Go Backwards to Post 1945 ? – Sure!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Go Backwards to Post 1945 ? – Sure!

One of our illustrious liberals in USMB said I would like to return to a post 1945 America. While not everything was perfect back then (ex. smoking indoors), a lot of it was better than what progressives have heaped on us, in the present day. Some examples of the benefits of going backwards to post 1945 would be >>

1. When thousands of American flags were displayed from windows on the streets, on every national holiday.

2. When girls were girls, and boys were boys.

3. When cars ran better than the ones we have today.

4. When we had really good quality movies and TV shows (Gunsmoke, the Untouchables, the Honeymooners, Twilight Zone)

5. When stuff was manufactured in the USA (and of better quality)

6. When we weren’t in danger of our society collapsing, due to computer hacking.

7. When pro sports stars played for 1 team for 20 years, and you recognized all the players.

8. When Rock music was good stuff (Chuck Berry, Elvis, Beatles)

9. When blacks didn’t riot every time some dumb black guy caused himself to get shot.

10. When we had just showed the world (in World War II) that messing with us was a bad idea.

11. When we didn’t have hundreds of Muslim mosques poisoning our culture, and spawning terrorist attacks.

12. When we weren’t as overpopulated, air was cleaner, lakes, rivers and bays were teeming with healthy fish.

13. When hospitals treated you like a patient, instead a $ale.

14. When schools taught kids to love their country, not hate it.

15. When religion was respected, and cultivated god values.

16. When there was real science in NIH, CDC, and FDA.

17. When TV shows and political ads were truth, not fake.

18. When there was no NAFTA, TPP, et al globalist orgs.

19. When American infrastructure was sound (dams, bridges, roads, electrical grid)

20. When soldiers and police were respected, not despised.

21. When there was no racist Affirmative Action discrimination against whites.

22. When cab drivers spoke English.

23. When convicted murderers got the electric chair.

24. When colleges taught marketable skills, instead of global warming and womens’ studies.

25. When you could walk in the park at night, and didn’t have bars on your windows.

26. When foreign diseases were still foreign.

27. When we had Operation Wetback (1954)

Add more to this list, at your leisure.
1. When we had no polio vaccine and hospitals still contained wards like this
I love that your example of things not being perfect in 1945 is indoor smoking. :lol:
And if you think things are bad now, stick around another 50 years, things will get worse.
I love that your example of things not being perfect in 1945 is indoor smoking. :lol:
Me too. And millions of other people no longer having moron smokers' poison imposed on them.:biggrin:
That's right libs, take one bad thing and run with it!
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2. Birth Control was illegal

Yeah...and getting pregnant out of wedlock was one of the most shameful acts you could commit.
The thing is, today's circus freaks (libs) want NO personal responsibility for anything, and when whatever they do bites them in the ass then YOU pay for it while they piss and moan about it all being unfair and somebody else's fault.
Schools were segregated.

Jim Crow laws applied.

Anti-miscegenation laws applied.

Strange fruit hung from the trees.
Back when Republicans were at least still sane and their political party had not become their god.

They didn't have a need to write down a list of all the things that make them miserable now and why it's all someone else's fault.
Clearly-The thing is, today's circus freaks (libs) want NO personal responsibility for anything, and when whatever they do bites them in the ass then YOU pay for it while they piss and moan about it all being unfair and somebody else's fault.
Back when Republicans were at least still sane and their political party had not become their god.

They didn't have a need to write down a list of all the things that make them miserable now and why it's all someone else's fault.
Back when Republicans were at least still sane and their political party had not become their god.

as were the Democrats
2. Birth Control was illegal

Yeah...and getting pregnant out of wedlock was one of the most shameful acts you could commit.

For the woman.

They got on the man as well.

Hardly to the degree that the woman was affected.
Well lib, you are brilliant! Who would have thought a man could have a baby?

Always thought it took two....

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