GOP cuts funding for veterans administration, then blame General Shinseki

GOP can't cut funds for anything without bipartisan support. That's what happens when we have a government that is controlled by different parties in different chambers of Congress.

Not to mention Obama has to sign off on every single budget cut unless Congress gets a 2/3 majority in both Chambers.

If you guys are so right about how evil the GOP is, why do you feel the need to make such obvious lies?

Bills don't get passed without a lot of compromise. Democrats want a little more for transportation they have to accept a little less for veterans. It's the name of the game. As Republicans love to say, they will cut anything and everything they possibly can.

YAWN; another idiiotic lie you've told yourself and cant back up. now you pull these turds out of your ass and expect othes to believe them

you're a joke

republicans ask that they be paid for. dems pretend to want the same thing but when it comes time to doing it cant find the balls to do it

pay for, recent tax cut, :eusa_whistle:
Bills don't get passed without a lot of compromise. Democrats want a little more for transportation they have to accept a little less for veterans. It's the name of the game. As Republicans love to say, they will cut anything and everything they possibly can.

YAWN; another idiiotic lie you've told yourself and cant back up. now you pull these turds out of your ass and expect othes to believe them

you're a joke

republicans ask that they be paid for. dems pretend to want the same thing but when it comes time to doing it cant find the balls to do it

pay for, recent tax cut, :eusa_whistle:

what recent tax cut?
Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.

only a loser like you; a rabid partisan idiot; would excuse the guy and hide behind his record. he's failed at his job; you want to dismiss the tens of thousands of veterans getting shaby treatment on his watch; to hide behind his record of earlier achievements; really just to provide cover for your messiah obama

why dont you be a man for once in your life and admit the obvious?

No, republicans have failed at their job to fund the VA, then blamed Shinseki. Nice try scumbag.
Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.

only a loser like you; a rabid partisan idiot; would excuse the guy and hide behind his record. he's failed at his job; you want to dismiss the tens of thousands of veterans getting shaby treatment on his watch; to hide behind his record of earlier achievements; really just to provide cover for your messiah obama

why dont you be a man for once in your life and admit the obvious?

No, republicans have failed at their job to fund the VA, then blamed Shinseki. Nice try scumbag.

no douche; funding has NOTHING to do with the keeping of double lists

nice try douche
Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.

only a loser like you; a rabid partisan idiot; would excuse the guy and hide behind his record. he's failed at his job; you want to dismiss the tens of thousands of veterans getting shaby treatment on his watch; to hide behind his record of earlier achievements; really just to provide cover for your messiah obama

why dont you be a man for once in your life and admit the obvious?

No, republicans have failed at their job to fund the VA, then blamed Shinseki. Nice try scumbag.

Please. Keep demonstrating you have no clue how our government functions.
I think it's important to keep in mind here the important thing is caring for our nations Vets not career protection. While it's true Gen. Shinseki had a long and honorable Military career, that does not take away his responsibility for what goes on under his command. I'll just cite a few examples ...

WASHINGTON - In a rare move, the top Marine on Monday forced two generals into retirement after concluding they should be held to account for failing to secure a base in Afghanistan against a Taliban attack that killed two Marines.
Gen. James Amos, the commandant of the Marine Corps

MANAMA, Bahrain -- The commander of the Bahrain-based mine countermeasures ship USS Dextrous was relieved of his duties Wednesday “due to loss of confidence in ability to command,”

CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming has fired one of its senior officers.
The firing of Col. Donald Holloway was announced Thursday. He served as commander of the 90th Operations Group at the base.
Col. Tracey Hayes, commander of the 90th Missile Wing, cited a "loss of confidence" in Holloway's ability to lead.

Relieved of Command |

While each of these Officers like Gen Shinseki have had outstanding careers, they accept responsibility for the actions of those underneath them. The VA is no different. As for funding the VA..

