GOP Pushes for Government Shutdown, This Time Over Immigration

I saw John Boehner, in a press conference, say that Republicans are considering shutting down the government over the immigration issue. Yeah, that worked really well for them the last time they tried it.

Do you mean the last time the democrats blamed the Republucans for shutting down the government?

What exactly do you think the Republicans accomplished between last October and this November? If it damaged the Republican Party so much ... How did they turn everything around a year later and beat the pants off Democrats?

What was the key piece of legislation the Republicans pushed through Congress that allowed them to recover from such a disaster as shutting down the government?

Sadly, conservatives are really good and saying they don't like what Obama is doing, but less great at saying how they would deal with the situation. You want to deport the 11 million undocumented immigrants, but how would you accomplish it, and what would the cost be? I've seen figures as high as $25,000 per person, as the cost of deporting an illegal immigrant. Even if that figure is exaggerated and it's only $10,000 per deportation, that's still $11B minimum. Where is that money going to come from, and how many people will the government have to hire and train to make it happen?

The most exspensive plane ticket I could find from say ... Portland, Oregon to Cozumel, Mexico ... Was $917 and nowhere near $10,000.

Now if you would like to argue that the goof-balls in government are incapable of purchasing a plane ticket and making sure the deportee gets on the plane ... Then it would be hard for me to argue with that. If you want to suggest the government would milk the crap out of the taxpayers to accomplish a task a travel agent could do ... You will get no argument from me.

A $10,000 price tag for a $917 plane ticket sounds about right for Democrats in Congress.

And after the deportations are carried out, how will the US economy function without them? Food prices will rise dramatically as farmer are forced to raise wages paid to harvest their crops. Costs will go up for janitorial work, landscaping, child care, household domestics, and farm laborers, simply because of supply and demand.

Oh ... So now the US economy needs foreign workers?

You sound like one of those silly people who bitch about American companies shipping their manufacturing facilities overseas ... Then wants to suggest it is a much better idea if we just bring to foreign workers here. Then you suggest that we need to keep foreign workers around to manage costs for janitorial work and household domestics among other things.

That is some screwed up economics ... How about we employ Americans and pay them what they earn instead?

it's one thing to say that all illegals should be deported, but the reality is that the US economy has always depended on a large pool of very cheap labour. Initially it was the slaves. Then the "guest workers" who were sent home when no longer needed, and now the illegals. If the government imposed high fines for companies employing undocumented workers, people wouldn't risk hiring them, but Republicans have strongly resisted punishing employers. That should tell you how important these people are to the US economy.

Conservatives talk the talk, but when push comes to shove, they wouldn't dare get rid of their cheap labor force.

It is the Demicrats that want to talk about immigration ... Because they don't want to talk about doing their jobs as required by law.

I mean at some point you are going to have to face the fact the only reason we are talking about immigration is because the Democrats don't want to talk about their absolute failure to address economic issues. They would rather talk about comprehensive immigration reform than the fact they haven't passed a budget bill (required by law) in years ... And won't address the deficit or out of control spending.

The Republucans in Congress need to pass a comprehensive balanced budget bill ... And if the President refuses to sign it ... Then shut down the government.

Evidently it DIDN'T hurt Republicans like you and Rachael Maddcow claims. People went out and VOTED the Democrats from the SENATE and gave them a couple seats in the HOUSE

so much fear mongering from the left because they have nothing else.
I saw John Boehner, in a press conference, say that Republicans are considering shutting down the government over the immigration issue. Yeah, that worked really well for them the last time they tried it.

Do you mean the last time the democrats blamed the Republucans for shutting down the government?

What exactly do you think the Republicans accomplished between last October and this November? If it damaged the Republican Party so much ... How did they turn everything around a year later and beat the pants off Democrats?

What was the key piece of legislation the Republicans pushed through Congress that allowed them to recover from such a disaster as shutting down the government?.

Republicans didn't really "recover" much at all. But they did have the good sense to admit that shutting down the government was a bad idea and that they wouldn't do it again. They also marginalized the idiot Tea Party types who went around saying a woman who is legitimately raped can't get pregnant.

