God and Quantum Theory.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
In understanding the Universe, it seems that quantum theory, according to most physicists, is the final mysterious frontier of cosmic science. If so, I believe that this boundary can only be understood fully by a Mind possessing omniscience: God. The serpent in the Garden of Eden successfully conned Adam and Eve into believing they could achieve omniscience, and we all know what happened after that mother-of-all conceited errors.

I often wonder did the serpant also tempt the ‘Adam and Eve’ scientists in Switzerland’s ‘Garden of CERN’, with their Large Hadron Collider in search of the so-called ‘God particle’, with the company’s abstract ‘666’ logo, and the Shiva statue god of creation and destruction outside their creepy headquarters. Even Mary Shelly’s novel Frankenstein was written by the shores of Lake Geneva, next door to CERN, with its potential for creating another Frankenstein’s monster.
As for omniscience: It entails knowledge of everything, including how the universe exists on an infinitesimal micro level. The late Stephen Hawking, who was an atheist, once said: “If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason—for then we would know the mind of God [figuratively speaking].”

So, what is it that is so complex about quantum theory and how is it related to God?
If you haven't read F.A. Hayek's The Fatal Conceit, you might like it; it discusses the great value of religion and tradition compared to the failures of 'rational constructivism' of modern pseudo-intellectualism to address social and economic problems.
Quantum Physics is mind blowing. Literally.
It shows that everything we thought we knew for generations, isn't true at all.
The reality that you see, is a mirage. We only see part of what is real.
Man is constructing a god with AI, only, they will make sure their god is PC.
In understanding the Universe, it seems that quantum theory, according to most physicists, is the final mysterious frontier of cosmic science. If so, I believe that this boundary can only be understood fully by a Mind possessing omniscience: God. The serpent in the Garden of Eden successfully conned Adam and Eve into believing they could achieve omniscience, and we all know what happened after that mother-of-all conceited errors.

Oh I doubt if it is the final mysterious frontier.
Oh I doubt if it is the final mysterious frontier.

Well ... Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity are mutually incompatible ... one, or both, are wrong; in the same sense Newton and Darwin are "wrong", over the centuries we've learned a thing or two ...

Both are useless for human-sized objects ... say from an individual protein to 100 lights-years ... Newton's Physics is fine ... and we might want to keep temperatures below 10,000ºC ... a Class A star ...
Well ... Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity are mutually incompatible ... one, or both, are wrong; in the same sense Newton and Darwin are "wrong", over the centuries we've learned a thing or two ...

Both are useless for human-sized objects ... say from an individual protein to 100 lights-years ... Newton's Physics is fine ... and we might want to keep temperatures below 10,000ºC ... a Class A star ...
Or we just don't see the relationship.

You do like to assume that we mere humans are capable of understanding absolutely everything about everything

And what's funny is you base this assumption on the fact that we understand barely 5% of all the matter and energy in the known universe.
Where Einstein had problems with quantum physics was Entanglement...

The strange part of quantum entanglement is that when you measure something about one particle in an entangled pair, you immediately know something about the other particle, even if they are millions of light years apart. This odd connection between the two particles is instantaneous, seemingly breaking a fundamental law of the universe. Albert Einstein famously called the phenomenon “spooky action at a distance.”

In understanding the Universe, it seems that quantum theory, according to most physicists, is the final mysterious frontier of cosmic science. If so, I believe that this boundary can only be understood fully by a Mind possessing omniscience: God. The serpent in the Garden of Eden successfully conned Adam and Eve into believing they could achieve omniscience, and we all know what happened after that mother-of-all conceited errors.

Mistrust the hubris and stupidity of the general claim ....it isn't scientific in the least


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