Google expose' reveals scam behind climate change


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Google’s scheme of paying professors to influence public opinion is also how the “global warming” scam works.

“Google operates a little-known program to harness the brain power of university researchers to help sway opinion and public policy, cultivating financial relationships with professors at campuses from Harvard University to the University of California, Berkeley,” the WSJ reported.

Google Exposé Reveals Scam Behind Climate Change

Oh imagine that, and it's so, so difficult for sheep to figure out how big money has control.
They can't connect those dots of corporate power/ control.
They can't see how money talks and bs walks
They can't see how huge companies push propaganda in order to make other companies filthy rich of the suckers who fall for it and believe it all.
Just like AL GORE..............who was caught freaking lying on " Global warming" and when he was caught he admitted he lied and then the filthy liars changed it to Climate Change making it confusing for the sheep.

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