GOP Celebrates US loss

I do think the Republicans have become a bit unhinged wandering in the wilderness.

Just as many Democrats cheered on defeat in Iraq because they hated Bush now we see the same with many Republicans, let America loose if it hurts the other party.

It is enough to make a swing voter swing away from politics all together.

One cannot equate the two things that you cite. They are not related.

Just sayin'.

You're right. Democrats didn't "cheer" defeat in Iraq. Democrats said we had no business being in Iraq.

Republicans were petty about the Olympics. I'm sure the families of athletes remember that in 2015-2016 when they start computing how they are going to get to Rio to see their loved ones compete.
I do think the Republicans have become a bit unhinged wandering in the wilderness.

Just as many Democrats cheered on defeat in Iraq because they hated Bush now we see the same with many Republicans, let America loose if it hurts the other party.

It is enough to make a swing voter swing away from politics all together.

One cannot equate the two things that you cite. They are not related.

Just sayin'.

You're right. Democrats didn't "cheer" defeat in Iraq. Democrats said we had no business being in Iraq.

Republicans were petty about the Olympics. I'm sure the families of athletes remember that in 2015-2016 when they start computing how they are going to get to Rio to see their loved ones compete.

Kind of like Obama having no business going to the IOC huh?

It just wouldn't be a Dem's post without a victim in there somewhere to hide behind.
I do think the Republicans have become a bit unhinged wandering in the wilderness.

Just as many Democrats cheered on defeat in Iraq because they hated Bush now we see the same with many Republicans, let America loose if it hurts the other party.

It is enough to make a swing voter swing away from politics all together.

One cannot equate the two things that you cite. They are not related.

Just sayin'.

You're right. Democrats didn't "cheer" defeat in Iraq. Democrats said we had no business being in Iraq.

Republicans were petty about the Olympics. I'm sure the families of athletes remember that in 2015-2016 when they start computing how they are going to get to Rio to see their loved ones compete.
maybe YOU didnt
but a lot DID
A HUGE underlying story to thus whole 2016 Olypics question is how libturds have automatically equated the Obama failure to land Chicago for his cronies with "U.S. faulire". If you search around the web you can find libturds left and right declaring that conservatives and/or Republicans "HATE AMERICA" because we are pointing out their Messiah's failure. The U.S. does just fine when Obama fails. In fact it will do much better when he fails then when he succeeds at empowering his socialist agenda and cronies.

It is the libturds who HATE AMERICA by wanting Obama the socialist to succeed in destroying this countries traditions, values, and economic foundation.
The Liberal creeps are just being huge dishonest hypocrites on this stuff. I used to see these same Liberal creeps coming on message boards like this jumping for joy over any possible bad news for the country when George Bush was President. I mean they used to even actually cheerlead for more kids to die in Iraq & Afghanistan just to make political points. They used to also get their pom poms out every time the Stock Market dropped or when Unemployment numbers ticked up a little. I still laugh at these people all the time. They used to come on boards like this screeching & whining about George Bush's 4% Unemployment and now you see these same people trying to spin their Hopey Changey's disastrous 10% Unemployment. So i'm just not buying their feigned outrage. They really are just coming off as huge dishonest hypocrites.
Dems were cheering for a US loss in Iraq, so all in all I'd say you people are serious fucked up to be focused on something as small and money losing as the Olympics
Dems were cheering for a US loss in Iraq, so all in all I'd say you people are serious fucked up to be focused on something as small and money losing as the Olympics

No dont you see, we are the hypocrites because we were criticizing them cheering for defeat in Iraq and we are celebrating "defeat" in the Olympic bid... As if the two were comparable.
We're all crying the loss of a Golden Opportunity for Obama to funnel federal money into the most corrupt city in America to pay back his cronies and backers.

Wahhh Wahhh Wahhh.

There I feel so much better
This is completely laughable coming from Liberal Creeps. They did nothing but preach Gloom & Doom and hope for anything that could possibly hurt our country when Bush was President and now they're whining about this silly stuff? My God they even gave daily standing ovations to any foreign dictator cretin who insulted & bashed our country when Bush was in there. These people have absolutely no credibility on these sorts of issues. Some of these Liberals who are on this board right now used to even hope for more of our kids to be killed in Iraq & Afghanistan to score more political points. Of course they'll never admit to such Evil but they know what they did. Hypocrisy & Dishonesty sum up today's Hopey Changey loons perfectly.
"Thank you, everybody. Thank you. It is true that I always wanted to fence and I thought that would be cool. So I might get a couple tips from you guys.

