GOP Dials Back the Clock on Progress for Women

Is this an Alinsky post or what? After the left has been hammering successful republican women for two years they allege that republicans want to deny progress for women? Women will be able to hire someone to kill their unborn babies just like before but taxpayers won't be paying for it.
I don't call abortion a right. I call free speech a right. I can get it anytime and don't need to pay someone to get it.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court disagrees with you, and has established that a woman's abortion rights are protected by the constitution.

I find it interesting that from what the OP says, this bill will prohibit private insurance from covering abortions. I thought the GOP supported keeping government OUT of private business?
I find it extremely hypercritical for liberals to piss and moan about health care for lazy ass bums that won't earn their reward yet they love to kill humans by the thousands through abortions.

Conservatives want to save lives, make health care affordable without ownerous Government controls and requirements to purchase something you don't want.
I don't call abortion a right. I call free speech a right. I can get it anytime and don't need to pay someone to get it.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court disagrees with you, and has established that a woman's abortion rights are protected by the constitution.

I find it interesting that from what the OP says, this bill will prohibit private insurance from covering abortions. I thought the GOP supported keeping government OUT of private business?
Did you read the bill? It makes abortion illegal, not controlling insurance companies.

I personally have a hard time with this debate, I am all for personal responsibilities and self government, the right to free choice. This is the debate within: How do you determine which is the lesser of the two Government control evils..., is it Government taking your freedom of choice away or is it saving a potential life away?
I think there is a horrible double standard in prosecution, if someone kills the unborn child he can be charged with murder as if it was another person, but if a woman decides to terminate pregnancy the father can't have her charged for murder for killing his child. It's a double standard.

At 20 days the fetus has the ability to feel, this should be deemed a living person.
I don't call abortion a right. I call free speech a right. I can get it anytime and don't need to pay someone to get it.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court disagrees with you, and has established that a woman's abortion rights are protected by the constitution.

I find it interesting that from what the OP says, this bill will prohibit private insurance from covering abortions. I thought the GOP supported keeping government OUT of private business?
Did you read the bill? It makes abortion illegal, not controlling insurance companies.


No I didn't, just the thread and the discussion. If we're talking about a bill that would make abortion as a whole illegal, then by all means pass it. It'll just get knocked down as unconstitutional.
good gawd, so not having the Federal Government use TAXPAYERS monies for women to kill their own children, is now dialing back the clock on women's progress.

Another clueless fright-winger who doesn't know what she is talking about. Obama already signed an executive order banning ALL tax payer funding for abortions. Second, the bil in question has language in it that limits the rights of women. It says that only incest and forcible rape should be exemptions to the ban on federal funding for abortions. Do you understand what that means? It means, for example, that if a woman is slipped a date rape drug, and is subsequently raped and impregnated, she would have to prove that she was physically forced to have sex. Under the GOP's proposal, simply being drugged and waking up pregnant won't qualify. Being a woman, I'd think that you would be opposed to such draconian measures.

How the hell do you call ABORTIONS PROGRESS.?

Pay attention. This isn't about abortion in general. It's about women who use gov't health care subsidies being able to abort after being raped. Do you call limiting the rights of women 'progress'?

Blumenthal is one sick SOB and you all who elected him are too.

Like I give a shit what some dumbass rightie thinks.

Seems this is self explanatory to someone with the least amount of common sense. :cuckoo:
In a court of law the use of a date rape drug is considered rape.
good gawd, so not having the Federal Government use TAXPAYERS monies for women to kill their own children, is now dialing back the clock on women's progress.

Another clueless fright-winger who doesn't know what she is talking about. Obama already signed an executive order banning ALL tax payer funding for abortions. Second, the bil in question has language in it that limits the rights of women. It says that only incest and forcible rape should be exemptions to the ban on federal funding for abortions. Do you understand what that means? It means, for example, that if a woman is slipped a date rape drug, and is subsequently raped and impregnated, she would have to prove that she was physically forced to have sex. Under the GOP's proposal, simply being drugged and waking up pregnant won't qualify. Being a woman, I'd think that you would be opposed to such draconian measures.

How the hell do you call ABORTIONS PROGRESS.?

Pay attention. This isn't about abortion in general. It's about women who use gov't health care subsidies being able to abort after being raped. Do you call limiting the rights of women 'progress'?

Blumenthal is one sick SOB and you all who elected him are too.

Like I give a shit what some dumbass rightie thinks.

How exactly can Obama have banned federal funding for abortion and while at the same time the GOP are supposedly taking away federal funds for certain people to have abortions? Either there is no federal funding already or the GOP is trying to restrict it. It's certainly not both.
Abortion is not progress. Hopefully, one day, future generations will look back on it and remember it along with slavery as abominations.

