GOP wants to make the poor productive

Over the last year, I've heard a number of GOP politicians talk about how we need to preserve the middle class and turn the poor into productive citizens. Personally, I think this is an excellent idea. I'm all for it.

And now, Mr. Speaker and other gentlemen, here's what needs to happen in order to achieve this very worthy goal:

  • Guarantee ample funding and the most talented educators in public schools at all levels and in all neighborhoods
  • Make tuition at colleges and universities free or greatly subsidized, for those who are academically qualified and who want to pursue an economically useful degree (those who want to major in lesbian Uzbekistani basket weaving can do it on their own dime)
  • Fund a public option for universal health care
  • Regulate markets to prevent scams that discourage widespread investment
  • Rebuild the infrastructure to pave the way for faster economic development
  • Revamp the justice system so that it no longer disproportionately punishes the poor
  • Bring the percentage of incarcerated citizens back in line with the rest of the free world (jails aren't free)

You realize that NONE of the items above is a handout for lazy, irresponsible people, of course. They are simply tools for those willing to make the effort to escape poverty and be successful.

Time to put your money where your mouths are.

How about we follow the European model of education? Weed out the 'losers' in grades 2, 5, and 7? Send them to some sort of trade schools, while raising the education of those able and willing? That float your boat?

The US model for more than 50 years has been to give the most education the system can, to age 16. Perhaps it's beyond time to abandon that. Concentrate on those able, like the Europeans.
Over the last year, I've heard a number of GOP politicians talk about how we need to preserve the middle class and turn the poor into productive citizens. Personally, I think this is an excellent idea. I'm all for it.

And now, Mr. Speaker and other gentlemen, here's what needs to happen in order to achieve this very worthy goal:

  • Guarantee ample funding and the most talented educators in public schools at all levels and in all neighborhoods
    We already spend huge sums with very poor results. It isn't a money problem.
  • Make tuition at colleges and universities free or greatly subsidized, for those who are academically qualified and who want to pursue an economically useful degree (those who want to major in lesbian Uzbekistani basket weaving can do it on their own dime)
    Best way to inflate the price of a product is to involve the government. Now an even greater number need assistance. Very bad idea.
  • Fund a public option for universal health care
    Again, this just drives up the costs and eventually leads to rationed care. Neither is helpful.
  • Regulate markets to prevent scams that discourage widespread investment
    Markets are regulated, what they aren't is enforced.
  • Rebuild the infrastructure to pave the way for faster economic development
    Diverting investment funding to infrastructure just creates artifical winners and losers.
  • Revamp the justice system so that it no longer disproportionately punishes the poor
    What are you going to do? Legalize stealing from the middle and upper class? Idiot.
  • Bring the percentage of incarcerated citizens back in line with the rest of the free world (jails aren't free)
    Not a problem just limit appeals and execute more killers faster.

You realize that NONE of the items above is a handout for lazy, irresponsible people, of course. They are simply tools for those willing to make the effort to escape poverty and be successful.

Time to put your money where your mouths are.

My answers in bold. I should also mention Wonky here admits he had tax problems which resulted in court action. So he wants to spend the tax revenue, just not pay his share. Should also mention he is just here to have his ideas validated. Any challenge to them is met with a hissy fit. Took me about two weeks to rid us of his infestation last time.
Problem is, people like you just post opinion, based on agenda. That is also known as dogma. Any proof at all of anything you say is not forthcoming. Because con tools could care less about truth. They simply believe what they want to believe. Much easier that way, right???
How about we follow the European model of education? Weed out the 'losers' in grades 2, 5, and 7? Send them to some sort of trade schools, while raising the education of those able and willing? That float your boat?
Wouldn't necessarily bother me. Some people, while far from stupid, are just not all that academic. They can still be very productive citizens as tradespersons and the like.
Problem is, people like you just post opinion, based on agenda. That is also known as dogma. Any proof at all of anything you say is not forthcoming. Because con tools could care less about truth. They simply believe what they want to believe. Much easier that way, right???

Problem with people like you is you ignore the last thirty years of increased spending on education to turn out a more poorly educated populous. That is fact. Please feel free to show links to the contrary idiot.
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How about we follow the European model of education? Weed out the 'losers' in grades 2, 5, and 7? Send them to some sort of trade schools, while raising the education of those able and willing? That float your boat?
Wouldn't necessarily bother me. Some people, while far from stupid, are just not all that academic. They can still be very productive citizens as tradespersons and the like.

