GOP Broden: Violent Revolution Is "On the Table"

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Beck, who had Broden on his show numerous times, is distancing himself.

GOP Candidate Stephen Broden: Violent Revolution Is 'On The Table'

A Tea Party-backed congressional candidate in Texas is doing Sharron Angle's suggestive talk of "Second Amendment remedies" one better: he says violent overthrow of the government is "on the table."

"Our nation was founded on violence," Stephen Broden, a pastor running against Democratic Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson in Texas's 30th Congressional District, said in a recent interview with Dallas's WFAA-TV. "The option is on the table. I don't think that we should ever remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms."
1st post 5th post
he is still a republican candidate for Congress.

Red meat, well done.

Blackened, as it were...

Or is it politically INcorrect to use that cooking term, these days?

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Beck, who had Broden on his show numerous times, is distancing himself.

GOP Candidate Stephen Broden: Violent Revolution Is 'On The Table'

A Tea Party-backed congressional candidate in Texas is doing Sharron Angle's suggestive talk of "Second Amendment remedies" one better: he says violent overthrow of the government is "on the table."

"Our nation was founded on violence," Stephen Broden, a pastor running against Democratic Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson in Texas's 30th Congressional District, said in a recent interview with Dallas's WFAA-TV. "The option is on the table. I don't think that we should ever remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms."
<more> really what treason is..

And in a very real and Constitutional sense.
He's hovering dangerously close to advocating the overthrow of the legally constiuted government there.

And yes, that actually IS a crime.
Beck, who had Broden on his show numerous times, is distancing himself.

GOP Candidate Stephen Broden: Violent Revolution Is 'On The Table'

A Tea Party-backed congressional candidate in Texas is doing Sharron Angle's suggestive talk of "Second Amendment remedies" one better: he says violent overthrow of the government is "on the table."

"Our nation was founded on violence," Stephen Broden, a pastor running against Democratic Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson in Texas's 30th Congressional District, said in a recent interview with Dallas's WFAA-TV. "The option is on the table. I don't think that we should ever remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms."
<more> really what treason is...
And in a very real and Constitutional sense.

You mean like telling terrorists what secret CIA interrogation techniques are used.....during time of war?
Beck, who had Broden on his show numerous times, is distancing himself.

GOP Candidate Stephen Broden: Violent Revolution Is 'On The Table'

A Tea Party-backed congressional candidate in Texas is doing Sharron Angle's suggestive talk of "Second Amendment remedies" one better: he says violent overthrow of the government is "on the table."

"Our nation was founded on violence," Stephen Broden, a pastor running against Democratic Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson in Texas's 30th Congressional District, said in a recent interview with Dallas's WFAA-TV. "The option is on the table. I don't think that we should ever remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms."
<more> really what treason is..

And in a very real and Constitutional sense.

In a legal sense you are right. In the spirit of the thoughts of Jeffereson, though, a revolution every couple of decades was pretty much what he was endorsing.

In any case, if the revolution fails, it's treason. If it succeeds, it's the overthrow of the unjust.

History is written by the victors.

In a very real Constitutional sense, if it succeeds, given the strength and organization of the Military, the Guard and the Reserve, this would represent a vast majority of the populace. An uprising that succeeds under this particular consideration would be one against a ruling authority so out of touch with the will of the people that it would collapse at the first show of force.

Think Bastille Day. Who wants cake?
10th post
Yeah there are ALREADY two threads on this, but the other TWO didn't have Glen Beck in them, so this HAD to be posted to put him in the middle of this..

And of course, the link takes you to where? The Huffpufferton Post.
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Yeah there are ALREADY two threads on this, but the other TWO didn't have Glen Beck in them, so this HAD to be posted to put him in the middle of this..


You know what?

You could have saved yourself a LOT of keystrokes by just saying:

Beck Sux,

but I guess blathering IS your forte...

I've got an idea! Ask a Mod to COMBINE all these threads, rather than downing the OP and any subsequent posters.

Yeah. It's PURE Rocket Science...
Yeah there are ALREADY two threads on this, but the other TWO didn't have Glen Beck in them, so this HAD to be posted to put him in the middle of this..


You know what?

You could have saved yourself a LOT of keystrokes by just saying:

Beck Sux,

but I guess blathering IS your forte...

I've got an idea! Ask a Mod to COMBINE all these threads, rather than downing the OP and any subsequent posters.

Yeah. It's PURE Rocket Science...

hahahaha,^^^^^^speaking of blathering and all in BIG BOLD LETTERS..:lol:
Violent revolution has been 'on the table' since the founders signed the Constitution. It will never be 'off the table'.
Beck, who had Broden on his show numerous times, is distancing himself.

