Got Me a Speeding Ticket The Other Day...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Reaction score
Podunk, WI
... so I'm sitting here today taking the online Driver's School to get it reduced to a non-moving violation which doesn't carry any points, and my insurance premiums won't go up. First ticket I've had in over four years.

I'm in section three, and found some of the reading to be, well, maybe of interest to some here. Since we've had a few threads about "stupid drivers". Here's what it say's...

The Perpetual Adolescent

When most drivers grow up, their driving changes to accommodate their mature understanding of the responsibility of driving and the fact that they share the road with millions of others. Unfortunately, some people never grow up. They are perpetual adolescents. It is the nature of adolescents to test limits and to seek adventure. It is also the nature of adolescents to attempt to prove their masculinity through a juvenile concept of immortality. Driving, for them, is an opportunity to prove that they are independent from rules and regulations. "Rules were made to be broken," they boast.

You may wonder why we keep using the masculine gender? Is this male bashing? Can't women be immature as well? Yes, of course they can. Women can certainly be immature and their driving well be affected accordingly. However, statistics reveal that the perpetual adolescent in a vehicle is more likely to be male. The term "women drivers" is used derisively be many males. The reference to women drivers is always intended as a disparagement of the driving ability fo women. Yet, the simple fact is that, in sheer numbers, it is the male who is the bigger risk. Driving statistics demonstrate that male drivers under the age of 25 have the most crashes. That is why automobile insurance for drivers under the age of 25 is so expensive.

When a male's emotional growth is stunted, he will sometimes try to compensate by using his vehicle to prove his masculinity. Filled with doubts about his adequacy, he drives in a manner he assumes a virile, sexy, dangerous male would drive - fast, reckless, and flouting the rules at every turn. That is what many little boys think a real man is like, and that is why male drivers under the age of 25 have the most crashes.

Any bets that this was written by a woman?

I know when I was young, I drove fast and reckless because I "LIKED" it. It was "FUN". It had nothing to do with feelings of inadequacy. Hell I didn't even know what that meant. I was a hotrod, gear head, young man with foot in carburator disease. If it was fast, I liked it. Still do.

Yeah, I think this was written by a woman, and I think it's man bashing. I wonder now who I should complain to. It "OFFENDS" me.
When a male's emotional growth is stunted, he will sometimes try to compensate by using his vehicle to prove his masculinity. Filled with doubts about his adequacy, he drives in a manner he assumes a virile, sexy, dangerous male would drive - fast, reckless, and flouting the rules at every turn. That is what many little boys think a real man is like, and that is why male drivers under the age of 25 have the most crashes.

That IS funny. Everyone knows a male's emotional growth can be stunted at any age. :laugh:

Seriously though, that was FUNNY. :D
be avoided simply by observing the posted speed limits...if ya have a problem then at least pay attention to your mirrors while engaging in power sports...LOL
Haven't had a ticket in over 15yrs!
archangel said:
be avoided simply by observing the posted speed limits...if ya have a problem then at least pay attention to your mirrors while engaging in power sports...LOL
Haven't had a ticket in over 15yrs!

That's one way to avoid them arch. The other is to buy a "bird dog"... :D

I immediately went to Circuit City and bought a top of the line Beltronics Radar/Laser Detector. Beltronics holds over 80% of all patents related to radar/laser detection.

It hasn't needed to, but it's gone off a couple times already when I didn't see the cop clocking people, but wasn't speeding either. Had I been, it would have saved me a ticket. They're legal Nevada. Great toy.
Said1 said:
That IS funny. Everyone knows a male's emotional growth can be stunted at any age. :laugh:

Seriously though, that was FUNNY. :D

You didn't say whether you thought it was woman that wrote that or not...
Pale Rider said:
You didn't say whether you thought it was woman that wrote that or not...

sounds more like a gay dude than a women :poke:
I guess my emotional growth wasn't stunted. Either that or I'm already just too damn sexy. :banana:

I have had one speeding ticket. It was 14 years ago, 70 in a 55. So, my ticket was for what the speed limit is now. The ticket would have cost me $52, but I spent an extra 50 cents to take defensive driving so it wouldn't go on my record. That same ticket (15 mph over) would cost a tad more than $52 today.
Jimmyeatworld said:
I guess my emotional growth wasn't stunted. Either that or I'm already just too damn sexy. :banana:

I have had one speeding ticket. It was 14 years ago, 70 in a 55. So, my ticket was for what the speed limit is now. The ticket would have cost me $52, but I spent an extra 50 cents to take defensive driving so it wouldn't go on my record. That same ticket (15 mph over) would cost a tad more than $52 today.

