GOP Holds Edge over Vulnerable Democrats in Swing Districts


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

A year to go until the 2020 elections so, while it seems encouraging, it’s not a cinch. Trump supporters are going to have to get out there and work to bring in undecideds and independents.

Internal polling from the NRCC indicates that voters in key swing districts prefer Republican candidates who oppose impeachment over Democrats who support it. NPR’s Susan Davis said that the House GOP was briefed on the matter and wrote, “Don’t expect any cracks in GOP unity” due to the internal polling’s findings.

The NRCC briefed House GOP on private polling conducted Oct. 1-3 in 95 districts (55 D / 40 GOP),” Davis wrote.

Don’t expect any cracks in GOP unity: memo concludes voters ‘are much more willing to vote for a GOP candidate opposing impeachment than a Democrat supporting it,'” she added:

More @ Internal Polling Shows GOP Holds Edge over Democrats in Swing Districts

Trump Gaining Independent Support over Top Democrat Challengers @ Poll: Trump Gaining Independent Support over Top Democrat Challengers

Another skewed poll?

Trump Campaign: Democrat Impeachment Fever Fueling Historic Support @ Trump Campaign: Impeachment Fever Fueling Historic Support

This has the president’s supporters and also independents engaged and in the campaign and supporting President Trump in ways that they were not doing before to this level of intensity, and we have Nancy Pelosi and the impeachment inquiry to thank for that,” Trump’s campaign communications director, Tim Murtaugh, said during a call with reporters on Monday afternoon.
This next election is going to be such a landslide that the dems should just sit this one out....
Swing districts usually means they have a lot of thoughtful people who will not be fooled by phony warpaint. Logic and intelligence tells all non partisans that Trump has our country on the right track. It also tells them that the Democrats fantasy policy positions would destroy our country. The socialist-communists, to recap, are for open borders, endless war in Syria, reparations, free college, debt forgiveness, Medicare for all including illegal aliens, the green new deal and higher taxes for starters. If they ever come out of this obsession with their secret impeachment, these will be the next imbecilic (solutions?) they will be working on. That's exactly why swing districts are for Trump overwhelmingly.

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