Gods low to the Israelites was distribution of the wealth. Gleaning was one way that socialism was practiced. God took from other nations and gave to the Israelites and then he took for the Israelites and gave to the nations. He took the Kingdom of Heaven from them and gave it to the nations.
Jesus approved of taxes, healing the sick and feeding the poor which were socialistic practices.
Right Wing Regilioius Nuts and Village Idiots call this stealing and robbery The government do ask from you more than what you can afford and what is fair.
Giving to charities is not the same as the government distributions because they distribute according to rules, regulations and guide lines. Money given to charitable organizations it is almost never given to the poor.
GOD was the ultimate socialist when he gave his son as a ransom for our sins.
When you give to your church, especially the Catholic church, that is socialism because that money is distributed to the poor.
Is God a Socialist?
Oct 10, 2008
Is God a Socialist? - Vox
Gods low to the Israelites was distribution of the wealth. Gleaning was one way that socialism was practiced. God took from other nations and gave to the Israelites and then he took for the Israelites and gave to the nations. He took the Kingdom of Heaven from them and gave it to the nations.
Jesus approved of taxes, healing the sick and feeding the poor which were socialistic practices.
Right Wing Regilioius Nuts and Village Idiots call this stealing and robbery The government do ask from you more than what you can afford and what is fair.
Giving to charities is not the same as the government distributions because they distribute according to rules, regulations and guide lines. Money given to charitable organizations it is almost never given to the poor.
GOD was the ultimate socialist when he gave his son as a ransom for our sins.
When you give to your church, especially the Catholic church, that is socialism because that money is distributed to the poor.
Is God a Socialist?
Oct 10, 2008
Is God a Socialist? - Vox