The cycle cop told me he was "giving me a break", and writing the ticket for 45 in a 35 instead of the 49 he said he clocked me at. The 45 in a 35 was only two points and $115. 49 would have been around $200 and four points, and driving school wouldn't have helped. But in my opinion, "giving me a break" would have been "letting me go with a warning". Some...bitch.

The cops have turned 4th street on my way to work, kind of on the edge of town, no stop lights, empty, into a damn cash cow. They can sit down behind this glass company building and just point their radar guns around the corner. They bust people left and right. However... with my new Beltronics radar/laser detector, that little sucker just goes ape shit LOOOOOONG before I get any NEAR these sneaky ass hats. Ha freakin' ha copper. Fight fire with fire. This Beltronics even has VG3 technology. (Stealth). It's undetecable with a radar/laser detector detector.
So, I love the Corvette, think it is one of the best 'bang for your buck' cars out there. Nothing like the Corvette where less than $100,000 can compete with the $250,000 and up sport cars, it usually comes in about third in Car and Driver...

Does this mean I am emotionally crippled. Whoda thunk it?
I was infected with the adolescent drive-like-a-maniac
syndrome until I got out of a wreck lucky at age 19.

I was on a two-lane country road where it had just rained
after a dry spell, making the surface slick.

I took a curve at 60, and went out of control left of center.
If a car had been coming in the opposite direction it would
have been a real mess.

The car spun 360 in a field, toppled over on its right
side, then toppled back on 4 wheels and came to rest.
If I had not been belted I would have been thrown all
over the place.

A local garage somehow patched the car up enough
so I could limp home with my ticket at 35. The damage
was only about $500 (1969).

Even though that wreck made me keep it to within 5mph
of the limit from then on much more often, I sadly repeated
the mistake under similar driving conditions 11 years later,
only this time the car didn't make it home, or anywhere else
except the junk yard.

Someone I know was even luckier than me- he had a wreck
in the same area, possibly the same spot, and flipped over,
hit a pole or two, and came to rest on his roof entangled
in poles and wires.

Some local yokels showed right up as he crawled from the
comical heap of wreckage.

Hilariously, he asked them to help him upright the car so
he could sashay on off. They said "We called the police".
He was drunk, and took a menacing step toward them,
then the pain from the broken pelvis hit him , and he sank
to the ground.

He actually crawled into the woods trying to escape apprehention,
but the state police weren't about to let him get away, and
were combing the woods with flashlights in no time.

All this wouldn't have been so funny without the dumb
element of luck.

I have tried since to keep a lid on my maniacal tendencies,
and have not had a wreck for 22 years.

Yes, driving fast is fun, and yes, you can be as lucky
as me. But no, not everyone is going to be as lucky
as me and the other guy who took out the poles.

The accident rate is I think leveling off after several
decades of decline. It is not going to decrease any
more unless drivers improve their habits.
The Perpetual Adolescent

When most drivers grow up, their driving changes to accommodate their mature understanding of the responsibility of driving and the fact that they share the road with millions of others. Unfortunately, some people never grow up. They are perpetual adolescents. It is the nature of adolescents to test limits and to seek adventure. It is also the nature of adolescents to attempt to prove their masculinity through a juvenile concept of immortality. Driving, for them, is an opportunity to prove that they are independent from rules and regulations. "Rules were made to be broken," they boast.
I don’t see any gender bias in this at all, just fact.
Anyone that has been in insurance can tell you men/males have the highest accident rate, regardless of the activity. “Hey, watch this” comes to mind.
Males are, well, sometimes idiots. Why, I don’t know, but it’s a fact.

Now sing along…..
Macho, macho man…..I wanna be a macho man….. :tng:
Pale Rider said:
Any bets that this was written by a woman?

I know when I was young, I drove fast and reckless because I "LIKED" it. It was "FUN". It had nothing to do with feelings of inadequacy. Hell I didn't even know what that meant. I was a hotrod, gear head, young man with foot in carburator disease. If it was fast, I liked it. Still do.

Yeah, I think this was written by a woman, and I think it's man bashing. I wonder now who I should complain to. It "OFFENDS" me.

How about the ACLU? :tng:

Honey, you and I speak the same language on this. If it is fast, I like it....

And if this WAS written by a female, it certainly was not me. Maybe it was written by a super-fem homo or even a super-liberal 'male' (if you want to go that far) in touch with his feminine side... :D
Pale Rider said:
The cycle cop told me he was "giving me a break", and writing the ticket for 45 in a 35 instead of the 49 he said he clocked me at. The 45 in a 35 was only two points and $115. 49 would have been around $200 and four points, and driving school wouldn't have helped. But in my opinion, "giving me a break" would have been "letting me go with a warning". Some...bitch.

