goosebumps cover my skin when i see Vivek speaking at a rally. this is my definitive 2024 candidate for POTUS


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Vivek’s new voting age proposal is causing quite a stir. Good! Without debating all the finer points, our Founders believed voters should have skin in the game. If someone is going to decide the future of the country, they should have something to lose if the country declines

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Vivek’s new voting age proposal is causing quite a stir. Good! Without debating all the finer points, our Founders believed voters should have skin in the game. If someone is going to decide the future of the country, they should have something to lose if the country declines

Not sure if that's goosebumps bro. Have you been checked for the pox?
Vivek’s new voting age proposal is causing quite a stir. Good! Without debating all the finer points, our Founders believed voters should have skin in the game. If someone is going to decide the future of the country, they should have something to lose if the country declines

Makes a shiver go down your leg, right?

I wouldn't vote for that fake if he paid me.
Such a thing could never exist as humans are not prefect and no system we make ever will be
Total fucking bullshit! Banks and Bitcoin preventing people from doubling voting (spending) 24/7/365 and you can’t get on a plane or into a government building without valid ID
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Raising the voting age to 25 years old, I imagine a proposal like that would lose the vote of the people 25 and under as well as many others.

We need Trump, nobody else has the personality to take on Washington, to take on the Democrats and the the Republican elitists.
Got anymore convicts to elect to make America great!?
Got anymore convicts to elect to make America great!?
Biden is not enough for you?

Record prices of food, you must love that? Extremely expensive gasoline? Rising electricity prices? Giving Afghanistan terrorists billions of dollars in weapons? Being so weak as a president Russia starts a war? Famine and starvation looming in Sri Lanka because of Green/Renewable energy policies?

Convict? hahahaahaha, America was on it's way to being great but not anymore. Only a complete moron could be happy with what has happened to our country, to Trump, and his supporters.
Biden is not enough for you?

Record prices of food, you must love that? Extremely expensive gasoline? Rising electricity prices? Giving Afghanistan terrorists billions of dollars in weapons? Being so weak as a president Russia starts a war? Famine and starvation looming in Sri Lanka because of Green/Renewable energy policies?

Convict? hahahaahaha, America was on it's way to being great but not anymore. Only a complete moron could be happy with what has happened to our country, to Trump, and his supporters.
What has Biden been convicted of? Trump has a long history of fraud and abuse.
Vivek’s new voting age proposal is causing quite a stir. Good! Without debating all the finer points, our Founders believed voters should have skin in the game. If someone is going to decide the future of the country, they should have something to lose if the country declines

goosebumps cover my skin when i see Vivek speaking​


Imagine if he was all muscular and sweaty! Bakedbromide would go into rapture.
What has Biden been convicted of? Trump has a long history of fraud and abuse.
if you can claim Trump has been convicted in a criminal court, the same rule applies to the democrats

You are naive to believe that the Democrat politicians have not abused their positions in government. Fraud and abuse, how do you explain the millions of dollars that the husbands and wives and relatives of politicians have made off of China and other countries?
Total fucking bullshit! Banks and Bitcoin preventing people from doubling voting (spending) 24/7/365 and you can’t get on a plane or into a government building without valid ID

So, nobody has ever used a fake ID to take someone's money? ID theft does not exist in your world?

Nobody has ever walked into a government building with a fake ID?
The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 because 18-year olds were being drafted to go to VN and had no say politically.
18 is the right age to start voting.

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