GOP Congressman Calling for Impeachment of Trump

Whatever. Maybe Amash can team up with Rashida Tlaib and Maxine Waters! :laugh2:

Amash is very far right. Read his bio.
So what? He's a moron just like Maxine and Rashida.

Why is he a moron? Oh that's right he is not a Trump Humper.
He claims Trump is impeachable while doing nothing about it. One does not have to be a "Humper" to understand the meaninglessness of hot air regardless of its source.

He pointed out specifics, for it to be meaningless please point where he is incorrect.

Here are my principal conclusions:
1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.
As others have already pointed out, those specifics must be backed up with factual evidence. For example, item number one: what exactly did Barr say/do/write that "deliberately misrepresented Mueller's report"?

All you have is a list of conclusions. They are meaningless without proof that they are valid statements of fact.
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Too bad there aren't more republicans with the backbone to stand up to the criminal in our WH Maybe there will be others but I don't count on trump kiss asses from stepping forwards

Lib please what crime is Trump accused of? Presumption of innocence heard of it?
Why ask me ?? Ask those 900 prosecutors who are on record for saying if not for trump being in our WH he'd be in jail Is the guy whose butt you kiss above the law??

You called Trump a criminal, go ahead back up your claim.
deanrd wanted you to see this blues


Why do Republicans align with this country’s enemies? I don’t get it. There has to be a reason.

The Russians took pictures.
That’s one of them right in front of you.

And they said Trump gave them classified material.

And the White House admitted they did it.
And so did Israel because it involved them.
What the fuk is it that you don’t goddamn see?
Justin Amash becomes first Republican congressman to call for Trump's impeachment - CNNPolitics

Michigan GOP Rep. Justin Amash said Saturday he had concluded President Donald Trump committed "impeachable conduct" and accused Attorney General William Barr of intentionally misleading the public.

Amash's comments recommending Congress pursue obstruction of justice charges against Trump were the first instance of a sitting Republican in Congress calling for Trump's impeachment.

"Contrary to Barr's portrayal, Mueller's report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment," Amash said in a string of messages on Twitter.

"Our system of checks and balances relies on each branch's jealously guarding its powers and upholding its duties under our Constitution," Amash tweeted. "When loyalty to a political party or to an individual trumps loyalty to the Constitution, the Rule of Law -- the foundation of liberty -- crumbles."


This is actually quite surprising, to see a lone GOP US Congressman stating basically EXACTLY what I have been stating here @ USMB for the past week.
Congress has the duty to The Constitution to impeach Trump.
It has nothing to do with party; it is the duty of Congress.
The US Constitution is above all else in The United States.

Anyone that believe party is above The Constitution is a political, partisan, piece of shit.
I saw that. I can now say there is one republican in congress with actual balls.

Only one though.

You guys would despise Amash worse than Trump if he were president. He actually walks the talk on believing in limited government and would be taking a machete to government spending and programs across the board if given the opportunity.
I didn't say I liked the guy or agreed with his policies. I said he had more balls than the rest.
Said by someone that has no balls....
You don't know me kid.

That makes your comment nothing more than a ridiculous insult.
You seriously need some integrity in your party. This is how it starts. Is your party nothing but a Trump personality cult? If not refrain from the urge to (figuratively) burn this heretic at the stake.
Says someone who trusts career politicians
You trust a guy who lies all the time, what's that say about you?
Trump did not invent Lying, One could argue criminal politicians did, although they did not but they perfected lying... We have many, many decades as proof.

Trump is doing everything a career politician would do only bigger. He lies more, spends more and sells out to plutocrats more and you still adore Him.
Clinton and Obama lied every second during their terms, And no one spent more than Obama...
Trump may not be conservative personally but he governs conservative… That’s all that matters.
He governs retarded. If that guy was your boss you would hate your life. That explains why the White House staff is in constant flux and look miserable.
Read the report son.

I did read it, boy. its bullshit. got anything else?

tell us why Putin would have preferred Trump who he could not control over Hillary who he had tons of dirt on that he could use to blackmail her into doing whatever he wanted. Its a serious question, try to respond like an intelligent human being instead of a piece of left wing shit.
Lol, you haven't read it.

And "tRump who he can't control"?

