Good for you! This is what you get! Fascist Rooster Come home to roost, land on WaPost Reporter


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The reason rank and file Progressive are the stupidest people on the planet is they've convinced themselves that they're "spechul" they helped overthrow decent governments the world over and surely, this time, their political leaders will give them their just desserts!

We discovered that our out of control Intel Agencies can now spy on ANYONE with impunity, even the incoming POTUS. Our spechul Progressives laughed, not because they "thought" it was wrong (I know they don't think, just parrot the Talking Points), but because that's what the Party ordered

We tried to tell them, that without crime without punishment only emboldens the criminals, especially in the Intel Communities

Case in point: Washington Post journalist clashes with DHS after taking calls from CISA employees using wife's number

Oh, the Irony! The WaPost called President Trump crazy for even suggesting our Rogue Intel Agencies would do such a thing. And by way of saying, "Thank you!" the Rogue Intel Agencies now target WaPost reporters

You wonder why time and time again Progressive wind up selling their kids and eating their pets in the Progressive Utopias, here it is! They are just too in love with the Party to ever find Fault

And this is the result

"Sometimes I wanna give it all back to ya. Sometimes I just wanna jump at ya and let you shoot me. If I could, I'd grab this microphone and beat your brains out with it, because that's what you deserve, that's what you deserve!" -- Charles Manson
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The reason rank and file Progressive are the stupidest people on the planet is they've convinced themselves that they're "spechul" they helped overthrow decent governments the world over and surely, this time, their political leaders will give them their just desserts!

We discovered that our out of control Intel Agencies can now spy on ANYONE with impunity, even the incoming POTUS. Our spechul Progressives laughed, not because they "thought" it was wrong (I know they don't think, just parrot the Talking Points), but because that's what the Party ordered

We tried to tell them, that without crime without punishment only emboldens the criminals, especially in the Intel Communities

Case in point: Washington Post journalist clashes with DHS after taking calls from CISA employees using wife's number

Oh, the Irony! The WaPost called President Trump crazy for even suggesting our Rogue Intel Agencies would do such a thing. And by way of saying, "Thank you!" the Rogue Intel Agencies now target WaPost reporters

You wonder why time and time again Progressive wind up selling their kids and eating their pets in the Progressive Utopias, here it is! They are just too in love with the Party to ever find Fault

And this is the result

"Sometimes I wanna give it all back to ya. Sometimes I just wanna jump at ya and let you shoot me. If I could, I'd grab this microphone and beat your brains out with it, because that's what you deserve, that's what you deserve!" -- Charles Manson

The lefty fascists ALWAYS turn on each other eventually. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ceausescu, Castro, et al ALL ultimately ended up slaughtering millions of their own followers/supporters/enablers.

Radical leftism ALWAYS leads to piles of skulls.

The reason rank and file Progressive are the stupidest people on the planet is they've convinced themselves that they're "spechul" they helped overthrow decent governments the world over and surely, this time, their political leaders will give them their just desserts!

We discovered that our out of control Intel Agencies can now spy on ANYONE with impunity, even the incoming POTUS. Our spechul Progressives laughed, not because they "thought" it was wrong (I know they don't think, just parrot the Talking Points), but because that's what the Party ordered

We tried to tell them, that without crime without punishment only emboldens the criminals, especially in the Intel Communities

Case in point: Washington Post journalist clashes with DHS after taking calls from CISA employees using wife's number

Oh, the Irony! The WaPost called President Trump crazy for even suggesting our Rogue Intel Agencies would do such a thing. And by way of saying, "Thank you!" the Rogue Intel Agencies now target WaPost reporters

You wonder why time and time again Progressive wind up selling their kids and eating their pets in the Progressive Utopias, here it is! They are just too in love with the Party to ever find Fault

And this is the result

"Sometimes I wanna give it all back to ya. Sometimes I just wanna jump at ya and let you shoot me. If I could, I'd grab this microphone and beat your brains out with it, because that's what you deserve, that's what you deserve!" -- Charles Manson

Progressive Marxist Democrat Leftist politicians with the assistance of Big Tech and the Quisling media have bit by bit turned America into a Marxist STASI State. Like East Germany you can't step foot outside in any Blue City without a CCTV camera spying on you, You need identification to enter certain places (especially Federal and Municipal Buildings) and now they seek to impose vaccine passports to travel.
Meanwhile Big Tech monoplys scan every key stroke of individual computers that access their sites.... Facebook, Google, Twitter et al....
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Leftist love spying on the Press...we saw a full assault by the Obama regime...unprecedented really in American history....I am not surprised to see the Xiden admin continue the polices...and even going further and fully blocking the Press from covering his human rights abuses on the border.

The Party only hurts those who needed to be hurt, right Progs?

We <3 Big Brother!

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