GOP whimpering about media already

Dems better hope they don't lose another 7 million voters or else they become irreverent. 4 million less than 2008 and 3 million less than the average growth per election.

One million more people voted for Democrats than Republicans in 2012.

Gerrymandering has made for some very safe GOP Districts, but they are going to keep losing national elections.

YES! But from 2008-2012 Dems lost 4 million voters, and didn't grow like they have in every other election in history. Thus, the Democratic party is in fact by far the fastest shrinking party in the country.

Reps grew by 1 million, about 2 million less than average. Reps also gained 2% from 2008 to 2012.

I'm not defending the horrible party that is Republicans, I'm simply pointing out that if this trend continues for Dems for even one more election, you guys can't win.
That old skank can't even preside/secure a tiny embassy in the shithole Middle East

She needs to be behind bars - not campaigning
They just want their debates in a FOX bubble with moderators that will toss Hannity-like softball questions.

Thanks for pointing out how your nothing more than the other side of the same coin... Must feel good knowing that the worst of the worst Reps can't be better than you seeing as you can't be better than them.

But gets better

It is not only the GOP candidates, but the wonderful handpicked studio audience who boo gay soldiers, cheer executions and shout....Let them die

Republicans suck... so do dems... Thanks for pointing that out RW. Sadly you're a mindless Obama-bot who will support and and all Democrats no matter how bad they are, you're right on course living up to being a different side to the same coin, yikes you fell face first into that one.

And I guess you can't blame Ron Paul for a hand picked planted hater for saying "let them die" anymore can you... I mean, if you did that you would be contradicting yourself, but you do that a lot so I'll expect it from you in the future.
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GOP: The media is already in the tank for Hillary Clinton - The Week

Both programs are planned to run soon, long before Clinton would announce any candidacy, which would clear the networks from violating the FCC's equal-time rule. In the letters, Priebus calls on each network to "cancel this political ad masquerading as an unbiased production."

He then signs off with a threat:

Priebus complains that airing the films would not only be unfair to Republicans, but potential Democratic candidates like Vice President Joe Biden and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

would that be the same as mediamatters and you lefties whimpering about fox news?
of course you people for Shrillary don't care if it gives her a unfair advantage...winning at any cost is your motto...screw the rest of the people in the country
the lamestream media has become a ENEMY to anyone not need to wake up and see this
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Why do all these threads go the same way? There seems to be little to no accountability from either side, Reps and Dems have proven through policy to be near identical yet both sides claim to hate each other.

You are divided by nothing, for the most part you're all the same. You actually don't even disagree on the direction to grow Government. You can't vote for Mitt Romney then claim Obama and his policies are destroying the nation and be taken seriously.

In the last 20 years what meaningful repeals have the republicans done in regards to actually shrinking the size and scope of Government? Now how about repeals that Dems have done? Dems ran on repealing the massive and evil/destructive Bush era polices... We're still waiting, and by "we're" I mean a tiny minority who actually vote for what they claim to believe in.

When did the Republican party become the party of the DoEducation, intrusion in HC, welfare, bailouts stimulus, subsidies and so on... and when did the Democrat party become the party of all I listed about Republicans + the biggest war party in this countries history? It's actually boring to debate... Maybe that's the goal...

There's really not much the GOP can do about the media. Their only shot is to (a) present a strong, united front and (b) hammer on a clear and simple message (well, an effective, clear and simple message), over and over and over.

I don't see them doing either right now.

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would that be the same as mediamatters and you lefties whimpering about fox news?
of course you people for Shrillary don't care if it gives her a unfair advantage...winning at any cost is your motto...screw the rest of the people in the country
the lamestream media has become a ENEMY to anyone not need to wake up and see this

But Reich Winger is a democrat, and supports a state controlled media that is nothing more that open propaganda for the party. NBC is simply the propaganda wing of the democratic party. Ditto CNN, CBS, and ABC.
It's good to see someone from the RNC with some balls for a change.

Next they should demand that at least half of the debate moderators come from Fox News Show Hosts. I'm tired of seeing only Liberals moderating the Debates.
Why do all these threads go the same way? There seems to be little to no accountability from either side, Reps and Dems have proven through policy to be near identical yet both sides claim to hate each other.

You are divided by nothing, for the most part you're all the same. You actually don't even disagree on the direction to grow Government. You can't vote for Mitt Romney then claim Obama and his policies are destroying the nation and be taken seriously.

In the last 20 years what meaningful repeals have the republicans done in regards to actually shrinking the size and scope of Government? Now how about repeals that Dems have done? Dems ran on repealing the massive and evil/destructive Bush era polices... We're still waiting, and by "we're" I mean a tiny minority who actually vote for what they claim to believe in.

When did the Republican party become the party of the DoEducation, intrusion in HC, welfare, bailouts stimulus, subsidies and so on... and when did the Democrat party become the party of all I listed about Republicans + the biggest war party in this countries history? It's actually boring to debate... Maybe that's the goal...

Good post.

The first goal of either major party is to maintain the duopoly; this means they can be assured of 35-45% of the vote in a general election.

There's really not much the GOP can do about the media. Their only shot is to (a) present a strong, united front and (b) hammer on a clear and simple message (well, an effective, clear and simple message), over and over and over.

