Gone In 90 Days

No one can say what the future holds, especially not you.
I use the points of U.S. political history. Where we have been tells us a lot of where we will be.
Well since we have never had an election situation quite like this that might not be as effective as you think. We are in uncharted territory here, expect the unexpected is probably about the wisest thing anyone can say about how things will go in the future. It's fun to make predictions but don't put too much faith in them, back last year I was certain American conservatives were smart enough not to nominate Trump.
We are not anywhere near un-charted territory. Anti Goldwater forces used TV ads suggested Goldwater would nuke the world.
Anti Reagan ads suggested he was to old. Anti Nixon re-election ads suggested he was to dishonest.

Just look to history, its there.
Negative campaigning is nothing new, what we have here is two candidates who supply each other almost unlimited ammunition for negative attacks in the age of 24 hour news and the internet. Those ads you mention were remarkable for their rarity in what used to to be a comparatively congenial, issue driven election process. Shit like that is so common now that people barely even pay attention to it.
Those style attacks are far from rare. Wilson showed print ads of 20,000 KKK members marching in support of him. You just notice it because the evolution of spin has changed. Audio overtook print and video overtook audio. SAME circus, SAME monkeys, nicer suits.
Whatever, it's all conjecture trying to predict the future of this election in anything but the most general way. I feel Hillary is going to win mostly because of Trump's incredibly odd and incendiary rhetoric. Anything other than that you might as well be trying to accurately predict the weather 3 months from now. As for the media, they are going to provide whatever infotainment that will make people consume their content. There is no evil conspiracy of journalists trying to do anything except make money for their company/website. Look around, it is possible to get news that exactly matches your opinions and prejudices. The media does not shape the narrative, the news consumer does.
Posters, Winners And Loser's
A couple of the site shills have already said they will be leaving the day after. One group or the other is going to lose. Could be by a little or it could be by a lot but a win is a win no matter how ugly

Whom said they were going to leave after the election? I am not doubting you. I am just curious.
320 Years of History Has stated in a thread he is gone the day after.
Lakhota has claimed she is paid to be here.

Thanks. 320 usually posts in the CDZ and I avoid that area b/c my filter...is questionable on the best of days. lol
This past week (8/1/2016) is the week when Trump's gaffs all finally caught up with him and he began to drop in the polls.

Hillary has opened up double digits leads in some places, and in other places certain red states have begun to turn purple. AZ, GA and UT come to mind specifically.

She needs to come clean about Behghazi and she needs to stop pretending that FBI's Comey did her any favors on the email issue. Comey said she was grossly negligent with her emails.

There is nothing that can rehab Trump. He needs a long vacation from public life which is what he will get starting in November, Then he can join Romney's "I Fought The Law And The Law Won" Club. They can even sing together at Cumbayah firesides.

I already did an analysis of predictions from back in 2014 and we already know who the bozo's are.

Sarah G deserves credit for being right-on in many cases.

And all the bozo's who just B/S over and over I have put on Ignore.
Did Ted Kennedy and his "gaff" ever really catch up with him? He DID lose to Carter but kept his seat. Nothing is over until you are dead.
Ted is to the Kennedy clan what Jeb is to the Bush dynasty -- the baby brother that never got a chance to be POTUS.

There are women I know from Massachusetts who still hate Ted and would never vote for him because a lady deserves to come home from a date without seaweed in her mouth.
But he STILL won and kept his seat until his dying day.
It cost Ted the US Presidency however.
Well IF the women of that state were as angry as you claim then how did he keep that state let alone become known as womens greatest defender? The press and the machine of politics.

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