God Loved Us And Gave Us Nutmeg.


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
God Loved Us And Gave Us Nutmeg.
August 4, 2021

God loves us in the Small Matters of life and gave us the cheerful
greens of summer, the heart-warning warm colors of Autumn ~ the
reds, oranges, browns, and yellows . . .

. . . and God gave us Cinnamon, Ginger, Black Pepper, Jasmine,
Gardenia, and the lemony fragrance of Magnolia.

God knew before Creation that millions of us would come to enjoy
Vanilla, Sweet Basil, and Rosemary ~ and it was Fatherly Planning
that designed and created them, and Father's Love that gave them
to us . . .

. . . and the life-blessing aroma of coffee. When you first open Folger's
Classic Roast, and the air under your nose is concentrated-happiness
and you say a silent "Thank You Father for Your many small blessings
that make my life so very enjoyable, and thank You for Your many
medium and large blessings too." . . .

. . . the aroma of freshly opened coffee is almost as enjoyable as the
fresh brewed cup, and on the 1 to 10 scale the smell of coffee is up
there with the magical fragrance of God's other heavenly scents like
rain plus flowers plus pine trees, and fresh-out-of-the-oven bread . . .

. . . and many of us wait with eager anticipation to meet our amazing
Heavenly Father and talk with Him. Perhaps we will one day walk with
Him in the evenings along Saffron Boulevard and hear Him tell us what
was in His mind and heart when He designed and then created Red
Roses, Camellias, Gardenias, and Geraniums . . .

. . . all these beautiful things, these soul-pleasing aromatic fragrances,
scented flowers, panoramic sunsets, the magnificent vivid colors of
life ~ the blues, greens, reds, browns, yellows, and greys, the soul
inspiring scenes of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, tell us what
kind of Person God is. He has a beautiful mind. He loves beautiful
things. He loves to create beauty. To share beauty with His creatures.
To teach us how to create beautiful things too. It was God that designed
the Orchid, the Hibiscus, and the Chrysanthemum. The Amaryllis was
born first in the mind and heart of God.

Father, we thank You for all that, and for Vermillion, Burnt Orange,
Turquoise, and Magenta . . .

. . . for Cloves, Lavender, Amber, Musk, Tangerines, Cardamom, and

Father, we thank you for Chocolate.

And we thank You for being there for us in the Small Matters of the lovely
details of living life ~ "Sparrows" and "Hairs" Matthew 10:29-30 . . .

But most of all, we thank You for being there for us in What Matters Most,
the gift of Eternal Life through faith in the death of the Lord Jesus on that
Old Rugged Cross; who died in our stead so that we may live with You
forever in Heaven where there is no more pain, no more sorrow, no more
politics, no more bickering and squabbling, no more aging "Old age is not
for sissies"__Billy Graham at 93 (and others), and no more Death ~ rather
Eternal Life where every day is Red Roses, Jasmine, and Magnolia.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.


Do you agree?


God Loved Us And Gave Us Nutmeg.
August 4, 2021

God loves us in the Small Matters of life and gave us the cheerful
greens of summer, the heart-warning warm colors of Autumn ~ the
reds, oranges, browns, and yellows . . .

. . . and God gave us Cinnamon, Ginger, Black Pepper, Jasmine,
Gardenia, and the lemony fragrance of Magnolia.

God knew before Creation that millions of us would come to enjoy
Vanilla, Sweet Basil, and Rosemary ~ and it was Fatherly Planning
that designed and created them, and Father's Love that gave them
to us . . .

. . . and the life-blessing aroma of coffee. When you first open Folger's
Classic Roast, and the air under your nose is concentrated-happiness
and you say a silent "Thank You Father for Your many small blessings
that make my life so very enjoyable, and thank You for Your many
medium and large blessings too." . . .

. . . the aroma of freshly opened coffee is almost as enjoyable as the
fresh brewed cup, and on the 1 to 10 scale the smell of coffee is up
there with the magical fragrance of God's other heavenly scents like
rain plus flowers plus pine trees, and fresh-out-of-the-oven bread . . .

. . . and many of us wait with eager anticipation to meet our amazing
Heavenly Father and talk with Him. Perhaps we will one day walk with
Him in the evenings along Saffron Boulevard and hear Him tell us what
was in His mind and heart when He designed and then created Red
Roses, Camellias, Gardenias, and Geraniums . . .

. . . all these beautiful things, these soul-pleasing aromatic fragrances,
scented flowers, panoramic sunsets, the magnificent vivid colors of
life ~ the blues, greens, reds, browns, yellows, and greys, the soul
inspiring scenes of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, tell us what
kind of Person God is. He has a beautiful mind. He loves beautiful
things. He loves to create beauty. To share beauty with His creatures.
To teach us how to create beautiful things too. It was God that designed
the Orchid, the Hibiscus, and the Chrysanthemum. The Amaryllis was
born first in the mind and heart of God.

Father, we thank You for all that, and for Vermillion, Burnt Orange,
Turquoise, and Magenta . . .

. . . for Cloves, Lavender, Amber, Musk, Tangerines, Cardamom, and

Father, we thank you for Chocolate.

And we thank You for being there for us in the Small Matters of the lovely
details of living life ~ "Sparrows" and "Hairs" Matthew 10:29-30 . . .

