thought it was a good use of taxpayer money?

Are you suggesting tax payer money put the dinner on? Or are you trying to say the tax payers should control what the President does on a Saturday night?

And the President gets his salary regardless where and what he's doing. But to answer your second question, of course they do. He's not supposed to have a private life either--can't play golf, can't do an interview with Oprah, can't take his family on a combination business/pleasure trip to South America, his wife can't wear expensive tennies, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

I don't care what his fat assed wife wears as long as we don't pay fir it.

And I don't think it's too much to ask that the president be prudent with taxpayer money.
This thread subject serves as an interesting litmus test for identifying partisanship.

Watching people trying to explain to us how something that was so obviously funny wasn't funny?

If there's one area that authoritarian personalities typically fail at, its getting humor.

And that is so clearly shown to us in this thread with some of your comments

I remember when Bush looked for WMDs under his seat.


Bush actually did have a good sense of humor. So much in fact that it got him in trouble.

So does Obama.


Ah...not so much, that's obvious, too, especially after this event.

Americans will not, I think, elect a thin-skinned bully-boy like Trump.

And Trump's behavior, while he was being roasted by Obama, his inability to laugh at himself?

That's a terrible personality trait for somebody the American people are considering to give enormous power.

I think Trumps election bid is over, folks.

I think the oval office would be way too hot for a delicate flower like him.
For Obama to use this event to skewer his opponents shows what a coward our President is. This event is for laughing at yourself. Every other President including Bush used this even for that purpose. What does Obama do? He uses it to poke back at his political opponents. No class at all. If they debated each other, Trump would mop the floor with BO.

God, what a total fuckin' hack you are.

I never said it was a serious political attack. You did. What I said was is that it is not classy. He's there to poke fun at himself, not to score cheap political points. That's what I said.

Of course Trump had been trying to score cheap political points and wasn't even using a comedy venue to do it. But you see that as okay. Gotcha.

Trump got BO to show his long form. Trump speaks and Obama jumps. Obama is the one striking back in anger and he used a lighthearted event to do it. No class at all.

Yeah, he got Obama to release it NOW rather than later because Trump's nonsense was dominating every other calamity going on here and elsewhere in the world. By releasing it because of Trump, it was a smackdown, but you people don't get that. Prior to Trumps bloviating bullshit, it was just a bunch of wild-eyed conspiracy theorists making noise that was a perpetual story on FOX NEWS but nowhere else.

So which one came out the winner? Trump? :lol: He was made to look like a fool, which WAS the intent.

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