GOP House: Jan 6 Commission

What is with you? You have no fucking idea about me or anyone else's fragility. Everyone has not moved on. The corrupt media has moved on and you are stupid enough to believe everything they say. Do yourself a favor and stop posting.
Your media is corrupt. They keep you as stupid as possible by pumping you full of these easy lies and then tell you not to believe anyone else.

It’s sad the amount of abuse you’re happily taking.

The FBI didn’t instigate the riot. The riot occurred because a bunch of delusional Trump supporters whipped up into a frenzy and became violent without thinking there’d be consequences. Now losers like you are trying to avoid having to admit it. That’s it.
There are a lot of great witnesses who they could call up and a lot of great questions that they could ask them.
The Jan 6 insurrection is another Democrat hoax issue.
They need to be exposed.
Oh gosh


The police officers who were wounded?
Your media is corrupt. They keep you as stupid as possible by pumping you full of these easy lies and then tell you not to believe anyone else.

It’s sad the amount of abuse you’re happily taking.

The FBI didn’t instigate the riot. The riot occurred because a bunch of delusional Trump supporters whipped up into a frenzy and became violent without thinking there’d be consequences. Now losers like you are trying to avoid having to admit it. That’s it.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
She doesn’t. The Capitol Police are run by a committee. One of the people on that committee is appointed by Pelosi. The others aren’t. Educate yourself moron.
The Sgt at Arms reports to The Speaker, moron.
"Irving did not float the idea by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Instead, he rejected then-U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s request to activate the National Guard based on what he believed would be Pelosi’s position on the matter"
Your media is corrupt. They keep you as stupid as possible by pumping you full of these easy lies and then tell you not to believe anyone else.

It’s sad the amount of abuse you’re happily taking.

The FBI didn’t instigate the riot. The riot occurred because a bunch of delusional Trump supporters whipped up into a frenzy and became violent without thinking there’d be consequences. Now losers like you are trying to avoid having to admit it. That’s it.
Says the anonymous bot. Seen your type before. Show up just before the election--do the seagull thing (fly around, make a lot of noise and shit all over the place and fly away). See ya, moron.
Assuming for the moment the predictions that the GOP will take the house come to pass....Should the GOP disband the commission?

You expect them still presenting evidence and having hearings and other bullshit still next February a full TWO YEARS after the event in question? It was already "investigated" out the wazoo before the 2nd impeachment and now for another 1.5 years! How can it take that long to investigate a single riot/protest that only lasted a few hours? Especially when these same people maintain that Trump had ample time to investigate, build cases, file AND prosecute dozens of state wide fraud cases across six whole states in only six weeks???

Then there is the matter of expecting 100% of the GOP to all stick together on any issue when everytime 3-4 of them always jump sides!

Gee, isn't that convenient then that our "election" just happened to turn out without enough GOP majority in the senate to cover those losses? :smoke:
The Sgt at Arms reports to The Speaker, moron.
"Irving did not float the idea by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Instead, he rejected then-U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s request to activate the National Guard based on what he believed would be Pelosi’s position on the matter"
There are two sergeants at arms. One for the House. One for the Senate. The Capitol police is run by a board of multiple people. The House Sergeant at Arms being one of them.
How can it take that long to investigate a single riot/protest that only lasted a few hours?
Because the Jan 6th committee isn’t just investigating the riot. They’re investigating all the shenanigans that Trump engaged in after the election in an attempt to change the outcome.

You should have paid more attention. It’s fascinating.

But if you’re a Trump supporter, I understand why you’d want this to be buried. It’s bad.
Because the Jan 6th committee isn’t just investigating the riot. They’re investigating all the shenanigans that Trump engaged in after the election in an attempt to change the outcome.

Dog and pony show.

You should have paid more attention. It’s fascinating.

For you, I'm sure it is.

For me, it's a lot less interesting than a daytime soap. Which I have studiously avoided for the past 60 years.

But if you’re a Trump supporter, I understand why you’d want this to be buried. It’s bad.

Not buried. That's the whole stupid thing about this. Nothing is buried. Nothing has EVER been buried. We knew exactly what happened long before the committee formed. Total waste of taxpayer time and money. WTF are they going to do, impeach him again? lol
What slander specifically?

Too long of a list to review.

But let's use the leaks about the political raid on Mar-A-Lago, where Joe Biden ordered and attack on his political rival in the 2024 presidential election (didn't the Nazi democrats IMPEACH someone for the mere allegation? Oh well, Reich has it's privilege).

In a Monday ruling that a neutral third party, or “special master,” must go through material seized in the raid, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon noted that the feds seem unable on their own to stop media leaks that hurt Trump.

“For the same reasons — chiefly, the risk that the Government’s filter review process will not adequately safeguard Plaintiff’s privileged and personal materials in terms of exposure to either the Investigative Team or the media — Plaintiff has sufficiently established irreparable injury,” Cannon wrote.

Cannon, whom Trump appointed to the federal bench in 2020, said the special master was necessary to ensure “the integrity of an orderly process amidst swirling allegations of bias and media leaks.”

In a footnote in her decision, Cannon said she had queried the DOJ about the leaks, which started immediately after the raid and included unsubstantiated claims Trump had nuclear secrets and a photo of documents spread out on the floor of Trump’s home.}

Garland and his criminal goons have run a campaign of leaks and outright lies propagated by their coconspirators in the Reich propaganda corps.
Too long of a list to review.

But let's use the leaks about the political raid on Mar-A-Lago, where Joe Biden ordered and attack on his political rival in the 2024 presidential election (didn't the Nazi democrats IMPEACH someone for the mere allegation? Oh well, Reich has it's privilege).

In a Monday ruling that a neutral third party, or “special master,” must go through material seized in the raid, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon noted that the feds seem unable on their own to stop media leaks that hurt Trump.

“For the same reasons — chiefly, the risk that the Government’s filter review process will not adequately safeguard Plaintiff’s privileged and personal materials in terms of exposure to either the Investigative Team or the media — Plaintiff has sufficiently established irreparable injury,” Cannon wrote.

Cannon, whom Trump appointed to the federal bench in 2020, said the special master was necessary to ensure “the integrity of an orderly process amidst swirling allegations of bias and media leaks.”

In a footnote in her decision, Cannon said she had queried the DOJ about the leaks, which started immediately after the raid and included unsubstantiated claims Trump had nuclear secrets and a photo of documents spread out on the floor of Trump’s home.}

Garland and his criminal goons have run a campaign of leaks and outright lies propagated by their coconspirators in the Reich propaganda corps.
I’m still looking for the slander.

The truth is not slander.
Because the Jan 6th committee isn’t just investigating the riot. They’re investigating all the shenanigans that Trump engaged in after the election in an attempt to change the outcome.

You should have paid more attention. It’s fascinating.

But if you’re a Trump supporter, I understand why you’d want this to be buried. It’s bad.

The Nazi Show Trial is a 100% political farce.

BTW, Calvert just won Riverside district 41 in California, pushing the Republicans above 218 and official control of the House.

They need to have impeachment articles ready to go on Jan. 20.

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