Good Enough For Nixon?


Nixon got impeached over spying on the Democraps and being caught on tape in the cover up.

Obama gets away with running guns to drug gangs in Mexico for more violence/deaths to help his anti-gun campaign here, covering up the Benghazi disaster, using the IRS to attack political groups opposed to his re-election, etc.....

...and liberal scum believe Obama is a saint and all of the crimes by him are fake.
Nice avatar. Though given your avatar, it leaves one scratching their head why you attack the left. Those two world wars you rightfully brag about winning ....... they were won with the leadership of Liberal Democrats.

Nixon got impeached over spying on the Democraps and being caught on tape in the cover up.

Obama gets away with running guns to drug gangs in Mexico for more violence/deaths to help his anti-gun campaign here, covering up the Benghazi disaster, using the IRS to attack political groups opposed to his re-election, etc.....

...and liberal scum believe Obama is a saint and all of the crimes by him are fake.
Nice avatar. Though given your avatar, it leaves one scratching their head why you attack the left. Those two world wars you rightfully brag about winning ....... they were won with the leadership of Liberal Democrats.

Wilson, FDR; look it up, pretend patriot. The US went on a downslide since Reagan, still pulling ourselves back up, a Grade Z movie actor slept through 8 years in office, and grinned like an idiot.

Margaret Thatcher, CONSERVATIVE, on Reagan:

"Poor dear, there is nothing between his ears".

Reagan was the original artful dodger, skipped WWII.

Nice avatar. Though given your avatar, it leaves one scratching their head why you attack the left. Those two world wars you rightfully brag about winning ....... they were won with the leadership of Liberal Democrats.

Wilson, FDR; look it up, pretend patriot. The US went on a downslide since Reagan, still pulling ourselves back up, a Grade Z movie actor slept through 8 years in office, and grinned like an idiot.

Margaret Thatcher, CONSERVATIVE, on Reagan:

"Poor dear, there is nothing between his ears".

Reagan was the original artful dodger, skipped WWII.

So should Obama be impeached or not?
The president cannot decide which laws he agrees with an will enforce. That's the point. That was the point of Nixon's impeachment, that he failed to carry out his oath of office. Obama equally has failed to carry out his oath of office. Nixon would have been impeached and probably removed. Obama not. Why the double standard?
There is no double standard. You said yourself that the right is too scared to impeach Obama because he's black.

Stop putting words in my mouth, you smelly half goat.
The problem is the Senate will never vote 2/3ds to get rid of him because they dont want to go down as impeaching the first black president. That and they dont really care what crimes he's committed because all that matters to them is winning.
This aren't words and it's the Republican House that's not impeaching him, not the Senate.
These flaming Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about a blowjob.

Does Obama have to get head for the GOP to actually do something? Or is it that as soon as Obama's crimes come under legal scrutiny, all of the same laws will then be applied to the Bush administration and they will be found guilty, imprisoned, and the GOP just doesn't want that? So it's more effective to just unleash a mass of racist simpletons to rave about Marxism and Sharia law for the whole time that Obama's in office instead of actually forcing the government to adhere to our laws.

If Obama goes down, Bush goes down, or vice versa, and then everyone else goes down and the US will have to admit defeat. Make it happen.

So obviously the far left is willing to perfectly ok with someone committing perjury, I guess we will stop see the posts that Bush lied us into Iraq since the far left supports perjury as not big deal.
Perjury is now a problem for the wacky right?? Since when? Y'all cheered when Bush commuted Lewis Libby's sentence after being convicted of perjury. Who knew you cared?

Wilson, FDR; look it up, pretend patriot. The US went on a downslide since Reagan, still pulling ourselves back up, a Grade Z movie actor slept through 8 years in office, and grinned like an idiot.

Margaret Thatcher, CONSERVATIVE, on Reagan:

"Poor dear, there is nothing between his ears".

Reagan was the original artful dodger, skipped WWII.

So should Obama be impeached or not?

No grounds. Mediocrity isn't listed in the Constitution.
Wilson, FDR; look it up, pretend patriot. The US went on a downslide since Reagan, still pulling ourselves back up, a Grade Z movie actor slept through 8 years in office, and grinned like an idiot.

Margaret Thatcher, CONSERVATIVE, on Reagan:

"Poor dear, there is nothing between his ears".

Reagan was the original artful dodger, skipped WWII.

So should Obama be impeached or not?

No grounds. Mediocrity isn't listed in the Constitution.

Bingo! Far left Obama drone as I called it!
These flaming Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about a blowjob.

Does Obama have to get head for the GOP to actually do something? Or is it that as soon as Obama's crimes come under legal scrutiny, all of the same laws will then be applied to the Bush administration and they will be found guilty, imprisoned, and the GOP just doesn't want that? So it's more effective to just unleash a mass of racist simpletons to rave about Marxism and Sharia law for the whole time that Obama's in office instead of actually forcing the government to adhere to our laws.

