God Help Us All: Captain America Is Now A Negro!

why didn't they just create a new hero?

Why should they?

Sam Wilson (The Falcon) has been Captain America's friend and sidekick for 40 years, it makes perfect comic-book sense for him to become the next Captain America - just like when the "negro" took over as Iron Man for a while.

Jim Rhodes was Iron Man for a bit, became War Machine, and is now the Iron Patriot. A true American, unlike Tony Stark, Jim believes in discipline and his country, instead of women, money and drinking, like Stark does.

Oh, what fun is that?
This is a American tragedy due to political correctness. Shame on Marvel for tainting a iconic hero with this kind of simian filth. And making Thor a woman. What the hell has this nation come to?

Avengers NOW!: Thor's female, Cap's black, Iron Man's got a new suit | PopWatch | EW.com

I stopped reading comics in H.S.

Who cares if they want to pervert the series.

I don't even think kids buy them anymore because they're too expensive and there's better entertainment out there on the internet.

I can deal with a black Captain America, but a female Thor?

Give me a break.

Did he have sexual-reassignment surgery?
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This is a American tragedy due to political correctness. Shame on Marvel for tainting a iconic hero with this kind of simian filth. And making Thor a woman. What the hell has this nation come to?

Avengers NOW!: Thor's female, Cap's black, Iron Man's got a new suit | PopWatch | EW.com

I stopped reading comics in H.S.

Who cares if they want to pervert the series.

I don't even think kids buy them anymore because they're too expensive and there's better entertainment out there on the internet.

I can deal with a black Captain America, but a female Thor?

Give me a break.

Did he have sexual-reassignment surgery?

Shhhh... you'll wake NovaSteve.

"Norse God has Sex Change!"
This is a American tragedy due to political correctness. Shame on Marvel for tainting a iconic hero with this kind of simian filth. And making Thor a woman. What the hell has this nation come to?

Avengers NOW!: Thor's female, Cap's black, Iron Man's got a new suit | PopWatch | EW.com

9/11 was an American tragedy, dimwit, not increasing the pretend melanin content of a comic strip character's skin or switching a gender.

one has to wonder how much of a failure you have to be in real life to a) be the racist scum you are; and b) give a rat's patoot about these things.

btw, unless you're 80 and ignorant (well, we already know about the ignorant part) using the work "negro" is intentionally offensive. but then what can we expect from a loser with an avi like yours
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This is a American tragedy due to political correctness. Shame on Marvel for tainting a iconic hero with this kind of simian filth. And making Thor a woman. What the hell has this nation come to?

Avengers NOW!: Thor's female, Cap's black, Iron Man's got a new suit | PopWatch | EW.com

9/11 was an American tragedy, dimwit, not increasing the pretend melanin content of a comic strip character's skin or switching a gender.

one has to wonder how much of a failure you have to be in real life to a) be the racist scum you are; and b) give a rat's patoot about these things.

btw, unless you're 80 and ignorant (well, we already know about the ignorant part) using the work "negro" is intentionally offensive. but then what can we expect from a loser with an avi like yours

Not in Spanish.
God Help Us All: Captain America Is Now A Negro!

Oh, my. Steve_McGarret, aren't you one-thirty second black?
This is a American tragedy due to political correctness. Shame on Marvel for tainting a iconic hero with this kind of simian filth. And making Thor a woman. What the hell has this nation come to?

Avengers NOW!: Thor's female, Cap's black, Iron Man's got a new suit | PopWatch | EW.com

9/11 was an American tragedy, dimwit, not increasing the pretend melanin content of a comic strip character's skin or switching a gender.

one has to wonder how much of a failure you have to be in real life to a) be the racist scum you are; and b) give a rat's patoot about these things.

btw, unless you're 80 and ignorant (well, we already know about the ignorant part) using the work "negro" is intentionally offensive. but then what can we expect from a loser with an avi like yours

Steve is like a five year old who says bad words seeing if he can get someone's attention.
Forgive an outsider for offering his opinion, but I think this latest outrage deserves closer examination.

