GOP senators introduce 'Beat China' bill aimed at increasing US manufacturing


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Let's keep this up and call out those who don't appreciate the long term risk to their economy, liberty and sovereignty.

GOP senators introduce 'Beat China' bill aimed at increasing US manufacturing

Three Republican U.S. senators introduced legislation on Thursday aimed at increasing American manufacturing to help limit the nation's dependence on China for prescription drugs, medical supplies and devices.

Sens. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., Joni Ernst, R-Iowa., and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, introduced the "Bring Entrepreneurial Advancements to Consumers Here In North America – or the "Beat China Act – to "incentivize pharmaceutical and medical device and supply manufacturers to relocate to the United States," according to a press release from Loeffler's office.

The bill is the Senate companion to the "Beat China Act" (H.R. 6690) in the House of Representatives. It would alter the tax code to provide incentives to businesses willing to relocate the production of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and other supplies to the U.S.

“For too long, our manufacturing has moved overseas, taking American jobs, jeopardizing our supply chains and forcing us to depend on competitors,” Loeffler said in a statement. “The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us just how dangerous it is to rely so heavily on other countries, including China, for critical, life-saving products like drugs and medical devices as well as supplies like gowns, masks and swabs. It is time we incentivize companies to bring those factories and jobs back to the United States.”
Screw that. They make billions. You don't give them breaks to move back. You hammer their profits with huge taxes if they don't.

Manufacture in China and it's 85%.
Let's keep this up and call out those who don't appreciate the long term risk to their economy, liberty and sovereignty.

GOP senators introduce 'Beat China' bill aimed at increasing US manufacturing

Three Republican U.S. senators introduced legislation on Thursday aimed at increasing American manufacturing to help limit the nation's dependence on China for prescription drugs, medical supplies and devices.

Sens. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., Joni Ernst, R-Iowa., and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, introduced the "Bring Entrepreneurial Advancements to Consumers Here In North America – or the "Beat China Act – to "incentivize pharmaceutical and medical device and supply manufacturers to relocate to the United States," according to a press release from Loeffler's office.

The bill is the Senate companion to the "Beat China Act" (H.R. 6690) in the House of Representatives. It would alter the tax code to provide incentives to businesses willing to relocate the production of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and other supplies to the U.S.

“For too long, our manufacturing has moved overseas, taking American jobs, jeopardizing our supply chains and forcing us to depend on competitors,” Loeffler said in a statement. “The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us just how dangerous it is to rely so heavily on other countries, including China, for critical, life-saving products like drugs and medical devices as well as supplies like gowns, masks and swabs. It is time we incentivize companies to bring those factories and jobs back to the United States.”

Getting stuff done for Americans, while the leftists are working their best to destroy stuff done by Americans. A contrast...

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