If Obama goes down, Bush goes down, or vice versa, and then everyone else goes down and the US will have to admit defeat. Make it happen.

So obviously the far left is willing to perfectly ok with someone committing perjury, I guess we will stop see the posts that Bush lied us into Iraq since the far left supports perjury as not big deal.
Perjury is now a problem for the wacky right?? Since when? Y'all cheered when Bush commuted Lewis Libby's sentence after being convicted of perjury. Who knew you cared?

Perjury is always a problem, but Clinton's lie was not perjury. To be perjury the lie must be "material to the case at Bar"; sexual harassment & consensual sex are different. (Yes, one's license can be removed by the State Bar for less than a crime.) When did Bush II or Obama commit perjury?
Nixon's articles of impeachment contain 3 clauses. All of them charge Nixon with violating his oath of office, specifially failing to see that laws were faithfully executed.
Every one of those articles is equally applicable to Obama. Even more so. What Nixon did in secret, Obama does openly. What Nixon attempted, Obama achieved.
Why was Nixon nearly impeached and survived only by resignation but Obama continues on with impunity?
Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his consitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, in that:
more at thte source.

Weird how various groups, like militias and , gun-toting Tea-Party racists who demand veto power over all the rest of the federal government, over the law, over the Constitution that they profess to love but in fact know little about. They are unified in their hatred of the President Barack Obama, their love of firearms, their deep racist animus, and their contempt for the rule of law.

Do you SERIOUSLY think the GOP is afraid to impeach if they had ANYTHING? lol
These flaming Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about a blowjob.

Does Obama have to get head for the GOP to actually do something? Or is it that as soon as Obama's crimes come under legal scrutiny, all of the same laws will then be applied to the Bush administration and they will be found guilty, imprisoned, and the GOP just doesn't want that? So it's more effective to just unleash a mass of racist simpletons to rave about Marxism and Sharia law for the whole time that Obama's in office instead of actually forcing the government to adhere to our laws.

If Obama goes down, Bush goes down, or vice versa, and then everyone else goes down and the US will have to admit defeat. Make it happen.

So obviously the far left is willing to perfectly ok with someone committing perjury, I guess we will stop see the posts that Bush lied us into Iraq since the far left supports perjury as not big deal.
How could you possibly read those words as, "Perjury is okay."

Take Obama down, PLEASE. He's a war criminal like Bush, killing whoever for years over whatever. But don't try to claim a victory for Republicans because Cheney and Bush will be next when America decides to clean house. The GOP has to be able to offer a real alternative to the chain of corporate whores who have occupied our White House. So far, Republicans have been unable to do that.
So obviously the far left is willing to perfectly ok with someone committing perjury, I guess we will stop see the posts that Bush lied us into Iraq since the far left supports perjury as not big deal.
Perjury is now a problem for the wacky right?? Since when? Y'all cheered when Bush commuted Lewis Libby's sentence after being convicted of perjury. Who knew you cared?

Perjury is always a problem, but Clinton's lie was not perjury. To be perjury the lie must be "material to the case at Bar"; sexual harassment & consensual sex are different. (Yes, one's license can be removed by the State Bar for less than a crime.) When did Bush II or Obama commit perjury?

More far left Obama drone propaganda!

WOW these far left Obama drones really do not understand anything beyond their programming.

Wilson, FDR; look it up, pretend patriot. The US went on a downslide since Reagan, still pulling ourselves back up, a Grade Z movie actor slept through 8 years in office, and grinned like an idiot.

Margaret Thatcher, CONSERVATIVE, on Reagan:

"Poor dear, there is nothing between his ears".

Reagan was the original artful dodger, skipped WWII.

So should Obama be impeached or not?

Why hasn't there been an uproar in the GOP MAJORITY HOUSE where impeachment tales place? Oops
Bush lied to the American People and the world to invade Iraq where he tortured POWs to death in secret prisons. No one impeached him.

Obama is the main reason why Bush isn't swinging from a rope on camera. Thank the first black President for protecting your Messiah.

Bush criminalized marijuana. That's why you hate him, right?
Yes, you're right. Marijuana was legal right up until 2000 and George Wmd Bush outlawed it. That's why I hate him.

It doesn't have anything to do with allowing 9/11 to happen so that the PNAC could shit on the US Constitution, lying to the world, invading Afghanistan and Iraq against all military strategy and basic sense, torturing POWs, creating more terrorists, adding trillions to the national debt to try to win his daddy's love and respect.........

