GOP dirty little secret: corporate subsidies are Middle Class Tax Increases

What your saying is true. Both parties are culprits when it comes to being in bed with corporations, from big oil to solar green energy. that's why I don't understand the OP's point on it having something to do with party, and the middle class thing lost me.

I will say that subsides, and tax credits to specific companies or industry is NOT part of conservative ideology, and is part of progressive philosophy

Barry.....when Dean puts a thread up here......there is only one guilty party at ALL TIMES....the Dean the Democrats are absolutely Righteous and can not possibly be wrong or just is not possible in his world.....
Conservatives fully supported the "Citizen's United" case. They fully support corporate welfare. And they fully support weakening and bankrupting the United States government.

Democrats dont support none of this stuff Sallow?.....well you certainly have me fooled....
What your saying is true. Both parties are culprits when it comes to being in bed with corporations, from big oil to solar green energy. that's why I don't understand the OP's point on it having something to do with party, and the middle class thing lost me.

I will say that subsides, and tax credits to specific companies or industry is NOT part of conservative ideology, and is part of progressive philosophy

Barry.....when Dean puts a thread up here......there is only one guilty party at ALL TIMES....the Dean the Democrats are absolutely Righteous and can not possibly be wrong or just is not possible in his world.....

i see. thnx
I'm not talking about what politicans have done. like the other poster said, both parties are guilty of corporate welfare and excessive spending, but conservative philosophy dictates that we let the spirit of capitalism run and stop giving free money to the corporatons.'s not.

In any case..the Tea Party isn't even supporting a cut to corporate welfare. They support tax cuts even when corporations are making historic profits. Additionally the only one supporting cuts to the military and stopping the wars is Ron Paul. He's roundly dismissed for that reason by both the Tea Party and Conservatives.

The only "war" conservatives complain about is Libya. And that's essentially on the cheap and from an American standpoint, practically bloodless.
I'm not talking about what politicans have done. like the other poster said, both parties are guilty of corporate welfare and excessive spending, but conservative philosophy dictates that we let the spirit of capitalism run and stop giving free money to the corporatons.'s not.

In any case..the Tea Party isn't even supporting a cut to corporate welfare. They support tax cuts even when corporations are making historic profits. Additionally the only one supporting cuts to the military and stopping the wars is Ron Paul. He's roundly dismissed for that reason by both the Tea Party and Conservatives.

The only "war" conservatives complain about is Libya. And that's essentially on the cheap and from an American standpoint, practically bloodless.
You must hate Bill Clinton's ideas on getting America back to work...........................

Imagine making the corporate tax compete with other countries to keep jobs here.

I know you wont stand for it....... Good job!!!
Conservatives fully supported the "Citizen's United" case. They fully support corporate welfare. And they fully support weakening and bankrupting the United States government.

Democrats dont support none of this stuff Sallow?.....well you certainly have me fooled....

Dunno..Obama made a big stink about Citizen's United in the halls of Congress.

I give McCain credit all the time for McCain/Feingold. Aside from maybe McCain, which Republican thinks Citizen's United was an abomination?

There's a bill in congress right now that place severe restrictions on corporate lobbyists and their collusion with Congressional members and their staff. Do you think it will go anywhere in the house?
I'm not talking about what politicans have done. like the other poster said, both parties are guilty of corporate welfare and excessive spending, but conservative philosophy dictates that we let the spirit of capitalism run and stop giving free money to the corporatons.'s not.

In any case..the Tea Party isn't even supporting a cut to corporate welfare. They support tax cuts even when corporations are making historic profits. Additionally the only one supporting cuts to the military and stopping the wars is Ron Paul. He's roundly dismissed for that reason by both the Tea Party and Conservatives.

The only "war" conservatives complain about is Libya. And that's essentially on the cheap and from an American standpoint, practically bloodless.
You must hate Bill Clinton's ideas on getting America back to work...........................

Imagine making the corporate tax compete with other countries to keep jobs here.

I know you wont stand for it....... Good job!!!

This is the thing you guys don't get about Clinton. His "conservative" ideas came with "liberal" provisions. Like Nafta. Anyone displaced by the bill got to be retrained on the government dime. It worked like gangbusters. 33 million new jobs.

Conservatives just put the hurt with no bandages.
Mostly the GOP has foisted unpaid taxes onto the future taxpayer.

But in their defence they could never have done that with the aid and assistance of the Democrats.

You know.

This is the conservative meme. And it's complete bullshit.

FWIW, I'm not a conservative, I'm a nationalist.

While we have a divided government we do have a government in which at one time or another one party is the one that leads the agenda.

Sort of true.

While it's up to the other party to offer up opposition views and perform's also up to them to follow that agenda.

If by follow you mean GET INTO BED WITH THEM, I suppose. I just disagree

The GOP thought they could have wars, new departments and new entitlements while cutting taxes. They were wrong. But it's on one else.

Do I need to remind you that the DEMS voted for us to go to war?

I guess I do.

Hey Sallow... read it an weap: Congressional actions on the Iraq War prior to the 2003 U.S. invasion - SourceWatch

Without the DEMS these wars of EMPIRE would NOT have happened.