But most of all, we thank You for being there for us in What Matters Most,
the gift of Eternal Life through faith in the death of the Lord Jesus on that
Old Rugged Cross; who died in our stead so that we may live with You
forever in Heaven where there is no more pain, no more sorrow, no more
politics, no more bickering and squabbling, no more aging "Old age is not
for sissies"__Billy Graham at 93 (and others), and no more Death ~ rather
Eternal Life where every day is Red Roses, Jasmine, and Magnolia.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.


Do you agree?


You HERETIC !! The Actual phrase is " Beer is proof that there is a God, and that he loves us." All that other stuff you added, while possibly being true, is not part of canon law.

God's gifts to mankind

*****HAPPY SMILE*****

God Loved Us And Gave Us Nutmeg.
August 4, 2021

God loves us in the Small Matters of life and gave us the cheerful
greens of summer, the heart-warning warm colors of Autumn ~ the
reds, oranges, browns, and yellows . . .

. . . and God gave us Cinnamon, Ginger, Black Pepper, Jasmine,
Gardenia, and the lemony fragrance of Magnolia.

God knew before Creation that millions of us would come to enjoy
Vanilla, Sweet Basil, and Rosemary ~ and it was Fatherly Planning
that designed and created them, and Father's Love that gave them
to us . . .

. . . and the life-blessing aroma of coffee. When you first open Folger's
Classic Roast, and the air under your nose is concentrated-happiness
and you say a silent "Thank You Father for Your many small blessings
that make my life so very enjoyable, and thank You for Your many
medium and large blessings too." . . .

. . . the aroma of freshly opened coffee is almost as enjoyable as the
fresh brewed cup, and on the 1 to 10 scale the smell of coffee is up
there with the magical fragrance of God's other heavenly scents like
rain plus flowers plus pine trees, and fresh-out-of-the-oven bread . . .

. . . and many of us wait with eager anticipation to meet our amazing
Heavenly Father and talk with Him. Perhaps we will one day walk with
Him in the evenings along Saffron Boulevard and hear Him tell us what
was in His mind and heart when He designed and then created Red
Roses, Camellias, Gardenias, and Geraniums . . .

. . . all these beautiful things, these soul-pleasing aromatic fragrances,
scented flowers, panoramic sunsets, the magnificent vivid colors of
life ~ the blues, greens, reds, browns, yellows, and greys, the soul
inspiring scenes of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, tell us what
kind of Person God is. He has a beautiful mind. He loves beautiful
things. He loves to create beauty. To share beauty with His creatures.
To teach us how to create beautiful things too. It was God that designed
the Orchid, the Hibiscus, and the Chrysanthemum. The Amaryllis was
born first in the mind and heart of God.

Father, we thank You for all that, and for Vermillion, Burnt Orange,
Turquoise, and Magenta . . .

. . . for Cloves, Lavender, Amber, Musk, Tangerines, Cardamom, and

Father, we thank you for Chocolate.

And we thank You for being there for us in the Small Matters of the lovely
details of living life ~ "Sparrows" and "Hairs" Matthew 10:29-30 . . .

But most of all, we thank You for being there for us in What Matters Most,
the gift of Eternal Life through faith in the death of the Lord Jesus on that
Old Rugged Cross; who died in our stead so that we may live with You
forever in Heaven where there is no more pain, no more sorrow, no more
politics, no more bickering and squabbling, no more aging "Old age is not
for sissies"__Billy Graham at 93 (and others), and no more Death ~ rather
Eternal Life where every day is Red Roses, Jasmine, and Magnolia.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.


Do you agree?

Indeed. Christs perfect mind in us will not be bothered whether we see gay sex, or zoophilia sex, or an older person pleasing, or being pleased by a younger person, having great peace in them. Israel needs to accept gays bringing this. People who condemn Pepe Le Pew should not be accepted. People are judging him wrongly. He can have as many wives as his heart desires, and concubines, too. Jacob, Solomon, and Reaboahm had many wives, and concubines. God's mind was in all of them.
All of the things mentioned are God's free gifts to us. How then should we be with each other, with what God made? We need to be the same way with what we make, being a gift giver. People need to ask, in order to receive. Some seek to find. This life will be all there is, to people who try to gather all that is, unto themselves.
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You HERETIC !! The Actual phrase is " Beer is proof that there is a God, and that he loves us." All that other stuff you added, while possibly being true, is not part of canon law.
I hear God's voice giving an extensive list of what God made. No law was broken.
He also gave us left-wingers.\
God's way is not in the lefts way, or the Right wingers way, either. It is like a bird, having its wings severed, suddenly falling down from the sky. The bird is asleep, thinking it is still flying. The Left is trying, not using what Christ taught. Copious amounts of money is making inflation to get worse. Money makes people to not work when they have it. Money is the motivating factor, not people. Jesus was interested in people. The right is not being truthful regarding individual rights. Laws that exist are stymieing individual rights. People need to hide in the dark, behind a wall or door to be themselves or be punished. Jesus is not like that with people. Right wingers are taking God's name in vain.
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View attachment 521513

God's gifts to mankind

*****HAPPY SMILE*****


The bike video about setting seat Hight. The top bone on the spine is not in the neutral or Orthogonal position beneath the opening at the base of the skull. Person needed to see a Precision upper cervical, spesific only chiropractor for a long time. Asymmetries can begin the day you are born. Upcspine. NUCCA, Upper Cervical health centers, TheSpesific. Delay doing that for 4 - 5 days in the event of an accident.

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