Gmail invites


Aug 28, 2003
New York
I figured I would post this here since this section gets more exposure.

I have 12 free gmail invites that I'm going to give away. For those of you that don't know, this is an invite to open a free email account with Google. It's just like Yahoo and Hotmail but they give you 1gig of storage space for emails. Registration for Gmail is closed and an account can only be opened with an invite from a current member. Not only is the storage space MUCH higher, but I find Gmail to be more reliable and faster. There are many customizable options.

Post in this thread if you would like one and then PM me with the address you would like the invite mailed to! husbands boss just sent him an invite this week and we got an account. I had no idea of course what the heck this was until he explained it to me! He was happy about it though.
This might be just the thing for all my ebay stuff. I usually keep emails from ebay transactions for quite awhile. It takes up a lot of space sometimes.

I'll PM you Jim.
Ok, all those that posted/PM'd me have been sent invites. Let me know if you have any problems receiving them!
jimnyc said:
I have 10 invites left if anyone still wants one. :)

Hey jimnyc, If I could I'd like one. I'm thinking of trying a blog, I think it might come in handy.
Kathianne said:
I'm thinking of trying a blog, I think it might come in handy.

I've been thinking about doing one myself, I'm just not sure if anyone would be at all interested. I don't know if I have enough interesting things to say!

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