And then there is ISIS. People are afraid, and want something done to end ISIS now. Obama isn't doing that. The middle class continues to lose ground. The electorate's memory is short, and most people have little idea on how the economy works. They'll turn on the Republicans just as fast if things continue along the current path.

Sadly, conservatives are really good and saying they don't like what Obama is doing, but less great at saying how they would deal with the situation. You want to deport the 11 million undocumented immigrants, but how would you accomplish it, and what would the cost be? I've seen figures as high as $25,000 per person, as the cost of deporting an illegal immigrant. Even if that figure is exaggerated and it's only $10,000 per deportation, that's still $11B minimum. Where is that money going to come from, and how many people will the government have to hire and train to make it happen?

The most exspensive plane ticket I could find from say ... Portland, Oregon to Cozumel, Mexico ... Was $917 and nowhere near $10,000.

Now if you would like to argue that the goof-balls in government are incapable of purchasing a plane ticket and making sure the deportee gets on the plane ... Then it would be hard for me to argue with that. If you want to suggest the government would milk the crap out of the taxpayers to accomplish a task a travel agent could do ... You will get no argument from me.

A $10,000 price tag for a $917 plane ticket sounds about right for Democrats in Congress.

It's not the cost of a plane ticket. It's the cost of enforcement officers to locate the illegals, arrest them, provide due process, file the paperwork to get the plane ticket, house the illegals until they get on the plane. Like I said above, most people are totally ignorant on how the deportation process works and the costs involved. You can't just pick someone up and put them on a plane without due process.

And after the deportations are carried out, how will the US economy function without them? Food prices will rise dramatically as farmer are forced to raise wages paid to harvest their crops. Costs will go up for janitorial work, landscaping, child care, household domestics, and farm laborers, simply because of supply and demand.

Oh ... So now the US economy needs foreign workers?

You sound like one of those silly people who bitch about American companies shipping their manufacturing facilities overseas ... Then wants to suggest it is a much better idea if we just bring to foreign workers here. Then you suggest that we need to keep foreign workers around to manage costs for janitorial work and household domestics among other things.

That is some screwed up economics ... How about we employ Americans and pay them what they earn instead?

Because no one will do the jobs at the same wages that the illegals are paid. People hire illegals because they don't want to pay even US minimum wages. And because there are no penalties against employers who hire illegals and underpay them.

Nowhere did I suggest bringing in guest workers. How about hiring Americans to manufacture goods and pay them a decent wage instead of giving all of the money to the CEO's and upper management?

it's one thing to say that all illegals should be deported, but the reality is that the US economy has always depended on a large pool of very cheap labour. Initially it was the slaves. Then the "guest workers" who were sent home when no longer needed, and now the illegals. If the government imposed high fines for companies employing undocumented workers, people wouldn't risk hiring them, but Republicans have strongly resisted punishing employers. That should tell you how important these people are to the US economy.

Conservatives talk the talk, but when push comes to shove, they wouldn't dare get rid of their cheap labor force.

It is the Demicrats that want to talk about immigration ... Because they don't want to talk about doing their jobs as required by law.

I mean at some point you are going to have to face the fact the only reason we are talking about immigration is because the Democrats don't want to talk about their absolute failure to address economic issues. They would rather talk about comprehensive immigration reform than the fact they haven't passed a budget bill (required by law) in years ... And won't address the deficit or out of control spending.

The Republucans in Congress need to pass a comprehensive balanced budget bill ... And if the President refuses to sign it ... Then shut down the government.

