GOP voter suppression tactics are quite real but you won’t find them nationwide


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

You worthless leftist traitors crack me up!
OMG if you are too stupid to get your early ballot in on time, you don't deserve your vote to count. Culling out the stupid vote is a good thing.
Hey moron, that’s obviously not the only issue. Of course, I guess I wouldn’t expect you to understand how people conduct their lives. Perhaps people do not have the time to vote until a couple days out. Maybe there was a delay of them receiving their ballots. You’re unemployed I’m guessing so you wouldn’t understand that people have lives.
Democrats call Republican attempts to stop Democratic voter fraud "voter suppression."
Even jf voter fraud was real, none of these tactics would do anything to stop the fraud lol. The GOP knows this. They know there is no fraud. They just want to keep anyone but republicans from voting.
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OMG if you are too stupid to get your early ballot in on time, you don't deserve your vote to count. Culling out the stupid vote is a good thing.
Hey moron, that’s obviously not the only issue. Of course, I guess I wouldn’t expect you to understand how people conduct their lives. Perhaps people do not have the time to vote until a couple days out. Maybe there was a delay of them receiving their ballots. You’re unemployed I’m guessing so you wouldn’t understand that people have lives.
Most leftists don't work so they got plenty of time.
Democrats call Republican attempts to stop Democratic voter fraud "voter suppression."
Even jf voter fraud was real, none of these tactics would do anything to stop the fraud lol. The GOP knows this. They know there is no fraud. They just want to keep anyone but republicans from voting.
Well, actually, if you think about it, leftists really shouldn't be allowed to vote. They're traitors. The democratic party should actually be disbanded.
It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

Why is it that (supposedly) democrats find it so hard to vote? It is a simple task, for most people that is.
It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

Why is it that (supposedly) democrats find it so hard to vote? It is a simple task, for most people that is.
Well the facts I laid out are true whether you like them or not.
It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

Provide an ID and get there before the voting ends. How the hell is that suppression?
It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

Why is it that (supposedly) democrats find it so hard to vote? It is a simple task, for most people that is.
Proving who you are and voting before the election ends is apparently draconian. Who knew.
It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

Provide an ID and get there before the voting ends. How the hell is that suppression?
Not at all surprised you didn’t read my post. Tell me, if all this isn’t a big deal, then why is the GOP doing this? What is the point? Why wouldn’t they just let everyone vote how their states want? Remember when you cared about states’ rights? Hmm.
It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

Eat shit and die, motherfucker.

We'll protect the legitimate vote in any ways we can.

Voting is a privilege.

Your plane does not wait for you. Be on time or forget it.

Same with voting.
It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

Eat shit and die, motherfucker.

We'll protect the legitimate vote in any ways we can.

Voting is a privilege.

Your plane does not wait for you. Be on time or forget it.

Same with voting.
Lol good god you’re so fucking dumb. Only your dumbass would call voting a privilege. You’re only calling it that because I am defending it in this moment. You’re such a child.
It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

Eat shit and die, motherfucker.

We'll protect the legitimate vote in any ways we can.

Voting is a privilege.

Your plane does not wait for you. Be on time or forget it.

Same with voting.
Lol good god you’re so fucking dumb. Only your dumbass would call voting a privilege. You’re only calling it that because I am defending it in this moment. You’re such a child.

Sorry fuckhead....but it is a privilege.

It's always been a privilege.

Because you are part of the enabled see it as your shitter.

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