I don't see them doing either right now.


The main issue I see for Republicans is they don't have a record of small Government for shit. That's why they play the Reagan and God card every debate. They don't need the Media on their side, they need people to believe wtf their saying and fact is, they don't People vote Republican because they hate Democrats more, Dems vote Dem because they hate Republicans more... Yet both sides (voters) hate the other side for the policies that their own party (elected) votes for and expands.

Again, there are no repeals. Fuck Obama didn't even end the Iraq war.
What a whiner Priebus is being. Seriously, Hillary hasn't even announced if she's running and now he's trying to tell the media what they can't and can't show and threatening them.

And yeah, I'm sure he's real concerned about the Dems who might want to run. Yeah right. He's just really afraid of Hillary and it shows.

Republicans can always get Fox to rerun their Clinton impeachment tapes

That sounds fair and balanced

typical progressive, regress to the past...
plus that was just damn STUPID
Why do all these threads go the same way? There seems to be little to no accountability from either side, Reps and Dems have proven through policy to be near identical yet both sides claim to hate each other.

You are divided by nothing, for the most part you're all the same. You actually don't even disagree on the direction to grow Government. You can't vote for Mitt Romney then claim Obama and his policies are destroying the nation and be taken seriously.

In the last 20 years what meaningful repeals have the republicans done in regards to actually shrinking the size and scope of Government? Now how about repeals that Dems have done? Dems ran on repealing the massive and evil/destructive Bush era polices... We're still waiting, and by "we're" I mean a tiny minority who actually vote for what they claim to believe in.

When did the Republican party become the party of the DoEducation, intrusion in HC, welfare, bailouts stimulus, subsidies and so on... and when did the Democrat party become the party of all I listed about Republicans + the biggest war party in this countries history? It's actually boring to debate... Maybe that's the goal...

Good post.

The first goal of either major party is to maintain the duopoly; this means they can be assured of 35-45% of the vote in a general election.

Correct. If Republicans repealed Obamacare it would literally be a fucking first in our life times. In fact Mitt, who once supported Obamacare on a Federal level, then switched to repealing it during the primaries, then switched again once in the General election to changing Obamacare.

It's one party. it sounds all conspiracy theory but the fucking zero repeals of policy despite super majorities of Reps to Dems back to back kinda backs me up here. Every election they run off repeal and balancing the budget, yet we get expansions, additions in policy and higher deficits... lolz!
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Could Priebus have any alternative motives besides stamping out "political favoritism"? TIME's Zeke Miller thinks it may be a calculated move to cut down on the number of Republican primary debates.

"Republican Party officials believe the 20 GOP primary debates during the 2012 cycle hurt their party and Mitt Romney," writes Miller, adding:

Reforming the primary debate process has been a central component of the RNC's 2012 autopsy, with party officials trying to restrict the number of debates and screen out unfriendly debate moderators. But the effort to cut back on the number of debates has run into headwinds from Republican state parties in early states, who in many instances see revenue from co-hosting the debates and associated events.

The autopsy recommends changing the RNC rules to include penalties for Republican state parties or candidates if they participate in debates unsanctioned by the RNC... Priebus has previously proposed a more modest 10 to 12 debates, in part to protect better-funded candidates from insurgents who capitalize on their time before the cameras.

So republicans have come to the conclusion that they need to hide their presidential candidates as much as possible from the voters to avoid defeat.

That’s quite telling.
GOP: The media is already in the tank for Hillary Clinton - The Week

Both programs are planned to run soon, long before Clinton would announce any candidacy, which would clear the networks from violating the FCC's equal-time rule. In the letters, Priebus calls on each network to "cancel this political ad masquerading as an unbiased production."

He then signs off with a threat:

Priebus complains that airing the films would not only be unfair to Republicans, but potential Democratic candidates like Vice President Joe Biden and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

So you've given up completely even trying to argue that the MSM is left wing biased. Now instead you are trying to ridicule us into not complaining.
thats dumb,,,, like it or not they are free entities and can do as they wish. If the gop wants to withhold coverage/exposure of their candidates and platforms? well, good luck with that.

If I recall there was an outcry over fox hosting debates and the dems said they'd boycott(?)...this is no better.
I am starting to hear Libs pushing for Elizabeth Warren for the WH...
She is after all the new shiny object in the room for the democrat party.
Thanks for pointing out how your nothing more than the other side of the same coin... Must feel good knowing that the worst of the worst Reps can't be better than you seeing as you can't be better than them.

But gets better

It is not only the GOP candidates, but the wonderful handpicked studio audience who boo gay soldiers, cheer executions and shout....Let them die

Republicans suck... so do dems... Thanks for pointing that out RW. Sadly you're a mindless Obama-bot who will support and and all Democrats no matter how bad they are, you're right on course living up to being a different side to the same coin, yikes you fell face first into that one.

And I guess you can't blame Ron Paul for a hand picked planted hater for saying "let them die" anymore can you... I mean, if you did that you would be contradicting yourself, but you do that a lot so I'll expect it from you in the future.

Let me guess? Libertarian?


Remember what happened when Libertarian Paul was asked the "Let em die" question? Scared people away from Libertarian thinking forever

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