God's Great And Good Plan To Rescue And Restore Dying Humanity.


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
JAG Writes:
God has a saving-plan for the world. Humanity is in serious death-trouble
due to the entrance of sin and sin's death worldwide. Not even the
Jewish Law {Moses} could defeat Death and bring Eternal Life.

But God is the kind of Person that will go straight into the pain to rescue
others with a plan to rescue humanity from Sin and Death through the
crucifixion-death and Resurrection of His Son the Lord Jesus.

The Lord Jesus has conquered Sin and Death for us all. Because He lives,
we too can live. Eternal Life has been brought to this dying death-ridden
world and in the end Grace and Mercy will triumph over Judgment. The Lord
Jesus says, Behold I stand at the door and knock. There is a new worldwide
universal Christian family daily being gradually created -- now numbering
over 2.3 billion worldwide 21st century -- and with untold mega-billions yet
coming. The Sovereign God does nothing on a small dinky scale -- just look
up into the Heavens and know there is an estimated 10/24 stars {10 followed
by 24 zeros}. God is great and He has a Huge-Enormous Great Plan to
save the world. "I am making everything new", said the Lord Jesus, and so
here is how human history ends:

"Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and He will dwell with
them. They will be His people and God Himself will be with them and be their
God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or
mourning, or crying, or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Rev. 21:3-4


So Victory for the Lord Jesus and Victory for the Good and Great Plan of God
to save, rescue, and restore fallen sinful death-ridden humanity.


Titled: "Because I Love You"
by Christian artist Danny Hahlbohm

"I have told you these things so that in Me you you may have peace. in this
world you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world."__The
Lord Jesus {John 16:33}


People have been waiting around for God to make this a better world since God was invented. It never became a better world until people made it that way. If God has a plan for the world it no more than to create a bunch of hairless apes capable of finding heaven or hell on their own terms.
Behold the field in which God hath grown his fucks. Feast thy eyes upon it. For it shall remain barren as all the world ending forecasts attributed to Him.
Statistically that's not likely. Even in a world gone wrong there will be those who do the right things, the right way, for the right reasons.

So maybe everything exists for that purpose. Seen in this light, this would be a test so to speak. For all I know maybe it takes harsh conditions to produce the best people. They certainly stand out more that's for sure.
People have been waiting around for God to make this a better world since God was invented. It never became a better world until people made it that way. If God has a plan for the world it no more than to create a bunch of hairless apes capable of finding heaven or hell on their own terms.
No, I think not everyone did wait around for God to make this a better world. Our founding fathers believed that our rights are conditional. That we are granted inalienable rights for no other reason than we are God's creatures but that those rights require us to meet our obligation and duty to God. So the Founding Fathers had an expectation that we should not wait around for God to make this a better world. Religion itself, establishes the expectation that we have a duty and an obligation to God. So religion itself had an expectation that we should not wait around for God to make this a better world.

The reality is the structure of existence - which is the work of God - is self compensating. So while you don't have perfect knowledge and understanding, He does. That everything works for good is a well known principle of faith.
JAG Writes:
God has a saving-plan for the world. Humanity is in serious death-trouble
due to the entrance of sin and sin's death worldwide. Not even the
Jewish Law {Moses} could defeat Death and bring Eternal Life.

But God is the kind of Person that will go straight into the pain to rescue
others with a plan to rescue humanity from Sin and Death through the
crucifixion-death and Resurrection of His Son the Lord Jesus.

The Lord Jesus has conquered Sin and Death for us all. Because He lives,
we too can live. Eternal Life has been brought to this dying death-ridden
world and in the end Grace and Mercy will triumph over Judgment. The Lord
Jesus says, Behold I stand at the door and knock. There is a new worldwide
universal Christian family daily being gradually created -- now numbering
over 2.3 billion worldwide 21st century -- and with untold mega-billions yet
coming. The Sovereign God does nothing on a small dinky scale -- just look
up into the Heavens and know there is an estimated 10/24 stars {10 followed
by 24 zeros}. God is great and He has a Huge-Enormous Great Plan to
save the world. "I am making everything new", said the Lord Jesus, and so
here is how human history ends:

"Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and He will dwell with
them. They will be His people and God Himself will be with them and be their
God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or
mourning, or crying, or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Rev. 21:3-4


So Victory for the Lord Jesus and Victory for the Good and Great Plan of God
to save, rescue, and restore fallen sinful death-ridden humanity.


