GOP threatens Dems: If you try reconciliation, we’ll go nuclear with amendments

There are NO affordable health insurance options. There are NO affordable health care options beyond walk-in clinics. Why do you guys insist on people working 2-4 jobs to afford these things and face bankruptcy if they don't in order to address this problem? Other countries can deliver good care FOR LESS THAN WE ARE PAYING NOW IN A VERY BROKEN SYSTEM. Why are you fighting what is best for all of our citizens as opposed to what is working for a small percentage? Have YOU ever lost your job and found yourself without health care? I have been laid off before - and it's scary knowing that if you get really sick, you're screwed for a long, long time.
Funny... I can find basic plans for people... and those are fine...

Basic plans for $300 are rediculous and you know it. I refuse to work 2 or 3 jobs on top of my full time job in order to be able to afford to go to the doctor when I need to. That is not a life.

As we can see.. you have that freedom to refuse to work 2 or 3 jobs... but you are not owed insurance or care at the expense of others.... you make your bed, you lay in it

As for $300 plans.... just as most every other product, the cheaper costing one usually does not have as many bells and whistles as the more expensive one... Like the difference between a 1993 Geo Metro and a Bentley... but you are not owed a Bentley simply because you want it.. and if you want the Bentley, it is your responsibility to earn and pay for it... and if you don't choose a career path that can get you what you want, it is nobody else's problem but yours
And what they earn and what they allegedly can or can not afford is everyone else's responsibility except for their own

Who said anything about anyone paying for anyone else's health care? I personally favor non-profit co-ops (A PUBLIC OPTION) that anyone can join and then government care for the destitiute and disabled. It would cost far less than we're paying now. But truly, we need to do something about the cost of both medical care and insurance. Period.
There are NO affordable health insurance options. There are NO affordable health care options beyond walk-in clinics. Why do you guys insist on people working 2-4 jobs to afford these things and face bankruptcy if they don't in order to address this problem? Other countries can deliver good care FOR LESS THAN WE ARE PAYING NOW IN A VERY BROKEN SYSTEM. Why are you fighting what is best for all of our citizens as opposed to what is working for a small percentage? Have YOU ever lost your job and found yourself without health care? I have been laid off before - and it's scary knowing that if you get really sick, you're screwed for a long, long time.

I have been laid off, twice..... I have been on Cobra and I have paid for a personal health plan out of pocket until I got a new job with bennies... and I do what I have to do to get by and pay for things until I get another job.... for that is MY responsibility

There are affordable health care and health insurance options... but you do not get to pay bottom rung prices and insist to get top rung product, just because you want it... that's not how it works, bub
And what they earn and what they allegedly can or can not afford is everyone else's responsibility except for their own

Who said anything about anyone paying for anyone else's health care? I personally favor non-profit co-ops (A PUBLIC OPTION) that anyone can join and then government care for the destitiute and disabled. It would cost far less than we're paying now. But truly, we need to do something about the cost of both medical care and insurance. Period.

Run by the government at the expense of taxpayers... which is getting something at the expense of someone else.. when your health care is your choice, and your responsibility

You want care from the government or offered by it... there's a simple way... just become a ward of the state... but like other wards of the state like insane people, you don't get little things like the freedom to do what you want or to vote

And you do not bring government into it if you wish to do something about the cost of care... you open up competition to other companies.... you allow more types of groups to apply for or solicit insurance companies for group rates.... imagine having options of insurance plans from your employer, your chess club, your HOA, the local Moose Lodge, or any other group you can think of... and what that does to prices because of that competition
Run by the government at the expense of taxpayers... which is getting something at the expense of someone else.. when your health care is your choice, and your responsibility

What? A co-op doesn't have to be government run! Most non-profits are privately run, moron. And that's too damn bad. Americans want other Americans to have the best chance to be productive and competitive in in this world. We know you "conservatives" only care about coddling the top 2% and would jump at the chance to throw the rest of us to the wolves. Sounds to me like Russia would be more your speed. Is this really the America that you want? It will truly be a 3rd world country.
Run by the government at the expense of taxpayers... which is getting something at the expense of someone else.. when your health care is your choice, and your responsibility

What? A co-op doesn't have to be government run! Most non-profits are privately run, moron. And that's too damn bad. Americans want other Americans to have the best chance to be productive and competitive in in this world. We know you "conservatives" only care about coddling the top 2% and would jump at the chance to throw the rest of us to the wolves. Sounds to me like Russia would be more your speed. Is this really the America that you want? It will truly be a 3rd world country.