Some folks mentally mature at a different age. Government ties funding to educational failures. The more you fail, the more they send.
Problem is, people like you just post opinion, based on agenda. That is also known as dogma. Any proof at all of anything you say is not forthcoming. Because con tools could care less about truth. They simply believe what they want to believe. Much easier that way, right???

Problem with people like you is you ignore the last thirty years of increased spending on education to turn out a more poorlly educated populous. That is fact. Please feel free to show links to the contrary idiot.

The problem with people like him is they wouldn't recognize the truth if it bitch slapped them.
Over the last year, I've heard a number of GOP politicians talk about how we need to preserve the middle class and turn the poor into productive citizens. Personally, I think this is an excellent idea. I'm all for it.

And now, Mr. Speaker and other gentlemen, here's what needs to happen in order to achieve this very worthy goal:

  • Guarantee ample funding and the most talented educators in public schools at all levels and in all neighborhoods
    We already spend huge sums with very poor results. It isn't a money problem.
  • Make tuition at colleges and universities free or greatly subsidized, for those who are academically qualified and who want to pursue an economically useful degree (those who want to major in lesbian Uzbekistani basket weaving can do it on their own dime)
    Best way to inflate the price of a product is to involve the government. Now an even greater number need assistance. Very bad idea.
  • Fund a public option for universal health care
    Again, this just drives up the costs and eventually leads to rationed care. Neither is helpful.
  • Regulate markets to prevent scams that discourage widespread investment
    Markets are regulated, what they aren't is enforced.
  • Rebuild the infrastructure to pave the way for faster economic development
    Diverting investment funding to infrastructure just creates artifical winners and losers.
  • Revamp the justice system so that it no longer disproportionately punishes the poor
    What are you going to do? Legalize stealing from the middle and upper class? Idiot.
  • Bring the percentage of incarcerated citizens back in line with the rest of the free world (jails aren't free)
    Not a problem just limit appeals and execute more killers faster.

You realize that NONE of the items above is a handout for lazy, irresponsible people, of course. They are simply tools for those willing to make the effort to escape poverty and be successful.

Time to put your money where your mouths are.

My answers in bold. I should also mention Wonky here admits he had tax problems which resulted in court action. So he wants to spend the tax revenue, just not pay his share. Should also mention he is just here to have his ideas validated. Any challenge to them is met with a hissy fit. Took me about two weeks to rid us of his infestation last time.
Problem is, people like you just post opinion, based on agenda. That is also known as dogma. Any proof at all of anything you say is not forthcoming. Because con tools could care less about truth. They simply believe what they want to believe. Much easier that way, right???

The simple fact is that American kids are about the dumbest in the civilized at the highest cost in the civilized world because liberals support the status quo. They are very willing to sacrifice our kids for their idiotic and obviously failed agenda.

The Republicans want private education and vouchers so every second of every day is a fight for survival for a school. This is the way business operates and its the way schools ought to operate. You get paid for results not for liberal BS.
My answers in bold. I should also mention Wonky here admits he had tax problems which resulted in court action. So he wants to spend the tax revenue, just not pay his share. Should also mention he is just here to have his ideas validated. Any challenge to them is met with a hissy fit. Took me about two weeks to rid us of his infestation last time.
Problem is, people like you just post opinion, based on agenda. That is also known as dogma. Any proof at all of anything you say is not forthcoming. Because con tools could care less about truth. They simply believe what they want to believe. Much easier that way, right???

The simple fact is that American kids are about the dumbest in the civilized at the highest cost in the civilized world because liberals support the status quo. They are very willing to sacrifice our kids for their idiotic and obviously failed agenda.

The Republicans want private education and vouchers so every second of every day is a fight for survival for a school. This is the way business operates and its the way schools ought to operate. You get paid for results not for liberal BS.

"Any proof at all of anything you say is not forthcoming." Great quote, Rshermr!
Problem is, people like you just post opinion, based on agenda. That is also known as dogma. Any proof at all of anything you say is not forthcoming. Because con tools could care less about truth. They simply believe what they want to believe. Much easier that way, right???

The simple fact is that American kids are about the dumbest in the civilized at the highest cost in the civilized world because liberals support the status quo. They are very willing to sacrifice our kids for their idiotic and obviously failed agenda.

