Gloria Vanderbilt's Son Can't Ask the Tough Question to Biden

Jacob Wohl comes to mind, everytime you bring this up.

Wohl gained attention in 2018 after news outlets reported his failed plot with lobbyist Jack Burkman to discredit Robert Mueller, U.S. Special Counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, by attempting to frame him for sexual misconduct.[2][9][7] In April 2019, Wohl and Burkman again received media attention for attempting to frame Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana and declared 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, for sexual assault.[19][20]

Wohl has created and promulgated other false or unfounded claims and conspiracy theories, mainly against Democratic Party politicians such as Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, and Elizabeth Warren.[4][5][21][22] On February 26, 2019, Twitter permanently banned Wohl for violating its rules regarding creating and operating fake accounts.[23] To aid his schemes, Wohl created multiple fake private intelligence agencies, and has fabricated death threats and protests against himself.[24][25]
Democratic Party is shit. They have no nuts and no backbone. They are they most Anti-American, unpatriotic, worthless cocksuckers of all human history.
We think that about you deplorable.

we are statemen and politicians and serious and intelligent. You’re all poor people who are as stupid and crude as trump is. Only without the money.

trump is the perfect example of an ugly American. He’s a perfect republican. Funny he used to be a liberal. On social issues. Probably still is secretively. But his policies favor the rich even with all his talk about bringing jobs back home and booting illegals. You buying that?
LMFAO. You are neither intelligent or to be taken serious. Statesmen? What a fucking joke. John Kerry? The traitor that talks to Iran behind the back of OUR President...yeah, real statesman he is huh?

Since when does a private citizen need permission from the Potus to talk with anyone??
The OP won't address the "tough", simple statements made by his mentor-
"read my lips, no new taxes" - "we live in a New World Order" - or the fact that he invaded a sovereign nation to illegitimately protect his donors.
Then the OP has the audacity to complain- :auiqs.jpg:
And we kicked their ass too. I was on the ground for that campaign as well. The Congress, in the end, controls the budgetary process. Democratic Party controlled both houses of legislative branch at that particular time. What was the man supposed to do? Perhaps he was too busy dealing with Panama and the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Well...that's what great Presidents do I suppose. Oh, BTW...H.Ross Perot gave us Clinton...screw him too!
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Jacob Wohl comes to mind, everytime you bring this up.

Wohl gained attention in 2018 after news outlets reported his failed plot with lobbyist Jack Burkman to discredit Robert Mueller, U.S. Special Counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, by attempting to frame him for sexual misconduct.[2][9][7] In April 2019, Wohl and Burkman again received media attention for attempting to frame Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana and declared 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, for sexual assault.[19][20]

Wohl has created and promulgated other false or unfounded claims and conspiracy theories, mainly against Democratic Party politicians such as Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, and Elizabeth Warren.[4][5][21][22] On February 26, 2019, Twitter permanently banned Wohl for violating its rules regarding creating and operating fake accounts.[23] To aid his schemes, Wohl created multiple fake private intelligence agencies, and has fabricated death threats and protests against himself.[24][25]
Democratic Party is shit. They have no nuts and no backbone. They are they most Anti-American, unpatriotic, worthless cocksuckers of all human history.
We think that about you deplorable.

we are statemen and politicians and serious and intelligent. You’re all poor people who are as stupid and crude as trump is. Only without the money.

trump is the perfect example of an ugly American. He’s a perfect republican. Funny he used to be a liberal. On social issues. Probably still is secretively. But his policies favor the rich even with all his talk about bringing jobs back home and booting illegals. You buying that?

Don’t be so blind. Liberals who run the Democrats favor the rich as well. They throw bones to the poor and absolutely fuck the Middle Class and small business entrepreneur. The Liberals court the wealthy, engage in corporate cronyism, and fuel class warfare among the poor to get power.
They don't seem to get it. Democratic Party is not for the working class at all.
Jacob Wohl comes to mind, everytime you bring this up.