Then start it yourself... what's stopping you??? Fund it yourself.. or better yet, try and pitch it to investors and see what happens... if it is so beneficial and worthwhile, I am sure you will have people jumping all over it..... but the FACT is that the "public option" being mentioned is indeed government run, and with it being government run it is indeed something at the expense of someone else (I.E. the tax payer)

And since you cannot argue against the fact that your personal care, your earning, and your health is your personal responsibility.. and you cannot make an argument supporting why you deserve top rung options at bottom rung prices... you attempt to deflect with the stand-by "conservatives coddle to the rich" line.... nice try, that's not gonna fly there Peepy Weepy

Bullshit. There is absolutely such thing as affordable health care NOR health insurance. Show me a link where my brother, a sous chef, who makes $12 an hour (which is well above minimum wage, is it not?) can afford health insurance or health care beyond a basic clinic. Most restaurants only offer health insurance to management, you know...I (and he) would love to know. Oh yeah, it doesn't exist. Last I checked, it costs upwards of $300 a month for a shitty, bare bones policy if you buy it on your own. Even I couldn't afford that, and I'm considered middle class-soon to be lower class. If my employer didn't offer matched health care benefits, I wouldn't be able to afford insurance NOR health care, either and that's a fact.

I'm a caseworker, you fucking idiot.

Read what I said. For the destitute, there is medicaid, provided the primary wage earner hasn't been denied UC for no-call no show or some other equally idiotic event. Even then, the rest of the family remains eligible.

For the working poor, there are programs such as FHIAP which subsidizes health care for people like your brother. Yes, they're bare bones policies. That will pay for catastrophic illness, vaccinations, regular preventative care, and prescriptions (usually with a small co-pay). That's what the left is shrieking about, people finding themselves without care and in the gutter because they suddenly find themselves ill, unable to work, and unable to afford health care. BULLSHIT. You can always get health care, whether you can afford it or not.

Currently we have what we call a "reservation list" in Oregon. They've opened up OHP to non-pregnant adults. It's a lottery system and 6000 a month are pulled from the hat and if they are eligible, voila, they have health care.

Here are the financial guidelines:

1 person (adult): $903 a month
2 persons (adult): $1215 a month. But children can be covered if the income is up to $2441. The Healthy Kids subsidy income limit for a 2-person hh with a kid is $3655.

Oh shit, I'll give you the link to the chart.

If your brother is single, no kids in the hh, sure he's going to have a hard time getting health insurance if he makes more than the $903 a month. He's a SINGLE HEALTHY MALE. And in Oregon, he's going to have to wait for that. But eventually he'd get it, because those who aren't drawn go on a waiting list and will get thrown into the mix every single time they pull names. Most people who apply eventually get it.
Funny... I can find basic plans for people... and those are fine...

Basic plans for $300 are rediculous and you know it. I refuse to work 2 or 3 jobs on top of my full time job in order to be able to afford to go to the doctor when I need to. That is not a life.

So simply paying for services recieved isn't good enough?

Why is it that you seem to think your entitled to something you can't afford?

Who should pay for what you can't, or won't by all indications in your post?
You "cons" are stupid. Can't you see the logic? It's as clear as day:

- I don't have great healthcare (which is apparently the same as health insurance now)
- Someone else in the U.S. does.
- Therefore, i should have great health care!


...and not have to pay for it.

DUH!! What's so hard to understand?!?!


Bullshit. There is absolutely such thing as affordable health care NOR health insurance. Show me a link where my brother, a sous chef, who makes $12 an hour (which is well above minimum wage, is it not?) can afford health insurance or health care beyond a basic clinic. Most restaurants only offer health insurance to management, you know...I (and he) would love to know. Oh yeah, it doesn't exist. Last I checked, it costs upwards of $300 a month for a shitty, bare bones policy if you buy it on your own. Even I couldn't afford that, and I'm considered middle class-soon to be lower class. If my employer didn't offer matched health care benefits, I wouldn't be able to afford insurance NOR health care, either and that's a fact.

It is simple--

Do not buy insurance

Do not pay hospital Bills.

That is what I do!!:tongue:

(use a fake name!! The Hospitals will just pass the bill onto some "I love my capitalism despite the fact that it is hard to comparitive buy Health care while having a heart attack" chump!)
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personally I don't usually go to doctors. If I had, I would have been dead by now as UC Davis doctors told me 3 years ago I wouldn't be around three more months.
Idiots did their best to make it happen too, until I met this holistic practitioner in Nogales.
Now I go to Nogales and get something quite different than what is offered here in the states.
No insurance accepted, cash on the barrelhead only.
I outlived what the UC Davis clowns that charged me 12000 bucks over what the insurance I had at the time by 2 1/2 years.
So much for the superiority of American medicine.
The cost of holistic care that works in Mexico that doesn't even accept insurance?
so far about 3500 bucks.
If the government was truely interested in health care they would deal with healthcare, and not insurance.
Time for Dems to face reality, Barrycare is dead.

time for repubs to figure out... they lost. they should be put in the basement and ignored if they don't learn how to play well with others.

The Dems tried that, it didn't work for them.

Luckily for us, the taxpayers.

I wouldn't trust these assclowns in congress to do anything correctly, what a disaster it would have been to put health care in the hands of these fools.
Poor Teabaggers.

They just keep getting.......

.....MORE CRAZY.....


Wow, ancient thread.

I didn't know until I repped someone and scrolled up to see who this stunningly well informed and articulate person was....

AllieBaba! Go figure!

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