The Republicans want private education and vouchers so every second of every day is a fight for survival for a school. This is the way business operates and its the way schools ought to operate. You get paid for results not for liberal BS.

"Any proof at all of anything you say is not forthcoming." Great quote, Rshermr!

Imagine someone who jogs for fun and someone who races in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competion and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?
The simple fact is that American kids are about the dumbest in the civilized at the highest cost in the civilized world because liberals support the status quo. They are very willing to sacrifice our kids for their idiotic and obviously failed agenda.

The Republicans want private education and vouchers so every second of every day is a fight for survival for a school. This is the way business operates and its the way schools ought to operate. You get paid for results not for liberal BS.

"Any proof at all of anything you say is not forthcoming." Great quote, Rshermr!

Imagine someone who jogs for fun and someone who races in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competion and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?

It's a start, but it doesn't come anywhere near to proving all your assertions.
"Any proof at all of anything you say is not forthcoming." Great quote, Rshermr!

Imagine someone who jogs for fun and someone who races in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competion and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?

It's a start, but it doesn't come anywhere near to proving all your assertions.

the idiot liberal wants proof that a runner or school competing to survive will do better than and runner or school that is not in competition???? You want proof that incentives matter???
Imagine someone who jogs for fun and someone who races in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competion and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?

It's a start, but it doesn't come anywhere near to proving all your assertions.

the idiot liberal wants proof that a runner or school competing to survive will do better than and runner or school that is not in competition???? You want proof that incentives matter???

You get that one for free. If you want a debate with me, you have to remain civil. I don't have time for the kid's table.

And that's not what I want proof of. Let's go back to proving what you said to begin with:

"Liberals support the status quo" (Gee, I always thought conservatives did that...)

"Liberals are willing to sacrifice our children..." Who's willing? Sacrifice how? Get specific.

"Republicans want...every day [to be] a fight for survival for a school." Did any pol actually say this? Who and when? What are the specifics of his or her plan?

That should be enough incentive to get you off to a healthy start.
"Liberals support the status quo" (Gee, I always thought conservatives did that...)

what planet have you been on?? Conservatives want radical change!! Education is perfect example!! Health care is perfect example!!!

"Liberals are willing to sacrifice our children..." Who's willing? Sacrifice how? Get specific.

liberals are willing by maintaining status quo in schools that turn out dumbest kids in civilized world

"Republicans want...every day [to be] a fight for survival for a school." Did any pol actually say this? Who and when? What are the specifics of his or her plan?

dear, ever heard of vouchers??? So parents choose who educates their children rather than libturd bureaucrats!!!

That should be enough incentive to get you off to a healthy start.

it is 100% gospel among Republicans that liberals are too slow for debate, that their ignorance attracts them to the simplicity and ignorance of the liberal way. Sorry but thats a fact and your naive questions help prove it. Sorry.
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Dear Edward, what part of "specifics" did you not understand?

I'm willing to give you one more try, but so far you're flunking debate 101.
Dear Edward, what part of "specifics" did you not understand?

I'm willing to give you one more try, but so far you're flunking debate 101.

what planet have you been on?? Conservatives want radical change!! Education is perfect example!! Health care is perfect example!!!

Cut the liberal BS. If you disagree please say why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.
Dear Edward, what part of "specifics" did you not understand?

I'm willing to give you one more try, but so far you're flunking debate 101.

what planet have you been on?? Conservatives want radical change!! Education is perfect example!! Health care is perfect example!!!

Cut the liberal BS. If you disagree please say why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

Debate fail: Eddie.
Pwnage: WP

Better luck next time.
Dear Edward, what part of "specifics" did you not understand?

I'm willing to give you one more try, but so far you're flunking debate 101.

what planet have you been on?? Conservatives want radical change!! Education is perfect example!! Health care is perfect example!!!

Cut the liberal BS. If you disagree please say why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

Debate fail: Eddie.
Pwnage: WP

Better luck next time.

translation: I know as a typical liberal I lack the IQ to debate
what planet have you been on?? Conservatives want radical change!! Education is perfect example!! Health care is perfect example!!!

Cut the liberal BS. If you disagree please say why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

Debate fail: Eddie.
Pwnage: WP

Better luck next time.

translation: I know as a typical liberal I lack the IQ to debate
Translation of translation: I take no responsibility for my failures.

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