Wohl gained attention in 2018 after news outlets reported his failed plot with lobbyist Jack Burkman to discredit Robert Mueller, U.S. Special Counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, by attempting to frame him for sexual misconduct.[2][9][7] In April 2019, Wohl and Burkman again received media attention for attempting to frame Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana and declared 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, for sexual assault.[19][20]

Wohl has created and promulgated other false or unfounded claims and conspiracy theories, mainly against Democratic Party politicians such as Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, and Elizabeth Warren.[4][5][21][22] On February 26, 2019, Twitter permanently banned Wohl for violating its rules regarding creating and operating fake accounts.[23] To aid his schemes, Wohl created multiple fake private intelligence agencies, and has fabricated death threats and protests against himself.[24][25]
Democratic Party is shit. They have no nuts and no backbone. They are they most Anti-American, unpatriotic, worthless cocksuckers of all human history.
We think that about you deplorable.

we are statemen and politicians and serious and intelligent. You’re all poor people who are as stupid and crude as trump is. Only without the money.

trump is the perfect example of an ugly American. He’s a perfect republican. Funny he used to be a liberal. On social issues. Probably still is secretively. But his policies favor the rich even with all his talk about bringing jobs back home and booting illegals. You buying that?
LMFAO. You are neither intelligent or to be taken serious. Statesmen? What a fucking joke. John Kerry? The traitor that talks to Iran behind the back of OUR President...yeah, real statesman he is huh?

Since when does a private citizen need permission from the Potus to talk with anyone??
They don't. But if Democratic Party had it's way that's how it would be.
Because Democrats are institutionalize like the Chinese communitst. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, they take their marching orders from the party hierarchy. Like lemmings they walk on. Unfortunately these people are also our college professors and media elite. Incapable of having an original thought.

did all of fox news commentators question tramp about his assaults of women, NO. Did anyone question him about the accent Hollywood tape, NO.
I can PROVE FXN asked Trump serious questions in 2016, which voters ignored.
YOU show me proof of any MSM questions of Biden of his sexual assault, can you???

Did anyone else besides Kelly who no longer works at Fox?
Main stream media has proven to be incompetent and should be removed from the White House press briefings.
He is Gloria Vanderbilt's son. He took his fathers name "Cooper" in order to try to give him some validity in media market. He is a spoiled rotten typical liberal Democrat ass suck.
Jacob Wohl comes to mind, everytime you bring this up.

Wohl gained attention in 2018 after news outlets reported his failed plot with lobbyist Jack Burkman to discredit Robert Mueller, U.S. Special Counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, by attempting to frame him for sexual misconduct.[2][9][7] In April 2019, Wohl and Burkman again received media attention for attempting to frame Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana and declared 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, for sexual assault.[19][20]

Wohl has created and promulgated other false or unfounded claims and conspiracy theories, mainly against Democratic Party politicians such as Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, and Elizabeth Warren.[4][5][21][22] On February 26, 2019, Twitter permanently banned Wohl for violating its rules regarding creating and operating fake accounts.[23] To aid his schemes, Wohl created multiple fake private intelligence agencies, and has fabricated death threats and protests against himself.[24][25]
Democratic Party is shit. They have no nuts and no backbone. They are they most Anti-American, unpatriotic, worthless cocksuckers of all human history.
We think that about you deplorable.

we are statemen and politicians and serious and intelligent. You’re all poor people who are as stupid and crude as trump is. Only without the money.

trump is the perfect example of an ugly American. He’s a perfect republican. Funny he used to be a liberal. On social issues. Probably still is secretively. But his policies favor the rich even with all his talk about bringing jobs back home and booting illegals. You buying that?
LMFAO. You are neither intelligent or to be taken serious. Statesmen? What a fucking joke. John Kerry? The traitor that talks to Iran behind the back of OUR President...yeah, real statesman he is huh?

