GOP cuts funding for veterans administration, then blame General Shinseki

The reality here is, that Republicans could have cut more, but Obama sat there and ignored it for 6 years. Ample time to correct this situation...

Obumble certainly did not create this problem.

He inherited it.

As did several of his predecessors before him.

But here's the thing...

Each Presidency is its own tenure... it's own chance... it's own 'watch'...

And, this deep into the Obumble Presidency, it is now fair to say that this happened on Fearless Leader's watch...

He (and his people) knew about the problems... long ago.

He (and his people) didn't do enough to fix the problems, in the past six years.

And now the thing has blown-up in his face.

He is (and has been, for six years) the Captain of the Ship.

Everything bad that happens on-board is ultimately the fault of the Captain.

It's telling, how the present Administration allowed such things to continue-on, until it blew up in their face, in the media, and they had no choice but to react...

Where the phukk were these special investigating panels, et al, before the goddamned story broke?

In the context of VA Healthcare... the present gaggle of disingenuous lying sacks of shit are no better than the previous gaggle of disingenuous lying sacks of shit.
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Funny how we were lectured about wanting to "cash in" on the deaths of four men in Benghazi, about how our outrage was hollow, but here we have liberals trying to pin this on Republicans, attempting to cash in on the deaths of hundreds of our vets in VA hospitals.

Dear Liberals, when are you planning to establish a select committee on the VA?
It's called "Lacking the balls to man-up and say: We were wrong. Sorry. We're gonna fix it."

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