The President refused to sign any budget which defunds the Affordable Care Act, and he was right to do so. The Republican Party has admitted that they shut down the government, and that it was a mistake. Why are you now saying they didn't do it?
oh brother. the Democrats had two years of control so why didn't THEY pass a budget instead they used it to shove another government ENTITLEMENT down our throats called, save your all advice for Republicans. They will do what their "constituents" put them in control to do. As they are NOT like the sheep in Democrat party who just marches in Lockstep to anything their party wants..
And the number one thing is to. STOP this ugly President and not bend over to kiss Democrats ass
oh brother. the Democrats had two years of control so why didn't THEY pass a budget instead they used it to shove another government ENTITLEMENT down our throats called, save your all advice for Republicans. They will do what their "constituents" put them in control to do. As they are NOT like the sheep in Democrat party who just marches in Lockstep to anything their party wants..
And the number one thing is to. STOP this ugly President and not bend over to kiss Democrats ass

So you're saying that Obama should have ignored the housing market collapse, the collapse of the banking industry, the bankruptcies in the auto industry, and the collapse of the jobs markets which saw the US economy shedding 700,000 jobs per month, and focused on what? Because that's what Obama was working on in his first two years in office, as well as working on the Affordable Care Act.

And thank you for proving what a poor memory the electorate has. You've completely ignored the damage Republicans did to the economy while they controlled Congress for the 8 of the 10 years prior to 2008.
oh brother. the Democrats had two years of control so why didn't THEY pass a budget instead they used it to shove another government ENTITLEMENT down our throats called, save your all advice for Republicans. They will do what their "constituents" put them in control to do. As they are NOT like the sheep in Democrat party who just marches in Lockstep to anything their party wants..
And the number one thing is to. STOP this ugly President and not bend over to kiss Democrats ass

So you're saying that Obama should have ignored the housing market collapse, the collapse of the banking industry, the bankruptcies in the auto industry, and the collapse of the jobs markets which saw the US economy shedding 700,000 jobs per month, and focused on what? Because that's what Obama was working on in his first two years in office, as well as working on the Affordable Care Act.

And thank you for proving what a poor memory the electorate has. You've completely ignored the damage Republicans did to the economy while they controlled Congress for the 8 of the 10 years prior to 2008.

It was the Dem's who were in denial of that economy and blocked what Bush wanted.
oh brother. the Democrats had two years of control so why didn't THEY pass a budget instead they used it to shove another government ENTITLEMENT down our throats called, save your all advice for Republicans. They will do what their "constituents" put them in control to do. As they are NOT like the sheep in Democrat party who just marches in Lockstep to anything their party wants..
And the number one thing is to. STOP this ugly President and not bend over to kiss Democrats ass

So you're saying that Obama should have ignored the housing market collapse, the collapse of the banking industry, the bankruptcies in the auto industry, and the collapse of the jobs markets which saw the US economy shedding 700,000 jobs per month, and focused on what? Because that's what Obama was working on in his first two years in office, as well as working on the Affordable Care Act.

And thank you for proving what a poor memory the electorate has. You've completely ignored the damage Republicans did to the economy while they controlled Congress for the 8 of the 10 years prior to 2008.

It was the Dem's who were in denial of that economy and blocked what Bush wanted.

Here is just one of their glorious moments with President Bush. the Democrat base really needs to wake up to their party and the games they are playing with their lives:


Uploaded on May 4, 2006
At President Bush's State of the Union address, Congressional Democrats wildly cheer their own intransigence, obstruction, and reverence for the broken status quo. Showing their love for America's biggest government boondoggle, Democrats prove, once again, why they cannot be trusted with power.
The President refused to sign any budget which defunds the Affordable Care Act, and he was right to do so. The Republican Party has admitted that they shut down the government, and that it was a mistake. Why are you now saying they didn't do it?

See Dragonlady ... All the other nonsense aside ... I didn't suggest the Republicans didn't shut the government down.

I said it obviously didn't hurt them to do so ... They beat the pants off Democrats a year after they shut the government down. Democrats just think they control the dialog ... And keep talking about everything except why they won't do their job in Congress. Talk about immigration ... Demand the Republicans compromise ... My ass!

The Republicans need to tell the Democrats that they now control the Congress and will address the issues Republicans want to talk about. If you think shutting down the government scares the Republicans ... They won the fricken election because they had the balls to shut it down last time.

I pray the baggers shut the government down again. It will hurt the economy considerably for a time but it will insure a non-repub clean sweep in '16 :thewave:
So praying for a bad economy, hmmmm...many were called racist when they said those things.

I maintained it was a different opinion in politics.

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