[T]he Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Eric Shinseki, confirmed that under sequestration, VA would face cuts, possibly affecting the administration of veterans’ benefits and services, stating, “VA is exempt from sequestration except for administrative costs… I don’t have a definition of administrative costs right now.”

VA secretary vs. Obama and his lousy record on vets - Right Turn - The Washington Post

The Bush administration plans to cut funding for veterans’ health care two years from now — even as severely wounded troops returning from Iraq could overwhelm the system.
Mr. Bush is using the cuts, critics say, to help fulfill his pledge to balance the budget by 2012.

Veterans face consecutive health care budget cuts - Washington Times

It would seem that cuts to VA have no political party and the only time political types seem to actually care what happens to Vets is when they are running for office.
Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill:


A final effort by Senate Republicans to halt cuts to pensions of military retirees failed late Tuesday, after Democrats blocked an amendment to the controversial budget bill.


"By blocking my amendment, they voted to cut pensions for wounded warriors," he said afterwards. "Senators in this chamber have many valid ideas for replacing these pension cuts, including my proposal to close the tax welfare loophole for illegal filers, and all deserved a fair and open hearing. But they were denied.”

Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill | Fox News

I really feel sorry for our Vets under the current administration. They fight, bleed, and lose limbs then the Dems cut their pensions and put their medical care on the back burner. Hillary and Obama ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.

only a loser like you; a rabid partisan idiot; would excuse the guy and hide behind his record. he's failed at his job; you want to dismiss the tens of thousands of veterans getting shaby treatment on his watch; to hide behind his record of earlier achievements; really just to provide cover for your messiah obama

why dont you be a man for once in your life and admit the obvious?

What did Obama do exactly? Order the deaths of veterans? Despite your claim that Obama is a god, he isn't. He delegated that to a specific cabinet position who gave directives to get faster care to veterans. Instead, these hospitals decided to cook the books to get the incentives without doing the work?

How did Obama exactly do that?
only a loser like you; a rabid partisan idiot; would excuse the guy and hide behind his record. he's failed at his job; you want to dismiss the tens of thousands of veterans getting shaby treatment on his watch; to hide behind his record of earlier achievements; really just to provide cover for your messiah obama

why dont you be a man for once in your life and admit the obvious?

No, republicans have failed at their job to fund the VA, then blamed Shinseki. Nice try scumbag.

no douche; funding has NOTHING to do with the keeping of double lists

nice try douche

That's like saying, cutting taxes has nothing to do with less revenue to pay the debt.

That's like saying, cutting food stamps has nothing to do with denying food to hungry children.

That's like saying, sending jobs to China has nothing to do with higher unemployment in the U.S..

That's like saying, cutting Social Security and Medicare has nothing to do with making the elderly suffer.

That's like saying, cutting welfare has nothing to do with rising homelessness.

That's like saying, cutting wages has nothing to do with the destruction of the middle class.

Yeah you cons just keep running on that bullshit, that's what makes you a minority party.

That's like saying, cutting taxes has nothing to do with less revenue to pay the debt.

That's like saying, cutting food stamps has nothing to do with denying food to hungry children.

That's like saying, sending jobs to China has nothing to do with higher unemployment in the U.S..

That's like saying, cutting Social Security and Medicare has nothing to do with making the elderly suffer.

That's like saying, cutting welfare has nothing to do with rising homelessness.

That's like saying, cutting wages has nothing to do with the destruction of the middle class.

Yeah you cons just keep running on that bullshit, that's what makes you a minority party.

There is so much bullcrap in that post alone, that you should really start taking some prune juice. Just saying.
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

very few on their side are vets so :eusa_whistle: Thats where the term- "chicken hawks" originated.
Very few Conservatives (Republicans) are veterans? Is that what you're saying? And, if so, do you really believe what you just said?
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

Don't try to play the funding game lefties. It only makes you look stupid. Shinseki "took responsibility" for the negligent deaths of Veterans but of course in political speak the word "responsibility" means the opposite.
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

How would some bogus "jobs" initiative pissing away $1 Billion on a failed government boondoggle have affected the VA's failure to address the veterans' medical issues?

