Good News......

Heh heh seen this before, nothing more to lie about he starts repasting his previous posts.

What a fascinating if somewhat pathetic creature to observe.
Too bad. The tax evader doesn't get to celebrate the good news with the rest of us. How sad.
Why are you a tax evader? Don't tell me aren't you're mirroring what you do.


But lying, hypocritical tax cheats DO get to force the rest of to pay for their freeloading. They are lying scum who suck on the teat of REAL Americans and we have no choice but to pick up the tab.

Some of them even come to message boards to brag about their lying, cheating and stealing.
Liar luddy. has lost his obamacare payment. Stupid I just had a word with Gruber he told me to tell your stupid ass hello.

12% unemployment is not good news
he';s an idiot.


Its not nice to lie about people who pay their taxes to support the fat, lazy slugs who don't. The people you are lying about also pay to support the families of those who freeload by not paying their own way.

Nope. Not nice at all.

Luddy begins trolling when the fact of his trolling are pointed out.
You will respect me I have earned it. unlike you fuck off.

Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.
Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.

Nope. I don't know that at all. Great originality, though.
Why are you a tax evader? Don't tell me aren't you're mirroring what you do.

Liar luddy. has lost his obamacare payment. Stupid I just had a word with Gruber he told me to tell your stupid ass hello.

he';s an idiot.


Its not nice to lie about people who pay their taxes to support the fat, lazy slugs who don't. The people you are lying about also pay to support the families of those who freeload by not paying their own way.

Nope. Not nice at all.

Luddy begins trolling when the fact of his trolling are pointed out.
You will respect me I have earned it. unlike you fuck off.

Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.
Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.

Nope. I don't know that at all. Great originality, though.
What they do know is you're a stupid fucking liar

Its not nice to lie about people who pay their taxes to support the fat, lazy slugs who don't. The people you are lying about also pay to support the families of those who freeload by not paying their own way.

Nope. Not nice at all.

Luddy begins trolling when the fact of his trolling are pointed out.
You will respect me I have earned it. unlike you fuck off.

Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.
Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.

Nope. I don't know that at all. Great originality, though.
What they do know is you're a stupid fucking liar

An anonymous forum can be utilized in one of two ways.

Unlike you....I've never lied on these forums. It's the greatest benefit of an anonymous forum. Absolute truth. Idiots think the anonymity allows them to play you....thinking it will earn you some respect. Intelligent people know that the anonymity allows us to be totally honest.

Come clean and vow to be honest from this point forward. You might gain some of that respect that you crave.
Luddy begins trolling when the fact of his trolling are pointed out.
You will respect me I have earned it. unlike you fuck off.

Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.
Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.

Nope. I don't know that at all. Great originality, though.
What they do know is you're a stupid fucking liar

An anonymous forum can be utilized in one of two ways.

Unlike you....I've never lied on these forums. It's the greatest benefit of an anonymous forum. Absolute truth. Idiots think the anonymity allows them to play you....thinking it will earn you some respect. Intelligent people know that the anonymity allows us to be totally honest.

Come clean and vow to be honest from this point forward. You might gain some of that respect that you crave.
You've lied right here in this post.
\I have been totally honest, unlike you.
So fuck off short straw.
Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.
Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.

Nope. I don't know that at all. Great originality, though.
What they do know is you're a stupid fucking liar

An anonymous forum can be utilized in one of two ways.

Unlike you....I've never lied on these forums. It's the greatest benefit of an anonymous forum. Absolute truth. Idiots think the anonymity allows them to play you....thinking it will earn you some respect. Intelligent people know that the anonymity allows us to be totally honest.

Come clean and vow to be honest from this point forward. You might gain some of that respect that you crave.
You've lied right here in this post.
\I have been totally honest, unlike you.
So fuck off short straw.

Play it your way. It's clearly working for you. You are obviously very well adjusted and content. Not a care in the world.
By the way big Derp.....I know you are waiting for someone to ask you about the "Patriotic Resistance". Has that happened yet? You needy fuck.
Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.

Nope. I don't know that at all. Great originality, though.
What they do know is you're a stupid fucking liar

An anonymous forum can be utilized in one of two ways.

Unlike you....I've never lied on these forums. It's the greatest benefit of an anonymous forum. Absolute truth. Idiots think the anonymity allows them to play you....thinking it will earn you some respect. Intelligent people know that the anonymity allows us to be totally honest.

Come clean and vow to be honest from this point forward. You might gain some of that respect that you crave.
You've lied right here in this post.
\I have been totally honest, unlike you.
So fuck off short straw.

Play it your way. It's clearly working for you. You are obviously very well adjusted and content. Not a care in the world.
You are correct, I don't have a care in the world. I take care of any problems that might arise.

This is your chance, Derp! A chance for honesty. Where did you come up with that graphic? Are you a member of a resistance movement of some kind? Which one? Does this movement have a platform? If so...let's see it.

Or.....did you just find an image and decide to post it because you thought it was "cool"?

Come on, mr honesty. What gives?

This is your chance, Derp! A chance for honesty. Where did you come up with that graphic? Are you a member of a resistance movement of some kind? Which one? Does this movement have a platform? If so...let's see it.

Or.....did you just find an image and decide to post it because you thought it was "cool"?

Come on, mr honesty. What gives?
You want honesty? How about you try it for a change? derp alot.

This is your chance, Derp! A chance for honesty. Where did you come up with that graphic? Are you a member of a resistance movement of some kind? Which one? Does this movement have a platform? If so...let's see it.

Or.....did you just find an image and decide to post it because you thought it was "cool"?

Come on, mr honesty. What gives?
You want honesty? How about you try it for a change? derp alot.

Ask me anything.

Then...answer my questions....Mr. Resistance.

This is your chance, Derp! A chance for honesty. Where did you come up with that graphic? Are you a member of a resistance movement of some kind? Which one? Does this movement have a platform? If so...let's see it.

Or.....did you just find an image and decide to post it because you thought it was "cool"?

Come on, mr honesty. What gives?
You want honesty? How about you try it for a change? derp alot.

Ask me anything.

Then...answer my questions....Mr. Resistance.
Sir Derps-a-lot I have been very open with you Hell you know more about me than you do obama, and he is a proven liar and you believe everything he says.

This is your chance, Derp! A chance for honesty. Where did you come up with that graphic? Are you a member of a resistance movement of some kind? Which one? Does this movement have a platform? If so...let's see it.

Or.....did you just find an image and decide to post it because you thought it was "cool"?

Come on, mr honesty. What gives?
You want honesty? How about you try it for a change? derp alot.

Ask me anything.

Then...answer my questions....Mr. Resistance.
Sir Derps-a-lot I have been very open with you Hell you know more about me than you do obama, and he is a proven liar and you believe everything he says.

You are avoiding the questions. Why is that?

This is your chance, Derp! A chance for honesty. Where did you come up with that graphic? Are you a member of a resistance movement of some kind? Which one? Does this movement have a platform? If so...let's see it.

Or.....did you just find an image and decide to post it because you thought it was "cool"?

Come on, mr honesty. What gives?
You want honesty? How about you try it for a change? derp alot.

Ask me anything.

Then...answer my questions....Mr. Resistance.
Sir Derps-a-lot I have been very open with you Hell you know more about me than you do obama, and he is a proven liar and you believe everything he says.

You are avoiding the questions. Why is that?
I'm not avoiding a damn thing. You're incapable of understanding what I said.
You believe a known liar over someone who has not lied.

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