GOP House refuses to call Michigan Governor

The GOP candidates need to address it now: say it was a tragedy, that government failed to do its job,and they will hold those people accountable.
That would be the right move. Blame it on government.

Actually it's not just "government". Please consider not all governments are equal. Just because the bush or Snyder governments dont work, doesn't mean all government is that corrupt and/or incompetent
This topic has been posted several times already. The Flint water debacle is being resolved. If it'll help your sense of outrage though, here goes. Gov. Synder is a poopoo head!

I suppose that is funny. It may not be funny to the poor people in Flint that are forced to bathe in bottled water.

It's their own fault

You want to bathe in bottled water, Frank. I guess your could laugh about that also? The Governor appointed Emergency Managers who switched the water source. Then he ignored the warnings from citizens and Doctors. he should be in Jail!

Dems are just too stupid to figure it out without mo' N Bigga Gubbamint.

Don't drink dirty water, don't eat the yellow snow. One day soon you may not have the same government to hold your hand and tell you what to drink. What happens then?
The GOP candidates need to address it now: say it was a tragedy, that government failed to do its job,and they will hold those people accountable.
That would be the right move. Blame it on government.

Actually it's not just "government". Please consider not all governments are equal. Just because the bush or Snyder governments dont work, doesn't mean all government is that corrupt and/or incompetent
Yeah good thing Obama's epa handled this, right
The EPA, the feds, the staties -- all need to be investigated, period.

Good point, Frank.
The GOP candidates need to address it now: say it was a tragedy, that government failed to do its job,and they will hold those people accountable.
That would be the right move. Blame it on government.

Actually it's not just "government". Please consider not all governments are equal. Just because the bush or Snyder governments dont work, doesn't mean all government is that corrupt and/or incompetent
Yeah good thing Obama's epa handled this, right

This is the problem with Republicans.

"You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government"

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