Did you even read beyond the bullshit Daily Kos headline, you fucking mental midget?

Did you even bother to go to the link and see that the Daily Kos was quoting from Forbes, you fucking mental midget?

Do I need to explain that Forbes is one of the most conservative publications to ever hit glossy stock and ink?

Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs - Forbes

You really are as stupid as Archie Bunker.
only a loser like you; a rabid partisan idiot; would excuse the guy and hide behind his record. he's failed at his job; you want to dismiss the tens of thousands of veterans getting shaby treatment on his watch; to hide behind his record of earlier achievements; really just to provide cover for your messiah obama

why dont you be a man for once in your life and admit the obvious?

No, republicans have failed at their job to fund the VA, then blamed Shinseki. Nice try scumbag.

Please. Keep demonstrating you have no clue how our government functions.

Why don't you demonstrate how you do?
Is there ANY PART of this administration that is honest enough to accept responsibility for their fuck ups?

You liberal cock suckers blame the GOP for EVERYTHING
Don't you conservative c s ers as you call partisans, BLAME EVERYTHING on liburals and Obama? Has the GOP EVER taken responsibilities for their actions? Ever?

See dear gramps, it does go both ways....

Now that doesn't solve anything...pointing fingers at the other guy and trying to get people fired that don't deserve firing, at least not as of yet, when it comes to the VA Head...

What we need to do is FUND the VA...and cut some of the other defense spending waste to do it.

This should be A BIPARTISAN EFFORT....


(we are one messed up group of people if we can't agree on funding veterans health care to the LEVEL THEY NEED.)
"They all do it" is a failure. When did Bush ever blame Clinton for anything? When did Reagan blame Carter?
We have cut defense spending to levels below WW2.
that's simply not true.
How much further would you like to cut our ability to counter worldwide aggression so we can provide Viagra for old alcoholics?
that's a hell of an assessment of veterans.

the problem with the VA has to do with an influx of new veterans and a lack of preparation to care for them. it should have been very foreseeable that an added burden would fall on the VA as more and more veterans returned but we did not prepare adequately. who to blame for that exactly I don't really know, but my guess is there's plenty to go around.

Personally, I think the idea of veterans hospitals, clinics, and homes is outdated. I believe that the answer to these issues lies in moving them to existing hospitals with negotiated rates (i.e. medicare) for their care - with the caveat of having a few specialty centers for brain injuries, mental health, or anything else that is more specialized and routinely required for veterans.
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

How would some bogus "jobs" initiative pissing away $1 Billion on a failed government boondoggle have affected the VA's failure to address the veterans' medical issues?

Did you even read beyond the bullshit Daily Kos headline, you fucking mental midget?

Read the text of the bill, dimwit.

Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
The GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people, and then say, "Look! Government doesn't work."
The GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people, and then say, "Look! Government doesn't work."

When is the radical left going to come to grips with the fact that Barry Hussein is the president? He appointed the official who took responsibility for the negligent deaths of hundreds of US Veterans and we can't even get the guy fired much less indicted.
that's only session's OPINION....

here's another from the same link:

um; that's only Murray's opinion

what a joke you are
I KNOW that Bedowin.....keep up! Just showing how with every TIT, there is a TAT....tit for tat, tit for tat, repubs vs dems, rebubs vs dems....

How is this solving anything?

How about for ONCE in 6 fricking years, BOTH SIDES of the aisle work together to TAKE CARE of this problem....?

My husband IS A DISABLED VET, and he gets his healthcare from the VA, (though we do have insurance with his work to cover me, he ONLY uses the VA, because this is where he feels most comfortable)

So I have PLENTY at stake here and so do many other Disabled Veterans and their spouses and children.

I think the best way for "both sides to take care of the issue" is for the Dems to step aside and allow the fiscally responsible portion of the GOP (note that I'm not including the spend-happy portion of the GOP) to mop up the mess and solve the problem.

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