GOP Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson would like to see bipartisan group of governors working on gun laws. lets work together to save lives, my friends


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
love it. let's work together. let's do it together: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!

he does lay out some solutions throughout the interview


Hutchinson, like so may other RINOs, has gone full woketard so he can get that nice fat corporate position when he leaves office.

1,000 plus gun control laws are not enough got to pass a few dozen more then run off to a high security gun patrolled home drink another Bloody Mary patting themselves on their crocked backs.
Contrary to popular leftist belief, we are not all in this together. There is no problem in my town and I feel not the slightest bit compelled to help blue shitholes dig themselves out of the mess they have voted their way into. You created your milieu. Live -- or die -- in it.

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