The cops have turned 4th street on my way to work, kind of on the edge of town, no stop lights, empty, into a damn cash cow. They can sit down behind this glass company building and just point their radar guns around the corner. They bust people left and right. However... with my new Beltronics radar/laser detector, that little sucker just goes ape shit LOOOOOONG before I get any NEAR these sneaky ass hats. Ha freakin' ha copper. Fight fire with fire. This Beltronics even has VG3 technology. (Stealth). It's undetecable with a radar/laser detector detector.

14 over is 4 points??!??!?!?

That's insane.

In Michigan, pretty much from 10-20 over the cop writes you a 5 over ticket. I haven't been in Maryland long enough to size up how the cops behave, but I've passed cops gunning people going 10 over and they could care less. If you end up liking that detector, I might get one as well. I wanted to get a Valentine, but there's no way I can justify spending the money for it.
The ClayTaurus said:
14 over is 4 points??!??!?!?

That's insane.

Might'a been three.

The ClayTaurus said:
In Michigan, pretty much from 10-20 over the cop writes you a 5 over ticket. I haven't been in Maryland long enough to size up how the cops behave, but I've passed cops gunning people going 10 over and they could care less. If you end up liking that detector, I might get one as well. I wanted to get a Valentine, but there's no way I can justify spending the money for it.

They didn't give a crap in Phoenix about 10 over either. But here in Reno, I think giving out traffic tickets is a big revenue getter.

Yeah I like the detector a lot clay. I had one before, not as nice as this one, and don't know what ever happened to it. Glad I have this one though. It's a Beltronics Vector 965. It was on sale at Circuit City for $199, down from $249. They had one better model, and the only thing it did that mine doesn't was something to do with shit in europe. Didn't need it.

Get one man. You'll soon feel like you're driving naked without one. In the day you've got a slight chance of seeing a cop taking pictures. But at night, you're completely blind and at their mercy. A bird dog solves that problem.
Pale Rider said:
Might'a been three.

They didn't give a crap in Phoenix about 10 over either. But here in Reno, I think giving out traffic tickets is a big revenue getter.

Yeah I like the detector a lot clay. I had one before, not as nice as this one, and don't know what ever happened to it. Glad I have this one though. It's a Beltronics Vector 965. It was on sale at Circuit City for $199, down from $249. They had one better model, and the only thing it did that mine doesn't was something to do with shit in europe. Didn't need it.

Get one man. You'll soon feel like you're driving naked without one. In the day you've got a slight chance of seeing a cop taking pictures. But at night, you're completely blind and at their mercy. A bird dog solves that problem.

Yeah, currently I just rely on what the truckers are doing, and I leech off of other people's detectors whenever I can. That works much better at night when you can see the display easily.

I'll look into that detector for sure.

I was looking up info on points for speeding state to state, and I think it's missouri where the director of revenue for the state sets the points for speeding. I guess it's good they're at least honest that it's just a revenue generator... I'll see if I can find the link again...
Mr. P said:
I don’t see any gender bias in this at all, just fact.
Anyone that has been in insurance can tell you men/males have the highest accident rate, regardless of the activity. “Hey, watch this” comes to mind.
Males are, well, sometimes idiots. Why, I don’t know, but it’s a fact.

Now sing along…..
Macho, macho man…..I wanna be a macho man….. :tng:

Gender bias isn't the point P. It's how it was written. The wording is very prejudiced, condescending, degrogatory and inflamitory towards yound men, no matter what the facts portray. It could have been worded quite differently without the sarcasism.

Sooooo you wanna be a macho man?
The ClayTaurus said:
Yeah, currently I just rely on what the truckers are doing, and I leech off of other people's detectors whenever I can. That works much better at night when you can see the display easily.

I'll look into that detector for sure.

I was looking up info on points for speeding state to state, and I think it's missouri where the director of revenue for the state sets the points for speeding. I guess it's good they're at least honest that it's just a revenue generator... I'll see if I can find the link again...

Radar Detectors - Top Performers

As the Radar Roy's Radar Detector Rumble tests show, the new Beltronics RX65 performed as well as the Escort 8500 X50 and both have been awarded Radar Roy's Five Badge Rating!

Could it be that both are virtually the same detector, as Escort had bought out Beltronics two years ago and now both companies are under the same ownership? We think so!

The testing also showed that the Bel RX65 and the Escort 8500 X50 performed as well, and in some cases better then the more expensive Valentine 1 radar detector.

There are some features that are unique to the Escort X50 and The Bel RX65.

The Bel RX65 does have voice, Ku band for European use and the extra power on indicator mode with voltage meter mode.

The Escort 8500 is now available in either Red or Blue display. (Blue display costs an additional $40.00 because of the extra expense in making the blue LED lights)

Radar Roy's top choices for a windshield mounted radar detector are tied between the Escort X50 and the Beltronics RX65.

I do believe the Belronics RX65 mentioned above is the prior model to mine. My Vector 965 is the new model.
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