GOP Congressman: "I'm A Person Of Color. I'm White!"

Lol......and he's right!
...and a jackass.

Oh, white's not a color? Since when?
dumbass RW's - white isnt a color

they don't know their ass from their elbow ...

Jeebus you are dumb. White is a color.

I explained the science behind color - you're an idiot RW'r

You can babble all you want. If white weren't a color, you couldn't see it.

White.... is the absence of color.


You are a moron. If we are using the physics definition, white is the combination of all colors of the spectrum. Black is the absence of color.

But for everyday purposes, white and black are what people see as colors.
You Trumpies aren’t very bright are you.

You’re Trumps perfect demographic.

Didn’t he say he liked dumb people or something like that?

And you didn’t pick up on the hit?



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No, you are! You need racial awareness understanding.

You need to find a pair of balls and stop being afraid of people of color.
I'm not afraid of people of color. I'm superior to
Lol......and he's right!
...and a jackass.

Oh, white's not a color? Since when?

No. It’s the absence of color you fucking nitwit.

Black is the absence of light.
Which describes the former non-natural born Citizen usurper named Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka.
white isnt a color, regardless what ANOYONE SAYS.
White is to a color......I guess you went to public school....

Poor Trumpain...wrong again...

Why Do We Not List Black and White as Colors in Physics?

In physics, a color is visible light with a specific wavelength. Black and white are not colors because they do not have specific wavelengths. Instead, white light contains all wavelengths of visible light. Black, on the other hand, is the absence of visible light.

But in fairness, I assume you never made it to high school physics.
You’re pink... Pinko communist...

My cute little statist, still pissed at getting your ass handed to you. :itsok:

Do you say that to everyone you lose an argument with?...

I have never lost one on this forum.

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