GOP Candidate Stephen Broden: Violent Revolution Is 'On The Table'

A Tea Party-backed congressional candidate in Texas is doing Sharron Angle's suggestive talk of "Second Amendment remedies" one better: he says violent overthrow of the government is "on the table."

"Our nation was founded on violence," Stephen Broden, a pastor running against Democratic Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson in Texas's 30th Congressional District, said in a recent interview with Dallas's WFAA-TV. "The option is on the table. I don't think that we should ever remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms."
<more> really what treason is..

And in a very real and Constitutional sense.

An opressive government will not stop the opression, they will continue doing what they are doing. What is your suggestion for stopping it? Do you think they will stop because the people said to?
Since you mentioned the Constitution I suggest you read the second amendment. That gives us the common little people the authority.
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Beck, who had Broden on his show numerous times, is distancing himself.

GOP Candidate Stephen Broden: Violent Revolution Is 'On The Table'

A Tea Party-backed congressional candidate in Texas is doing Sharron Angle's suggestive talk of "Second Amendment remedies" one better: he says violent overthrow of the government is "on the table."

"Our nation was founded on violence," Stephen Broden, a pastor running against Democratic Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson in Texas's 30th Congressional District, said in a recent interview with Dallas's WFAA-TV. "The option is on the table. I don't think that we should ever remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms."
<more> really what treason is...
And in a very real and Constitutional sense.

You mean like telling terrorists what secret CIA interrogation techniques are used.....during time of war?

Or.... US Senator Barbara Boxer assisting Code Pink to provide $600,000 in aid to extremists in Fallujah. That actually is treason.
Anybody who imagines that we're going to have a nice revolution that will end with a less intrusive government is kinda nuts, as far as I can tell.

Its not 1776, the government is not 3000 miles (six weeks by boat away) and the nation is NOT even remotely of the same mind about how a revolution should go or where it should take us either.

If we're close to anything it's a civil war, not a revolution.

And for the life of me I cannot imagine how the sides will form up given that the differences of opinion are spead throughout the nation, itself.

But we COULD have a bloodless revolution (of sorts.)

By convincing enough state legislatures that it is TIME for a CONSTITUIONAL CONVENTION.

And if the Feds continue to boldly impose their will on the oppossing will of the people in enough states (think the AZ immigration laws and the Marijuana laws) then perhaps the Fed will so lose support that such a thing is possible.

Probably not in my lifetime, though.
Anybody who imagines that we're going to have a nice revolution that will end with a less intrusive government is kinda nuts, as far as I can tell.

Its not 1776, the government is not 3000 miles (six weeks by boat away) and the nation is NOT even remotely of the same mind about how a revolution should go or where it should take us either.

If we're close to anything it's a civil war, not a revolution.

And for the life of me I cannot imagine how the sides will form up given that the differences of opinion are spead throughout the nation, itself.

But we COULD have a bloodless revolution (of sorts.)

By convincing enough state legislatures that it is TIME for a CONSTITUIONAL CONVENTION.

And if the Feds continue to boldly impose their will on the oppossing will of the people in enough states (think the AZ immigration laws and the Marijuana laws) then perhaps the Fed will so lose support that such a thing is possible.

Probably not in my lifetime, though.

We don't need a 'convention', we just need our politicians to clearly state where, in any bill, 'We, the People' GRANT them the authority to enact said bill. It ain't rocket science. Of course, we'd also have to explain to the terminally stupid the meaning of the word 'preamble' and explain that 'promote the General Welfare' does not mean a carte blanche passing of entitlements.
Beck, who had Broden on his show numerous times, is distancing himself.

GOP Candidate Stephen Broden: Violent Revolution Is 'On The Table'

A Tea Party-backed congressional candidate in Texas is doing Sharron Angle's suggestive talk of "Second Amendment remedies" one better: he says violent overthrow of the government is "on the table."

"Our nation was founded on violence," Stephen Broden, a pastor running against Democratic Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson in Texas's 30th Congressional District, said in a recent interview with Dallas's WFAA-TV. "The option is on the table. I don't think that we should ever remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms."
<more> really what treason is...
And in a very real and Constitutional sense.

You mean like telling terrorists what secret CIA interrogation techniques are used.....during time of war?

Why are you defending this guy?
This thread thread posted isn't about "what the guy said".
They are trying to tie what he said to Glen Beck.

it's so transparent you can see right through the Hufferton post and the op who posted this crap.

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