GOP Senator says he will seek Third Party if Trump wins nomination

Trump made himself out to be Hitler?

Who knew?

CHUCK TODD: And as you know, right now on Twitter, there is a trending retweet of yours, you retweeted somebody from Il Duce 2016, it was a Mussolini quote, but you didn't know it was Mussolini when you retweeted it, it said, "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep." That's a famous Mussolini quote, you retweeted it. Do you like the quote? Did you know it was Mussolini?

DONALD TRUMP: Sure, it's okay to know it's Mussolini. Look, Mussolini was Mussolini. It's okay to-- it's a very good quote, it's a very interesting quote, and I know it. I saw it.

So you think it's better to live as a sheep?
Hitler had some good things to say, don't you think? I mean he wasn't ALL wrong.

It is always more difficult to fight against faith than against knowledge.

Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself because you're unique.

If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

Do you agree with those?

No matter how bad the person may be, some things they say you will agree with, because they make sense. That doesn't mean you agree with the person.

First, they forced Trump to sign the pledge, having in mind and hoping he'll never win the nomination.

Since Trump is most likely to win the nomination, they're backing on the pledge.

Rino's would rather see Hillary then Trump as president. They gave Barry everything they wanted anyways. Maybe they should switch to D and remove all the doubts.

I fully expect McConnell to flip D if Trump wins the nomination.

First, they forced Trump to sign the pledge, having in mind and hoping he'll never win the nomination.

Since Trump is most likely to win the nomination, they're backing on the pledge.

Rino's would rather see Hillary then Trump as president. They gave Barry everything they wanted anyways. Maybe they should switch to D and remove all the doubts.

I fully expect McConnell to flip D if Trump wins the nomination.

Why not before or right away?

First, they forced Trump to sign the pledge, having in mind and hoping he'll never win the nomination.

Since Trump is most likely to win the nomination, they're backing on the pledge.

Rino's would rather see Hillary then Trump as president. They gave Barry everything they wanted anyways. Maybe they should switch to D and remove all the doubts.

I fully expect McConnell to flip D if Trump wins the nomination.

Why not before or right away?

Still hoping for Rubio, I suppose...:badgrin:
No, if Hillary wins, the Senate will fall to the Dems.
I hadn't considered that possibility till 2020.

Hmmmm, interesting

That's because it isn't a possibility. Nothing about Hillary, assuming she doesn't get indicted well engender a big turnout for Democrats.
Yes there is and we see it every day. The MSM is ginning up support for Cankles, by depicting Trump as Hitler reincarnated. Many voters are so easily duped, they will accept the lies and vote for the pantsuit.

Yeah ummmmmmmmmmm...... the media didn't do that; Rump himself did that.

--- Appeal to past glories ("make America grate again"/"Third Reich")....
--- Stigmatizing an ethnic group as source of everybody's problems (Mexicans, Muslims / Jews, communists, intellectuals)....
--- Appeal to religion (sudden interest in the bible/"Kinder, Kirche Kuche")
--- Megalomaniac speeches: all emotion, no policy specifics, use of mob psychology....
--- Melts down at any criticism, intends to shut down dissent....
--- Desires personal dictatorship, ignoring Constitution...
...which doesn't necessarily make Trump a "fascist," but nonetheless illustrates why he's not fit to be president.
IMO, Trump is unfit to be President because his political opponents, and diplomatic leaders from other countries, are not like his employees and competitors. They'll respond very differently to the acumen he's accustomed.

In spite of the concept put forth by "Mr Smith goes to Washington" can't drop someone into Washington who will change the place. Washington changes people. Not the other way around.

I read the article twice, no where does Sasse say he would run as an independent, or even run at all. He said he couldn't vote for Trump or the hildabitch and conservatives needed an alternative. He didn't go beyond that.
That's what the OP says. Sasse's an interesting guy.

Of course OP's and articles are never ever misleading, right? Did you read the link?

I read the article twice, no where does Sasse say he would run as an independent, or even run at all. He said he couldn't vote for Trump or the hildabitch and conservatives needed an alternative. He didn't go beyond that.
That's what the OP says. Sasse's an interesting guy.

Of course OP's and articles are never ever misleading, right? Did you read the link?
I think we all agree Sasse didn't say he'd run. But he's an interesting guy to keep an eye on for a few years. He's an unusual first term senator in that he does have govt experience in the executive branch.

I read the article twice, no where does Sasse say he would run as an independent, or even run at all. He said he couldn't vote for Trump or the hildabitch and conservatives needed an alternative. He didn't go beyond that.
That's what the OP says. Sasse's an interesting guy.

Of course OP's and articles are never ever misleading, right? Did you read the link?
I think we all agree Sasse didn't say he'd run. But he's an interesting guy to keep an eye on for a few years. He's an unusual first term senator in that he does have govt experience in the executive branch.

I've never heard of the guy before today. Guess I'll have to look him up.

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