Chances are that is likely. After all, the people who espouse abortion are the ones who are culling themselves out of the gene pool.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal: GOP Dials Back the Clock on Progress for Women

The bills introduced by Representatives Mike Pence and Christopher Smith take an unprecedented step of blocking women's access to the reproductive health care they need and have a right to -- and I will strongly oppose them. These bills seek to overturn years of long-standing legal doctrine and, even worse, they endanger the health of women in this country by attempting to end insurance coverage -- including private coverage -- for all abortions. We cannot allow women's health to be jeopardized by limiting the options that they and their doctors have when it comes to their reproductive health care.

There's no link to the bill so I will assume huffpo is lying again.
Is this an Alinsky post or what? After the left has been hammering successful republican women for two years they allege that republicans want to deny progress for women? Women will be able to hire someone to kill their unborn babies just like before but taxpayers won't be paying for it.

It is rather sad that they will praise a woman who kills her children but mock a woman who takes care of her children.
So Women killing their offspring is progress in your mind?

If that's progress, what's your final goal? Total genocide?

They'll never understand LIFE, Liberty, Persuit of Happiness, and the protection of the former.

Snuffing out innocent life is Liberty, and persuit of happiness in their minds...and quite sick.

Which makes me wonder who else they are going to want dead before they find their "happiness"
So Women killing their offspring is progress in your mind?

If that's progress, what's your final goal? Total genocide?

They'll never understand LIFE, Liberty, Persuit of Happiness, and the protection of the former.

Snuffing out innocent life is Liberty, and persuit of happiness in their minds...and quite sick.

Which makes me wonder who else they are going to want dead before they find their "happiness"

Anyone that gets in their way essentially...(and that's just my opinion).
Sen. Richard Blumenthal: GOP Dials Back the Clock on Progress for Women

The bills introduced by Representatives Mike Pence and Christopher Smith take an unprecedented step of blocking women's access to the reproductive health care they need and have a right to -- and I will strongly oppose them. These bills seek to overturn years of long-standing legal doctrine and, even worse, they endanger the health of women in this country by attempting to end insurance coverage -- including private coverage -- for all abortions. We cannot allow women's health to be jeopardized by limiting the options that they and their doctors have when it comes to their reproductive health care.

Incorrigible bullsqueeze.

Essentially? You support death of innocent LIFE.

You really need to wean yourself off of Ariana Huffington's tit, and get a real life.
It'll just get knocked down as unconstitutional.
That is something that would be fought long and hard for. in the final ruling they did state "protecting prenatal life and protecting the mother's health" is the balance. So weather a life could be continued vs the health of the mother. This will be the debate I think. No one can predict the final outcome but I don't care what any court rules, this will always be something of heated debate.
I don't call abortion a right. I call free speech a right. I can get it anytime and don't need to pay someone to get it.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court disagrees with you, and has established that a woman's abortion rights are protected by the constitution.

I find it interesting that from what the OP says, this bill will prohibit private insurance from covering abortions. I thought the GOP supported keeping government OUT of private business?

People are idiots with weak wills and easily removed knickers. Unwanted pregnacies will occur. I don't care if the aborter aborts. I find the act to be cruel and that it ends a life on a personal level. However, we live in a society and unless I am willing to take care of every unwanted child, I will take the societal solution.

I also don't care if an insurance policy covers abortions or not. That should be a rider on the policy, but a person who can't master the inticacies of the pill probably won't be able to manage that, either.

All I ask is that taxes don't cover this.

Did the Supreme court mandate that every abortion is required to be at the public expense? I feel that this ruling was made in the same spirit as the Plessy ruling- not particularly Constitutional, but societally mandated.
Abortion is not progress. Hopefully, one day, future generations will look back on it and remember it along with slavery as abominations.

I would suggest that one could replace the word "Abortion" with "Feminism" in your statement and it would have equal, if not more truth to it, Trout.

I wouldn't disagree with you fully on that premise. My wife used to be sweet before she became americanized after leaving Hong Kong, lol!! However, one good attribute, imo, was the independence into the workforce. If it weren't for that, my wife and I would have been living in a tent down by the river when we first got married, lol!!
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When will a woman be allowed to spot for the over-all world record bench lift? It's only fair (by today's in vogue standards) and if she flubs it there is always next years lifting competitions with repaired contestants,,, unlike other contests that are fatally final where women will be spotting for men.
Spotting is often misnomered and misdiagnosed by and for women.
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