Have you been hiding under a rock for the last two years?

yes, I have read it and the Mueller report. Putin has nothing on Trump. but we all know that he has the emails to control hillary, he knows who created the dossier of lies, and he has bribed the clintons via the uranium deal, contributions to the clinton foundation, and speech payments to bubba clinton. He owns them.
Lol, you obviously have not read the report.

tell us what Putin has on Trump that he could use to control him. You say its in the report, I cant find it, so quote it for us--------------------
Undisclosed business deals, "Well, we don't rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia", possible embarrassing videos, who knows what else?

But to say there's nothing is just a lie, and proof you have not really read the report no matter how many times you claim you have.
Says someone who trusts career politicians
You trust a guy who lies all the time, what's that say about you?
Trump did not invent Lying, One could argue criminal politicians did, although they did not but they perfected lying... We have many, many decades as proof.

Trump is doing everything a career politician would do only bigger. He lies more, spends more and sells out to plutocrats more and you still adore Him.
Clinton and Obama lied every second during their terms, And no one spent more than Obama...
Trump may not be conservative personally but he governs conservative… That’s all that matters.
He governs retarded. If that guy was your boss you would hate your life. That explains why the White House staff is in constant flux and look miserable.
Chaos in the federal government is a good thing, whatever hurts the federal government is good for the country
I saw that. I can now say there is one republican in congress with actual balls.

Only one though.

You guys would despise Amash worse than Trump if he were president. He actually walks the talk on believing in limited government and would be taking a machete to government spending and programs across the board if given the opportunity.
I didn't say I liked the guy or agreed with his policies. I said he had more balls than the rest.
Said by someone that has no balls....
You don't know me kid.

That makes your comment nothing more than a ridiculous insult.
I didn't insult you son, you attempted to insult me.
Obviously tramp has not read the Mueller report after his trashing on Justin Amash. Tramp is one huge fool.
Obviously tramp has not read the Mueller report after his trashing on Justin Amash. Tramp is one huge fool.

Our President didn't "trash" Amash until Rep. Amash attacked his President.

Remember this here, and never forget.

President Trump is a counter puncher. If you don't mess with him, he won't mess with you.

But you attack his friends- like John McCain did when he called us "crazies"- The Donald will counter attack with both barrels.
Whatever. Maybe Amash can team up with Rashida Tlaib and Maxine Waters! :laugh2:

Amash is very far right. Read his bio.
So what? He's a moron just like Maxine and Rashida.

Why is he a moron? Oh that's right he is not a Trump Humper.
He claims Trump is impeachable while doing nothing about it. One does not have to be a "Humper" to understand the meaninglessness of hot air regardless of its source.

He pointed out specifics, for it to be meaningless please point where he is incorrect.

Here are my principal conclusions:
1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.

Amash, like the Stalinists here, is a fucking liar.

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.


Did the little fuckwad forget to read that part?
Please tell us where Rep Amash is in error, since that is your claim.

Amash isn't in error, he's lying through his fucking teeth,


The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafott, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government or at its direction, control, or request during the relevant time eriod.1232

You Stalinists have a serious disadvantage; you are lying against the actual report.

You lie, and I only need quote the report to demonstrate that you are lying.
Too bad there aren't more republicans with the backbone to stand up to the criminal in our WH Maybe there will be others but I don't count on trump kiss asses from stepping forwards

Lib please what crime is Trump accused of? Presumption of innocence heard of it?
Why ask me ?? Ask those 900 prosecutors who are on record for saying if not for trump being in our WH he'd be in jail Is the guy whose butt you kiss above the law??

You called Trump a criminal, go ahead back up your claim.
does this satisfy you?
Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Jump to Allegations of business links to organized crime - Trump also bought real estate from Philadelphia crime family member Salvatore Testa, and ...
Lawsuits 1973–1999 · ‎Lawsuits 2000–2009 · ‎Lawsuits 2010–present

Do you care if Donald Trump is a criminal? | The Tylt

Do you care if Donald Trump is a criminal? | The Tylt
A new poll shows the majority of people believe Michael Cohen's testimony that that President Trump is a criminal, but they still don't want him to be impeached.