And what they should be doing helping the President to pay down those debts as well as fixing the economy they fucking broke.

Blaming this mess on just one party is plain silly.
Conservatives fully supported the "Citizen's United" case. They fully support corporate welfare. And they fully support weakening and bankrupting the United States government.

Democrats dont support none of this stuff Sallow?.....well you certainly have me fooled....

Dunno..Obama made a big stink about Citizen's United in the halls of Congress.

I give McCain credit all the time for McCain/Feingold. Aside from maybe McCain, which Republican thinks Citizen's United was an abomination?

There's a bill in congress right now that place severe restrictions on corporate lobbyists and their collusion with Congressional members and their staff. Do you think it will go anywhere in the house?

you dont know if Democrats support Corporate welfare?......they just have a different set of Corporations is for the bill....i hope it passes but im sure it wont.....
Seems to be one of the GOP's "dirty little secrets" they forget to mention. When you give money to the top 12 largest US corporations and to oil companies, that money comes from the middle class. It's a "tax increase" on the middle class.

When Republicans wanted the government to clean up after BP because it was an "accident", they were working to shift the cost to the middle class.

On Morning Joe, Paul Ryan lied again and again. First, new jobs do NOT come from "small business", they come from "new business". Besides, Republicans saying they support small business is BS. They never have and never will. They only supports large business and corporations. You only need to follow their policies to know that. Because corporations are people my friend.

Another lie, if someone's tax rate is 14% and you close the loopholes, their rate is NOT 25%. Only now, they are paying more of the 14%. But it's STILL 14%.

This Republican "Let 'em Die" Party with the fringe on top, is no friend to the middle class. Their policies, no matter how well they word them are intended to squeeze what ever they can from America to feed a few wealthy elite. They fail under close scrutiny or examination.

In case I have never brought this to your attention before.


The quality of the Republican posts that counter the OP is outstanding!

I like the way this poster here clearly identifies the issue(s) he has with the op and addresses them specifically, showing an understanding of the topic.

You really can't argue with this type of rebuttal.

huh..I thought you were going to explain how it's the middle class that's responsible for paying for corporate subsides?

Why do you think the democrats are the ones against corporate welfare?

Isn't it the GOP that's says get rid of the loopholes, subsides, and lower the rates, so the government can stop picking winners and losers?

Here is a news flash for you. Polititions say what they think you want to hear, not the truth. Most are a bunch of cowardly vagina's cause to tell the truth could get you boo'ed in a debate.

Truth is our government, both left and right, only support big business. The population, and small business along with it, has been marginalized and managed for the last 20 years. A basic economics textbook explains this, and they even have a word for it, its called being captured. (meaning division of government being captured by business)

They both support subsidizing huge business to, thats why last year our top 3 coporations profited more money then what all corporations in the united states paid in taxes.

I say end welfare for all corporations. Then its time to look at welfare for people, only the most needy people deserve help from the government.

What your saying is true. Both parties are culprits when it comes to being in bed with corporations, from big oil to solar green energy. that's why I don't understand the OP's point on it having something to do with party, and the middle class thing lost me.

I will say that subsides, and tax credits to specific companies or industry is NOT part of conservative ideology, and is part of progressive philosophy

Because it's not true. The Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 9 to 1 for a reason. That "1" that's in the Democratic Party are conservative Democrats.

Republicans are 90% white. If the parties were "the same", the Chamber of Commerce would be giving to both "the same". Republicans refuse to understand that money coming from the little people that work at a corporation is NOT the same as money coming from the Board of Directors. Their agenda is NOT the same.
Republicans see three things wrong with the economy.

1. Taxes too high for the wealthiest Americans, even though they are much lower than the more than 50% under Reagan.

2. Too many Regulations, even though Bush and the Republicans went on an orgy of de-regulation.

3. Too many corporate taxes, even though many don't pay any at all they they are the lowest they've been in decades.

They don't mention, supply and demand, or any of the other things that actually affect the economy.
Seems to be one of the GOP's "dirty little secrets" they forget to mention. When you give money to the top 12 largest US corporations and to oil companies, that money comes from the middle class. It's a "tax increase" on the middle class.

When Republicans wanted the government to clean up after BP because it was an "accident", they were working to shift the cost to the middle class.

On Morning Joe, Paul Ryan lied again and again. First, new jobs do NOT come from "small business", they come from "new business". Besides, Republicans saying they support small business is BS. They never have and never will. They only supports large business and corporations. You only need to follow their policies to know that. Because corporations are people my friend.

Another lie, if someone's tax rate is 14% and you close the loopholes, their rate is NOT 25%. Only now, they are paying more of the 14%. But it's STILL 14%.

This Republican "Let 'em Die" Party with the fringe on top, is no friend to the middle class. Their policies, no matter how well they word them are intended to squeeze what ever they can from America to feed a few wealthy elite. They fail under close scrutiny or examination.

You can't "give" money you don't have. The dirty little democrat/scocialist secret is that they assume all money belongs to the government and they only let corporations use it for a while. The sad truth is that government is the worst venue to distribute wealth. Congress couldn't even run a post office without stealing stamps or a caffeteria without stealing food or Fannie Mae without lying to Americans that it was solvent while it was in trouble.

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