GOP whimpering about media already

GOP: The media is already in the tank for Hillary Clinton - The Week

Both programs are planned to run soon, long before Clinton would announce any candidacy, which would clear the networks from violating the FCC's equal-time rule. In the letters, Priebus calls on each network to "cancel this political ad masquerading as an unbiased production."

He then signs off with a threat:

Priebus complains that airing the films would not only be unfair to Republicans, but potential Democratic candidates like Vice President Joe Biden and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

So you've given up completely even trying to argue that the MSM is left wing biased. Now instead you are trying to ridicule us into not complaining.


Not FAIR.........somebody made a movie about Hllary and I dont want anybody to see it

whimper, whimper......whine, whine
This is funny coming from the group who whines almost non stop about FOX News. I wonder what the reaction from the left would be if FOX News or FOX broadcasting decided to do a miniseries about Marco Rubio? Actually I don't wonder I know hell we all do.
I am starting to hear Libs pushing for Elizabeth Warren for the WH...
She is after all the new shiny object in the room for the democrat party.

Someday, maybe. She's the smartest person in the room. Just about any room.

Smart is good in a President. Don't you agree?

Not FAIR.........somebody made a movie about Hllary and I dont want anybody to see it

whimper, whimper......whine, whine

Last time someone made a movie about Hillary - you fuckwads went ballistic and took it to the supreme court.

Oh, but that was DIFFERENT because this is party members praising her....

Fucking hypocrite thugs....

Not FAIR.........somebody made a movie about Hllary and I dont want anybody to see it

whimper, whimper......whine, whine

Last time someone made a movie about Hillary - you fuckwads went ballistic and took it to the supreme court.

Oh, but that was DIFFERENT because this is party members praising her....

Fucking hypocrite thugs....

You mean the Right wing Supreme Court?

THAT Supreme Court? How did Clarence Thomas vote?

America wants to know
Anybody with any sense knows that the "docu-drama" about Hillary is nothing but a cheap political rant. I wonder why Hillary is such a left wing heroine when she spent her entire pathetic adult life covering up her husband's infidelity.
Anybody with any sense knows that the "docu-drama" about Hillary is nothing but a cheap political rant. I wonder why Hillary is such a left wing heroine when she spent her entire pathetic adult life covering up her husband's infidelity.

Wait a dad burn minute..........

You mean it's just a MOVIE?????

No wonder the Republicans are outraged
This is terrible. If NBC and CNN go ahead with the documentaries, we will only have 50 places to turn to for live coverage of the nutjob debates. It is a travesty!

And then, NBC and CNN will have the highlights at 11.

Reince Priebus! Genius and gentleman. But that name......and the lisp have ruined him.

They just want their debates in a FOX bubble with moderators that will toss Hannity-like softball questions.

Well hell, it's been working for democrats in an abc,nbc,cbs,cnn bubble all these years. I don't blame the republicans for wanting the same treatment.
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no excuse here, if she gets the nomination I fully expect her to win....

in addition the war on woman meme? we aint seen nuthin' the time she, her pacs, oh excuse me, indy Pacs:rolleyes: and the media are done, any man not for her will be turned into wife beating, misogynist, pre-sufferage Dodo's...:lol:

You mean they'll turn into Mr. Clinton? If I were Hillary, I would stay away from the whole misogynist meme.
I wonder who the moderators will be next time round


malia? sasha? Chelsea? anyone writing a book or making/made a movie about Hillary? :rolleyes:
Lining up their excuses early...

no excuse here, if she gets the nomination I fully expect her to win....

in addition the war on woman meme? we aint seen nuthin' the time she, her pacs, oh excuse me, indy Pacs:rolleyes: and the media are done, any man not for her will be turned into wife beating, misogynist, pre-sufferage Dodo's...:lol:

You mean they'll turn into Mr. Clinton? If I were Hillary, I would stay away from the whole misogynist meme.

uh-uh, doesn't count bro..:eusa_hand: they get the Ted Kennedy 'pass'......
I wonder who the moderators will be next time round


malia? sasha? Chelsea? anyone writing a book or making/made a movie about Hillary? :rolleyes:

You are a moderator...

Why don't you do it?
That's a good idea...


GOP to networks: Cancel Clinton shows or we'll nix debates

18 min ago |By MSN News with wire reports

Republican Party calls on NBC, CNN to cancel planned Hillary Clinton programs and threatens to pull out of primary debates if the networks don't comply.

WASHINGTON — The Republican National Committee wants NBC and CNN to cancel upcoming programs on Hillary Rodham Clinton and is threatening to blackball the television networks from future Republican presidential debates if they fail to comply.

Committee Chairman Reince Priebus calls the programs political ads "masquerading" as unbiased productions. He vows not to partner with the networks on Republican debates if they don't pull the programs.

"It's appalling to know executives at major networks like NBC and CNN who have donated to Democrats and Hillary Clinton have taken it upon themselves to be Hillary Clinton's campaign operatives," Priebus said in a statement. "Their actions to promote Secretary Clinton are disturbing and disappointing."


GOP to networks: Cancel Clinton shows or we'll nix debates


Do you want this tired old biddy to be president...

I wonder how the media will spin Hillary's college thesis on Saul Alinsky? Probably in a very positive way....:eusa_whistle:

Comment from the video:

"Hillary Rodham's thesis from 1969 Wellesley College, on Rules for Radicals. She met with Saul Alinsky, interviewed him and was even offered a job by Alinsky."

[ame=]Hillary Rodham Clinton's thesis was on Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals - 1969 - YouTube[/ame]
the rw'ers bring a case to the SCOTUS so they can show a movie about hillary, before a previous election YET, its wrong to let non-rwer's do the same now :eusa_think:
That's a good idea...


GOP to networks: Cancel Clinton shows or we'll nix debates

18 min ago |By MSN News with wire reports

Republican Party calls on NBC, CNN to cancel planned Hillary Clinton programs and threatens to pull out of primary debates if the networks don't comply.

WASHINGTON — The Republican National Committee wants NBC and CNN to cancel upcoming programs on Hillary Rodham Clinton and is threatening to blackball the television networks from future Republican presidential debates if they fail to comply.

Committee Chairman Reince Priebus calls the programs political ads "masquerading" as unbiased productions. He vows not to partner with the networks on Republican debates if they don't pull the programs.

"It's appalling to know executives at major networks like NBC and CNN who have donated to Democrats and Hillary Clinton have taken it upon themselves to be Hillary Clinton's campaign operatives," Priebus said in a statement. "Their actions to promote Secretary Clinton are disturbing and disappointing."


GOP to networks: Cancel Clinton shows or we'll nix debates


Do you want this tired old biddy to be president...

I wonder how the media will spin Hillary's college thesis on Saul Alinsky? Probably in a very positive way....:eusa_whistle:

Comment from the video:

"Hillary Rodham's thesis from 1969 Wellesley College, on Rules for Radicals. She met with Saul Alinsky, interviewed him and was even offered a job by Alinsky."

[ame=]Hillary Rodham Clinton's thesis was on Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals - 1969 - YouTube[/ame]

Wait.......let me guess

You think that anyone outside of Glenn Beck cares?
My Achilles heel is Nancy Pelosi...
Around her I am the weakest link...
All she has to say at just that right moment is....

"We need to pass it to know what's in it"

and I am her love slave.

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