I have no interest in your copy/paste. YOU explain why YOU called president Trump a criminal. Or do you just parrot what you read in the fake news?
To be honest, I never heard of the guy until now. He's a nobody apparently and making the mistake of trying to manufacture a name for himself by challenging the king.

I'm sure his next election, he'll be going down in flames. Trump doesn't forget people like this, and I'm sure he's already creating a pet name for him and taking notes on how he will bash the guy when his reelection comes up.
Believe me, you'd like about 95% or more of the rest of what Amash is in favor of.

Perhaps, but once you stab your party in the back, it doesn't matter what else you believe in. When a Republican decides to join ranks with the Democrats against a Republican, he's no better than the Democrats.
So being a party man is more import than having a principle or two. and deviating from the herd from time to time?....How DNC of you.

No. If one of our people are wrong, I say so. I said it when Trump made the comment about McCain (who I hate) and his service to our country. I said it when Trump allowed prisoners to leave prison early. I don't stand up for my people when they do things I don't care for or know will bring forth new problems in the future. I said it when Trump kicked the can down the road on the fence.

But impeachment in this particular instance is utter bullshit. The Democrats are trying to use any little thing to call obstruction. WTF would Trump obstruct an investigation of a crime he's not guilt of? If Mueller though there was any obstruction, he would have leveled those charges on his report. But obstruction is subjective. There is nothing written in stone about obstruction. So he left any unanswered circumstances up to the AG the way it should be handled.
obstruction subjective?

too complicated for the likes of me
Too bad there aren't more republicans with the backbone to stand up to the criminal in our WH Maybe there will be others but I don't count on trump kiss asses from stepping forwards

Lib please what crime is Trump accused of? Presumption of innocence heard of it?
Why ask me ?? Ask those 900 prosecutors who are on record for saying if not for trump being in our WH he'd be in jail Is the guy whose butt you kiss above the law??

You called Trump a criminal, go ahead back up your claim.
deanrd wanted you to see this blues


Why do Republicans align with this country’s enemies? I don’t get it. There has to be a reason.

The Russians took pictures.
That’s one of them right in front of you.

And they said Trump gave them classified material.

And the White House admitted they did it.
And so did Israel because it involved them.
What the fuk is it that you don’t goddamn see?

You posted a lie, shocker. President Trump never said this to the Russians. Do you have anything that's not a lie? Obama now we have him colluding with the Russians on a hot mic video. Do you really want to go there?
Too bad there aren't more republicans with the backbone to stand up to the criminal in our WH Maybe there will be others but I don't count on trump kiss asses from stepping forwards

Lib please what crime is Trump accused of? Presumption of innocence heard of it?
Why ask me ?? Ask those 900 prosecutors who are on record for saying if not for trump being in our WH he'd be in jail Is the guy whose butt you kiss above the law??

You called Trump a criminal, go ahead back up your claim.
does this satisfy you?
Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Jump to Allegations of business links to organized crime - Trump also bought real estate from Philadelphia crime family member Salvatore Testa, and ...
Lawsuits 1973–1999 · ‎Lawsuits 2000–2009 · ‎Lawsuits 2010–present

Do you care if Donald Trump is a criminal? | The Tylt

Do you care if Donald Trump is a criminal? | The Tylt

A new poll shows the majority of people believe Michael Cohen's testimony that that President Trump is a criminal, but they still don't want him to be impeached.

I have no interest in your copy/paste. YOU explain why YOU called president Trump a criminal. Or do you just parrot what you read in the fake news?
And you parrot the trump BS of fake news I guess you just don't care what you support
You trust a guy who lies all the time, what's that say about you?
Trump did not invent Lying, One could argue criminal politicians did, although they did not but they perfected lying... We have many, many decades as proof.

Trump is doing everything a career politician would do only bigger. He lies more, spends more and sells out to plutocrats more and you still adore Him.
Clinton and Obama lied every second during their terms, And no one spent more than Obama...
Trump may not be conservative personally but he governs conservative… That’s all that matters.
He governs retarded. If that guy was your boss you would hate your life. That explains why the White House staff is in constant flux and look miserable.
Chaos in the federal government is a good thing, whatever hurts the federal government is good for the country
Remember that next time you are bitching about the government. You cannot want dysfunction and hate it at the same time. Well maybe you can but you're crazy.

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