I draw the line at anyone accusing Bush II of "allowing" 9/11, had he been on top of the situation, had national security on al Qaeda as advised, instead of "Saddam, Saddam, he threatened Poppy!".............we will never know. His reaction, to USE the attack as an excuse to "take out" Saddam, is fair game.
Nixon's articles of impeachment contain 3 clauses. All of them charge Nixon with violating his oath of office, specifially failing to see that laws were faithfully executed.
Every one of those articles is equally applicable to Obama. Even more so. What Nixon did in secret, Obama does openly. What Nixon attempted, Obama achieved.
Why was Nixon nearly impeached and survived only by resignation but Obama continues on with impunity?
Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his consitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, in that:
more at thte source.

Weird how various groups, like militias and , gun-toting Tea-Party racists who demand veto power over all the rest of the federal government, over the law, over the Constitution that they profess to love but in fact know little about. They are unified in their hatred of the President Barack Obama, their love of firearms, their deep racist animus, and their contempt for the rule of law.

Do you SERIOUSLY think the GOP is afraid to impeach if they had ANYTHING? lol

Of course not, and yes, the most rabid anti-Obama crowd knows little to -0- about US history, or so it appears.
Wilson, FDR; look it up, pretend patriot. The US went on a downslide since Reagan, still pulling ourselves back up, a Grade Z movie actor slept through 8 years in office, and grinned like an idiot.

Margaret Thatcher, CONSERVATIVE, on Reagan:

"Poor dear, there is nothing between his ears".

Reagan was the original artful dodger, skipped WWII.

So should Obama be impeached or not?

Why hasn't there been an uproar in the GOP MAJORITY HOUSE where impeachment tales place? Oops

The far left knows the GOP will not impeach him and Obama knows that his own party along with 80% of the press will not call him out. So Obama will literally get away with murder and you far left Obama drone will cheer as he does it.
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Nixon's articles of impeachment contain 3 clauses. All of them charge Nixon with violating his oath of office, specifially failing to see that laws were faithfully executed.
Every one of those articles is equally applicable to Obama. Even more so. What Nixon did in secret, Obama does openly. What Nixon attempted, Obama achieved.
Why was Nixon nearly impeached and survived only by resignation but Obama continues on with impunity?
Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

more at thte source.

Weird how various groups, like militias and , gun-toting Tea-Party racists who demand veto power over all the rest of the federal government, over the law, over the Constitution that they profess to love but in fact know little about. They are unified in their hatred of the President Barack Obama, their love of firearms, their deep racist animus, and their contempt for the rule of law.

Do you SERIOUSLY think the GOP is afraid to impeach if they had ANYTHING? lol

Of course not, and yes, the most rabid anti-Obama crowd knows little to -0- about US history, or so it appears.

Says the far left Obama drone that thinks the history of Iraq started in 2003.
Perjury is now a problem for the wacky right?? Since when? Y'all cheered when Bush commuted Lewis Libby's sentence after being convicted of perjury. Who knew you cared?

Perjury is always a problem, but Clinton's lie was not perjury. To be perjury the lie must be "material to the case at Bar"; sexual harassment & consensual sex are different. (Yes, one's license can be removed by the State Bar for less than a crime.) When did Bush II or Obama commit perjury?

More far left Obama drone propaganda!

WOW these far left Obama drones really do not understand anything beyond their programming.

Kosh, it seems you do not understand the subject in question, have someone read about it, and explain it to you tonight. :lol:
Bush criminalized marijuana. That's why you hate him, right?
Yes, you're right. Marijuana was legal right up until 2000 and George Wmd Bush outlawed it. That's why I hate him.

It doesn't have anything to do with allowing 9/11 to happen so that the PNAC could shit on the US Constitution, lying to the world, invading Afghanistan and Iraq against all military strategy and basic sense, torturing POWs, creating more terrorists, adding trillions to the national debt to try to win his daddy's love and respect.........

I draw the line at anyone accusing Bush II of "allowing" 9/11, had he been on top of the situation, had national security on al Qaeda as advised, instead of "Saddam, Saddam, he threatened Poppy!".............we will never know. His reaction, to USE the attack as an excuse to "take out" Saddam, is fair game.
It is entirely too coincidental that everything that the PNAC said in September 2000 that they wanted to happen, happened when Bush was in office, including "a new Pearl Harbor" that could be used as an excuse to ramp up the military/police state and make rich people even richer. It all played out exactly as written. No, it wasn't a coincidence. 9/11 was allowed to happen. That's why all of the warnings about bin Laden were ignored.

Osama bin Laden and US weapons contractors want America to be in an endless war against whoever for whatever reason. It sure as shit wasn't about 9/11. bin Laden's dead, Hussein is dead, how many more times do we have to kill al-Qaeda's number 3 in command? How many more years will the US be funneling money from tax payers to weapons contractors over Bush's lies?

Obama is the same corporate shit as Bush and Nixon, continuing both Bush's and Nixon's lies.

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