GOP AG Attack Healthcare

You can get coverage for a pre-existing condition but you have to pay for it. Is that so surprising? It's like taking out collision coverage on a car that you use in a demolition derby.
You have to pay through the fucking nose after this.

That's how it was before the ACA guarantee.

If you had a previous condition (and who doesn't) you get priced out of healthcare

If Americans aren't suffering, Republicans aren't happy.

If Americans aren't suffering, Republicans aren't happy.

The ACA covers and outlaws discrimination against those who practice alternative medicine, and all Jesus needs to do is get licensed and certified as a healthcare provider.
You can get coverage for a pre-existing condition but you have to pay for it. Is that so surprising? It's like taking out collision coverage on a car that you use in a demolition derby.
You have to pay through the fucking nose after this.

That's how it was before the ACA guarantee.

If you had a previous condition (and who doesn't) you get priced out of healthcare

So, all the rest of us will pay extra for your own health insurance, to cover not only your own average expected health care costs but theirs as well. Yea , gotcha !
"All the rest of us" will not get premium reductions when sick people are forced out of the healthcare market.

Profits will go up though
Health-care insurance in this country is a bad situation.

A co-worker I know is catching pure hell having to pay up to $ 3,600 dollars out of his own pocket before his deductible is met for multiple procedures that came upon him unexpectedly. Then the policy is only a 70/30 policy on top of that.

He said that he has paid into a health-care policy or policies all his life (healthy), and never used them, and then now when he is up in age him and his wife is faced with trying times over the situation.

Insurance has become a scam I believe, and that is why people have been turning to the government for some sort of actions or solutions to these problems.

AND THERE NEVER WAS a "pre-exiting condition problem!
Totally fabricated as here are the facts.
Read the links and facts. Never 160 million with pre-exiting... as Obama LIED.
READ very carefully how even after ACA the market for "pre-existing conditions" was never that big as less then 115,000 signed up for it!
Where was the millions??

AND YET even now...
As many as 130 million adults under age 65 in the U.S. have pre-existing conditions that could result in their not being able to get insurance coverage in the private market, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.
Trump Administration Move Imperils Pre-Existing Condition Protections
So how many have enrolled in Obamacare Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan?
As of January 31, 2014 a total of19,569! Out of the supposedly 130 million?????
You're such a liar, they're trying to get the whole law ruled unconstitutional, which is exactly what should have happened the first time SCOTUS heard it.

How will you feel when your ah cruz goes down

ROFLMFAO, I'll be fine, so will Cruz. LMAO

Now I'm going to report you for another off topic post.

Before you do that let me tell you you're a cowardly pos now go for it scum bab

:iyfyus.jpg: Too late, BTW what's a "scum bab"?

probably baby

When you come around trolling with off topic crap, I'll report you lazy ass every time. Easy fix, keep it relevant.

Like ain't it great these AGs are likely to prevail and finally drive a spike through the heart of maobamacare. Then maobama's legacy will pretty much be history. LMAO


AND THERE NEVER WAS a "pre-exiting condition problem!
Totally fabricated as here are the facts.
Read the links and facts. Never 160 million with pre-exiting... as Obama LIED.
READ very carefully how even after ACA the market for "pre-existing conditions" was never that big as less then 115,000 signed up for it!
Where was the millions??

AND YET even now...
As many as 130 million adults under age 65 in the U.S. have pre-existing conditions that could result in their not being able to get insurance coverage in the private market, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.
Trump Administration Move Imperils Pre-Existing Condition Protections
So how many have enrolled in Obamacare Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan?
As of January 31, 2014 a total of19,569! Out of the supposedly 130 million?????
View attachment 215842
Sorry to let you down, but I was kicked off my insurance due to a pre-existing condition when I was around 23 years old once.
You can get coverage for a pre-existing condition but you have to pay for it. Is that so surprising? It's like taking out collision coverage on a car that you use in a demolition derby.
Oh, I see. Someone with a birth defect volunteered to do that to themselves.

Uh huh. Sure.

Catastrophic analogy fail. And there's no insurance for that.

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