Titled: "Because I Love You"
by Christian artist Danny Hahlbohm

"I have told you these things so that in Me you you may have peace. in this
world you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world."__The
Lord Jesus {John 16:33}


God should simply drown the whole world again.
People have been waiting around for God to make this a better world since God was invented. It never became a better world until people made it that way. If God has a plan for the world it no more than to create a bunch of hairless apes capable of finding heaven or hell on their own terms.
I see it from the reverse...God patiently waiting for people to make this a better world. Let's focus on that, not on heaven or hell. Take a look at the problem....people looking for God to make a better world; others looking for government to make a better world when it is up to the individual to make this a better world. We need to learn to rely on self, not huge bureacracies.
God should simply drown the whole world again.
He could do that as well destroying all the Sodom and Gomorrahs, towers, etc. What we should have learned long ago is that new beginnings are not the long-term solution. Mankind just returns to making the same mistakes over and over and over again. As far back as Genesis (ancient man) our ancestors warned us that lack of sexual discipline is the first sign we are starting back on the wrong path. Ancient man figured that out, passed down the news to his descendants....and yet tens of thousands of years later we have yet to learn the lesson they tried to teach.
God should simply drown the whole world again.
He could do that as well destroying all the Sodom and Gomorrahs, towers, etc. What we should have learned long ago is that new beginnings are not the long-term solution. Mankind just returns to making the same mistakes over and over and over again. As far back as Genesis (ancient man) our ancestors warned us that lack of sexual discipline is the first sign we are starting back on the wrong path. Ancient man figured that out, passed down the news to his descendants....and yet tens of thousands of years later we have yet to learn the lesson they tried to teach.
So basically no more sex for fun. Must be fun times at your house.
So basically no more sex for fun. Must be fun times at your house.
Not what I said. Compare fire. Fire in a fireplace, good! Fire burning your home, not good. There is a difference between having fun during sex and having undisciplined sex.
So basically no more sex for fun. Must be fun times at your house.
Not what I said. Compare fire. Fire in a fireplace, good! Fire burning your home, not good. There is a difference between having fun during sex and having undisciplined sex.
It seems self evident to me that all things in balance is more desirable than being controlled by urges, desires and compulsions.

I might have used irresponsible instead of undisciplined, but that's just me.
God should simply drown the whole world again.
He could do that as well destroying all the Sodom and Gomorrahs, towers, etc. What we should have learned long ago is that new beginnings are not the long-term solution. Mankind just returns to making the same mistakes over and over and over again. As far back as Genesis (ancient man) our ancestors warned us that lack of sexual discipline is the first sign we are starting back on the wrong path. Ancient man figured that out, passed down the news to his descendants....and yet tens of thousands of years later we have yet to learn the lesson they tried to teach.
So basically no more sex for fun. Must be fun times at your house.
I think you should totally give into your urges. What could possibly go wrong, right?

