GOP Congressman: Drug Test The Jobless


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Rep. Jack Kingston wants UE beneficiaries to be tested for drug use. He seems to be basing his proposal on a single employer's unsubstantiated claim that half of the applicants for jobs at his business failed drug tests. In pushing for a similar law in her state, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley also said that an employer had a high number of job applicants fail drug tests - a claim that she later admitted was false.

The bill by Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) would require unemployment claimants to pass a drug test if they are identified in an initial screening as having a high probability of drug use.

Kingston cited an overwhelming number of job applicants flunking drug tests as the rationale for his proposal.

"I had an employer tell me of an overwhelming response for job openings," Kingston said in a statement. "There was just one problem: half the people who applied could not even pass a drug test."

Earlier this year, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) used an identical anecdote to promote drug testing the jobless. When HuffPost checked the claim, however, it turned out to be completely false -- the employer said it tested only new hires, not applicants. And among new hires, less than 1 percent flunked a drug test. Haley later admitted her claim was bogus, but did not relent in her support for drug testing the unemployed.

Jack Kingston: Drug Test The Jobless

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) has admitted that she has no evidence backing her claim that half of job applicants at a local government facility flunked a drug test. She'd used the claim to push for requiring the jobless to pass a drug test to be eligible for benefits.

"I've never felt like I had to back up what people tell me. You assume that you're given good information," Haley told Jim Davenport of the Associated Press. "And now I'm learning through you guys that I have to be careful before I say something."

Haley said two weeks ago she'd been told that of hundreds of job applicants at the Savannah River Site, a nuclear reservation owned by the U.S. Energy Department, half failed a drug test. But Jim Giusti, a spokesman for Energy Department, told HuffPost that of the workers hired over the past few years, less than 1 percent failed a test. Additionally, only new hires -- not applicants -- have to submit to testing in the first place.

Nikki Haley: Jobless On Drugs Claim From Bad Information
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If they're taking our tax money as federal handouts, sure drug test them at least a couple of times a year. Why should we be handing over our money to junkies?

Who said they're junkies? Did you even read the article? The Congressman's proposal is based off of one employer's unsubstantiated claim. I'd prefer laws to be based off of facts, not baseless fears.

Not to mention the obvious constitutional implications. A recent ruling in Florida is a good example:

Despite the objections of Gov. Rick Scott, U.S. District Court Judge Mary Scriven has temporarily blocked a Florida law that requires those who apply for welfare to submit to drug testing. A temporary injunction was issued Oct. 24 against the enforcement of what critics have called “suspicionless drug testing.” The drug testing law, of which Scott was a staunch supporter, went into effect July 1.

Michigan attempted to pass a law similar to Florida’s in 2003, but the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals struck it down due to violations of the Fourth Amendment. Florida is the only state to have passed such a law.

Florida welfare drug testing law blocked by federal judge
If they're taking our tax money as federal handouts, sure drug test them at least a couple of times a year. Why should we be handing over our money to junkies?

We should also probably do something to make sure they're not downloading porn on the internet while living of the taxpayers.
If they're taking our tax money as federal handouts, sure drug test them at least a couple of times a year. Why should we be handing over our money to junkies?

it is the price we pay to keep our liberties and freedoms.

Think of the invasion of proivacy for those that do not do drugs, are busting their asses to find a job, and doing whatever they can to get off of unemployment.

Do not punish the masses for the sake of a few bad apples.
Anyone here in favor of something like this and still consider themselves Libertarians? Why?
Amazing how people who claim to be all for liberty and freedom are all for the government unconstitutionally extending its power to punish the poor for being poor and never even see themselves as neo fascist hypocrites.

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