What we see here is a typical example of White angst going critical. The United States was founded by White men and women, and Captain America represents the strength of America, and White people expect that expression of power to be represented by them, as a people. Some might say that Marvel Comics is within its rights to alter the character's appearance, and legally speaking they are. But morally speaking they're in violation of their moral pact with America's demographic majority. They make money by exploiting America's feelings of pride concerning their world dominance, said dominance being achieved by White America, so they should be morally obliged to honour their unspoken deal by expressing that pride and sense of achievement in the form of the race that achieved it: a White man.
The statement "The United States was founded by White men and women" is politically accurate but socially and culturally wrong.

We are far past the white European entitlement stage.

Let's move this to the badlands where it belongs.
To all intents and purposes, the Statue of Liberty and what it stands for are as fictional as Captain America. How would you feel if it was replaced by a statue of a Black woman, Jake?
This is a American tragedy due to political correctness. Shame on Marvel for tainting a iconic hero with this kind of simian filth. And making Thor a woman. What the hell has this nation come to?

Avengers NOW!: Thor's female, Cap's black, Iron Man's got a new suit | PopWatch | EW.com

LMAO!! Now you are upset because of the race of an imaginary character??

Really?? This is what keeps you up at night? Whether a cartoonist picks up a brown or a pink marker is what bugs you? Whether they draw imaginary muscles or imaginary tits is what gets you??

You do understand that these are fictional characters, right??
why didn't they just create a new hero?

Why should they?

Sam Wilson (The Falcon) has been Captain America's friend and sidekick for 40 years, it makes perfect comic-book sense for him to become the next Captain America - just like when the "negro" took over as Iron Man for a while.

Jim Rhodes was Iron Man for a bit, became War Machine, and is now the Iron Patriot. A true American, unlike Tony Stark, Jim believes in discipline and his country, instead of women, money and drinking, like Stark does.

Ummmm.......neither Tony Stark nor Sam Wilson are patriots.
WinterBorn, although inspired by several slaves, Kunta Kinte was essentially a work of fiction, as no one true source can be attributed to the character. Would you dismiss the likely outrage from Black America if he was portrayed as White as easily as you are with Captain America?
...and Thor as a woman? What the hell is that? Were talking about a character that is older than fucking Jesus, and now they are going to make him a woman? :lol:

My complaint with the change in Thor is that they treat the name "Thor" as if it were the title of the office instead of the name of an individual god.

But the norse gods would change gender when they chose.
He's not really Captain America - he's actually....

I'm glad all super heroes are no longer white.

Nothing wrong with being white, but I'm glad that there's a mix and kids that are NOT WHITE can feel like they count too.
WinterBorn, although inspired by several slaves, Kunta Kinte was essentially a work of fiction, as no one true source can be attributed to the character. Would you dismiss the likely outrage from Black America if he was portrayed as White as easily as you are with Captain America?

Kunta Kinte? Really??

Look, while Kunta Kinte may not have actually existed, per se, there were plenty of examples of essentially the same thing happening.

Kunta was captured in Africa, brought over on a slave ship, and sold in the United States. The fundamental reason that happened was because of his race. Were any whites captured in Africa and sold in the US? No. So the idea of a white Kunta Kinte is ridiculous. And Black America cherishes the character because it addresses what actually happened to their ancestors. Any white people you know have ancestors who were medically transformed into super heros???

And Capt America was a soldier who was medically augmented to become a super hero. The medical part is fiction. There were plenty of black soldiers.

Capt America is a patriot and fights for truth & justice. Any of that race specific???

Your comparison is ridiculous.
Umm, right wingers do realize these are just comic books, right? Movies aren't (gasp) real. Harry Potter doesn't exist.
The stories in comics, with super powers like healing, super strength, living forever, making something out of nothing aren't like the Bible. This difference is, the Bible super powers were real. It's just that no one today has them.
I think its stupid to replace him, particularly when its soley a race based decision, but if he doesnt have the super soldier serum running through his veins, that is fucking gay. You cant be captain america if you dont have his powers.

What makes you say it's "solely a race based decision"?

This isn't the 70s anymore. Black superheroes aren't "shocking" any more, except to those few still obsessed with race.

it depends.......if a certain hero has been a white guy for 70 years....you just dont turn him black just because.....if you do call him something else.....they are doing another FF4 movie and Johnny Storm has been cast with a black actor??.......i bet blacks would have something to say if they made the Black Panther a white guy or Bishop.....just because....

They didn't turn Capt America into a black man. The original fictional character was killed in the story, and they had another fictional character take up the mantle of Capt America.

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