Go unwoke... Go broke! Elon is history's biggest wealth loser.

It is amazing the vitriol that surrounds Elon from the left simply because he favors free speech.

That is it. He opposes left wing control of speech. He is not a rightwinger and never has been but somehow you have associated upholding free speech values as 'right wing.'

That says loads more about the pathetic state democrats find themselves in than anything Musk has or will do.
He is a troll. If you can dish it out you should be able to take it. Same for you.. you are criticizing me for criticizing.
Elon musk has lost more wealth than anyone in history since coming out as a deranged right wing lunatic. Elon owns 17% share in Tesla (see link below) and has lost over $100B in value through November and it wasnt even done sliding at the time the article was published. His purchase of Tesla was universally derided as a value mistake - heck even he tried to get out of it.

It just goes to show... go unwoke and go broke! Everyone loses when they associate with republicans. It's the biggest scam in history.

I already know you guys will argue he has a secret plan to make Twitter worth the $44B he paid (he doesnt) and you will argue that he is still richer than me (not in family but sure in dollars). What a historic train wreck we are watching in real time.

I obviously meant Twitter on his purchase.
Trump or Biden have little bearing on my life. They don't have any effect on you, either.
All i know, is that when Trump was president.
My stocks and 401k were doing great, we were energy independent, gasoline and groceries prices were stable and reasonably priced, and inflation was really low.
After 2 years of bozo Biden in office.
We are begging our enemies for oil, stocks and 401k are in the toilet, and gasoline and food prices have increased dramatically, and inflation is at record high levels.
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Told ya'. He still lost $125B of his money and more importantly... $600B of other people's money including Saudi murderers.
There is more traffic on Twitter now than there was before after he has purged the platform of all the fake accounts. He will do fine with it.

You stupid hate filled Moon Bats can't stand it, can you? You are just as afflicted with MDS as you were with TDS and that makes you look like an idiot when you post your silly hate shit.
Damn, Musk has the leftists bleeding from every hole. What get's their goat is that there is shit-all they can do about it. :laughing0301:

You said it!

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

It's so much fun watching them whine and howl and flail around on the floor like a fish that can't spit out the hook.

"Hey, lets ban the Babylon Bee, what could possibly go wrong"?

Damn, these Moon Bats are idiots.
There is more traffic on Twitter now than there was before after he has purged the platform of all the fake accounts. He will do fine with it.

You stupid hate filled Moon Bats can't stand it, can you? You are just as afflicted with MDS as you were with TDS and that makes you look like an idiot when you post your silly hate shit.
and fewer bots,,
He is a troll. If you can dish it out you should be able to take it. Same for you.. you are criticizing me for criticizing.
I am pointing out your hatred of free speech. I am not criticizing you for criticizing. I am criticizing the fact you have no valid foundation for your criticism.

And that you evade with this tripe just points out you are well aware of how hollow your criticism is.
That is it. He opposes left wing control of speech. He is not a rightwinger and never has been but somehow you have associated upholding free speech values as 'right wing.'

That's exactly what free speech is, right wing. As we've seen with Twitter and ilk their goal is to silence free speech. They hate free speech as much as they hate the rest of our Constitution.
Elon musk has lost more wealth than anyone in history since coming out as a deranged right wing lunatic. Elon owns 17% share in Tesla (see link below) and has lost over $100B in value through November and it wasnt even done sliding at the time the article was published. His purchase of Tesla was universally derided as a value mistake - heck even he tried to get out of it.

It just goes to show... go unwoke and go broke! Everyone loses when they associate with republicans. It's the biggest scam in history.

I already know you guys will argue he has a secret plan to make Twitter worth the $44B he paid (he doesnt) and you will argue that he is still richer than me (not in family but sure in dollars). What a historic train wreck we are watching in real time.

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Musk is taking the company in a whole new direction and that scares investors. He's only owned the damn thing for a month for crying out loud. He hasn't even made any real changes as of yet. When all the dust settles and he starts making it better than ever those investors will come back and quite possibly more. It's only the first inning and you're declaring the baseball game over.

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