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Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
I've been making the exact same points about the so-called 'Green energy' bullshit scam on this and other forums for the last few years.
Now that Michael Moore has woke the fuick up all yopu LIB morons may believe the facts before your eyes. The 'Progressives' are sending Moore deth threats b/c he told the truth.
Watch the part in the beginning where a group of 'environmentals' is saying the windmills being installed on their beloved mountain top are going to generate electricity to warm the water for a FUCKING WATER PARK!!!!!!!!!!
Windmills and solar panels only last a few years than they must be replaced
How much fossil fuel is required to build one fucking windmill?
Watch this documentary a fucking WAKE UP!
Too bad none of the friggin ignoramus shitforbrains has the foggiest clue as to the real answer, Thorium fueled nuclear fission reactors. Which are scalable and could replace the heat source in every friggin fossil fuled power plant on earth. Plus power many more to meet our energy needs now and far into the foreseeable future until when perhaps fusion energy could become a reality.

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