Now you see one of the reasons that I love Chicago so much. It's the city where I met the woman I love."

Aye aye aye, no wonder he lost the bid!

When Barry Met Shelly, a new Documentary by Michale Moore. Starring Barack Hussein Obama as Hisself and Scarlet Johansson as Michele Obama
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Dems were cheering for a US loss in Iraq, so all in all I'd say you people are serious fucked up to be focused on something as small and money losing as the Olympics

No dont you see, we are the hypocrites because we were criticizing them cheering for defeat in Iraq and we are celebrating "defeat" in the Olympic bid... As if the two were comparable.
I'm so relieved to know that I wasn't the only one that sees the comparison, and the flaw.

Good form!
"Thank you, everybody. Thank you. It is true that I always wanted to fence and I thought that would be cool. So I might get a couple tips from you guys.

Now you see one of the reasons that I love Chicago so much. It's the city where I met the woman I love."

Aye aye aye, no wonder he lost the bid!

When Barry Met Shelly, a new Documentary by Michale Moore. Starring Barack Hussein Obama as Hisself and Scarlet Johansson as Michele Obama

LOL...they DID make it about THEMSELVES...

From Limbaugh on Friday, his comments and part of what Michelle Obama had to say:{EXCERPT of The Ego Has Landed: A Racist World Wants Barack Obama to Fail }

Three of the world's most influential, powerful African-Americans rejected! Their sacrifice laughed at. Oh, my friends, all of these sacrifices in vain. And now Valerie Jarrett and others in the Obama administration who own property in Chicago are going to have to hire some maintenance companies and some exterminators to fix up the slums that she owns. She was hoping to sell those slums to the Olympic Village people. Now she's going to have to actually maintain those slums and hire some exterminators to get the cockroaches out of there since they're not going to be torn down for the building of the Olympic Village. Now, that's what I call shovel-ready jobs! Shovel-ready jobs are now available in Chicago. Valerie Jarrett's property is ready to call the exterminators! Call Tom DeLay and the maintenance guys to come in and make it habitable for the people who are paying her rent. Now, speaking of the sacrifices, the wonderful sacrifices made by Michelle Obama. Here is a portion of her remarks, her pitch, her (sigh) pleading and begging with the International Olympic Committee.

MICHELLE OBAMA: In my dad's early thirties he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis --

RUSH: That again?

MICHELLE OBAMA: -- and as he got sicker it became harder for him to walk, let alone play his favorite sports.

RUSH: Oh, no!

MICHELLE OBAMA: My dad was my hero.

RUSH: Oh-ho, no!

MICHELLE OBAMA: And when I think of what these games can mean to people all over the world.

RUSH: Oh, no!

MICHELLE OBAMA: I think about people like my dad.

RUSH: You do?

MICHELLE OBAMA: People who face seemingly insurmountable challenges but never let go. They work a little harder but they never give up.


So? (Sorry her dad had such problems), but why does she have to equate the olympics to her DAD? This is just so much crap. SHE was making it about HER...she tried the "tug at the Heart strings" approach with a personal story.

But in my view? The IOC was not there to hear personal story references, but rather WHY the competing cities deserved to have the games, bottom line.

Michelle, Barack, and the 'O'prah got their asses handed to them despite their fronting faux 'Star Power'. So much for the 'Cult Of Personality' they try to weild, eh?

Besides? The city of Chicago has larger problems as does this Republic in larger respect. Maybe the IOC was telling them to focus on their own house?
There is no real news here. The Right has been anti American for some time now. Ever since they let Bin Laden go and their religious leaders said the "REAL reason behind 9/11 was because God lifted his veil of protection for allowing certain groups of patriotic Americans to exist.
The war on the middle class.
The war on science.
The introduction of religion into schools.
The support of insurance companies over the middle class.
The right has been against America for some time now.

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