That really is one of the great things about existence, we get to experience the consequences of our decisions. It's almost like the universe is providing feedback to us. Some learn from it and some don't. But it's usually almost always on them, don't you think? :)
People have been waiting around for God to make this a better world since God was invented. It never became a better world until people made it that way. If God has a plan for the world it no more than to create a bunch of hairless apes capable of finding heaven or hell on their own terms.
I see it from the reverse...God patiently waiting for people to make this a better world. Let's focus on that, not on heaven or hell. Take a look at the problem....people looking for God to make a better world; others looking for government to make a better world when it is up to the individual to make this a better world. We need to learn to rely on self, not huge bureacracies.
I have a slightly different take. I believe that God is pruning everyone by allowing them the freedom to make their choices and experience the consequences of their choices. Experience is a great teacher. Experience can reinforce the good choices and inform us of our bad choices. Those who learn from their mistakes move on with knowledge. Those who don't learn from their mistakes, get the lessons returned to them until they do. God is a very patient and loving teacher. He never forces us to do the right thing. He let's us figure it out on our own.
I have a slightly different take. I believe that God is pruning everyone by allowing them the freedom to make their choices and experience the consequences of their choices. Experience is a great teacher. Experience can reinforce the good choices and inform us of our bad choices. Those who learn from their mistakes move on with knowledge. Those who don't learn from their mistakes, get the lessons returned to them until they do. God is a very patient and loving teacher. He never forces us to do the right thing. He let's us figure it out on our own.
To a certain extent I agree. However the quote, "We must learn from the mistakes of others as we can't live long enough to make them all ourselves." Another obvious one is that we do not have to murder another to understand it is the wrong choice. And....Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. As a world, it seems to me we are still in the doomed stage of repeating the mistakes of old.

Still, I do agree that as individuals we need practice in making and applying various choices. Experience may be the best teacher, but it is not the only teacher. As you say, God our Father is a patient and loving teacher.
I have a slightly different take. I believe that God is pruning everyone by allowing them the freedom to make their choices and experience the consequences of their choices. Experience is a great teacher. Experience can reinforce the good choices and inform us of our bad choices. Those who learn from their mistakes move on with knowledge. Those who don't learn from their mistakes, get the lessons returned to them until they do. God is a very patient and loving teacher. He never forces us to do the right thing. He let's us figure it out on our own.
To a certain extent I agree. However the quote, "We must learn from the mistakes of others as we can't live long enough to make them all ourselves." Another obvious one is that we do not have to murder another to understand it is the wrong choice. And....Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. As a world, it seems to me we are still in the doomed stage of repeating the mistakes of old.

Still, I do agree that as individuals we need practice in making and applying various choices. Experience may be the best teacher, but it is not the only teacher. As you say, God our Father is a patient and loving teacher.
I agree that we don't need to touch a hot stove to know that it will burn us. We should be able to deduce that for ourselves or at least learn from the mistakes of others touching hot surfaces. But the reality is that many still do. We can tell people that they shouldn't do this or that because bad things will happen. They can even see other people do bad things and see what happens to them when they do but many people still don't learn from instruction or observation of others. Some people have to experience it for themselves and others have to experience it multiple times before they finally learn the lesson. So while I believe it is illogical for them to do so, we still have many examples where they do.

Hence, experience is a great teacher. Maybe the best teacher. And God allows us the opportunity to experience the consequences of our decisions.
God's Great And Good Plan To Rescue And Restore Dying Humanity.

I believe God has already displayed His plain.

First, He singled out and chose a group of people where He gave them instructions on how to have a better life while spreading this fellowship to others and in return His blisses them for their great works.

Anybody care to tell us what happened next?

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Behold the field in which God hath grown his fucks. Feast thy eyes upon it. For it shall remain barren as all the world ending forecasts attributed to Him.
Statistically that's not likely. Even in a world gone wrong there will be those who do the right things, the right way, for the right reasons.

So maybe everything exists for that purpose. Seen in this light, this would be a test so to speak. For all I know maybe it takes harsh conditions to produce the best people. They certainly stand out more that's for sure.

Sometimes harsh conditions create monsters. Prisons are full of them.
Behold the field in which God hath grown his fucks. Feast thy eyes upon it. For it shall remain barren as all the world ending forecasts attributed to Him.
Statistically that's not likely. Even in a world gone wrong there will be those who do the right things, the right way, for the right reasons.

So maybe everything exists for that purpose. Seen in this light, this would be a test so to speak. For all I know maybe it takes harsh conditions to produce the best people. They certainly stand out more that's for sure.

Sometimes harsh conditions create monsters. Prisons are full of them.
Yep. Sometimes it does. Stress reveals character.

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