Since when does a private citizen need permission from the Potus to talk with anyone??
They don't. But if Democratic Party had it's way that's how it would be.
Seems to me the republicans are bitching about it.
Main stream media has proven to be incompetent and should be removed from the White House press briefings.
He is Gloria Vanderbilt's son. He took his fathers name "Cooper" in order to try to give him some validity in media market. He is a spoiled rotten typical liberal Democrat ass suck.
We were forced to watch him on TV in middle school back in the early 90s.. it was some stupid news thing that they had on and we had a walk for 15 to 30 minutes every day.. He was so embarrassing he still is
And we kicked their ass too. I was on the ground for that campaign as well. The Congress, in the end, controls the budgetary process. Democratic Party controlled both houses of legislative branch at that particular time. What was the man supposed to do? Perhaps he was too busy dealing with Panama and the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Well...that's what great Presidents do I suppose. Oh, BTW...H.Ross Perot gave us Clinton...screw him too!
Ah- so, you excuse his unconstitutional actions because you were on the ground there. Very fitting.
You "suppose" a lot when it fits your ideology and assume or presume when it doesn't- no new taxes- did a Democrat hols a gun to his head and force him to approve of the new taxes?
A "New World Order" is that feared Globalist agenda- subscribed to by Demopublicans and Republicrats of the Neocon variety such the authors of The New American hegemony papers- financed by the fed reserve to enslave your kids kids, kids, kids for your "I was on the ground there" mentality, which obviously makes you as expert- on something. But it's not POTUS or the US Constitution, or Freedom and Justice for All, or Liberty- and you keep doing what Einstein called crazy and have the audacity to complain-
Anyone else notice not a single board Dimsocialist addresses the actual topic of the thread? Nothing but whining and crying about Fox and Trump.........neither of which are the topic.
Because Democrats are institutionalize like the Chinese communitst. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, they take their marching orders from the party hierarchy. Like lemmings they walk on. Unfortunately these people are also our college professors and media elite. Incapable of having an original thought.
Democrats seem to have decided on a senile pussy-grabber for their 2020 pick.

FWIW, I would ask both candidates how many abortions they've funded.:eek:
Because Democrats are institutionalize like the Chinese communitst. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, they take their marching orders from the party hierarchy. Like lemmings they walk on. Unfortunately these people are also our college professors and media elite. Incapable of having an original thought.
Biden sexually assaulted someone? Let’s see if more women come out like with trump.

judge cavanaugh is guilty?
View attachment 328259
Biden doesn't only harass women, but also harasses children. With your blessings.
Hannibal the cannibal
Jacob Wohl comes to mind, everytime you bring this up.

Wohl gained attention in 2018 after news outlets reported his failed plot with lobbyist Jack Burkman to discredit Robert Mueller, U.S. Special Counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, by attempting to frame him for sexual misconduct.[2][9][7] In April 2019, Wohl and Burkman again received media attention for attempting to frame Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana and declared 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, for sexual assault.[19][20]

Wohl has created and promulgated other false or unfounded claims and conspiracy theories, mainly against Democratic Party politicians such as Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, and Elizabeth Warren.[4][5][21][22] On February 26, 2019, Twitter permanently banned Wohl for violating its rules regarding creating and operating fake accounts.[23] To aid his schemes, Wohl created multiple fake private intelligence agencies, and has fabricated death threats and protests against himself.[24][25]
Democratic Party is shit. They have no nuts and no backbone. They are they most Anti-American, unpatriotic, worthless cocksuckers of all human history.
We think that about you deplorable.

we are statemen and politicians and serious and intelligent. You’re all poor people who are as stupid and crude as trump is. Only without the money.

trump is the perfect example of an ugly American. He’s a perfect republican. Funny he used to be a liberal. On social issues. Probably still is secretively. But his policies favor the rich even with all his talk about bringing jobs back home and booting illegals. You buying that?
LMFAO. You are neither intelligent or to be taken serious. Statesmen? What a fucking joke. John Kerry? The traitor that talks to Iran behind the back of OUR President...yeah, real statesman he is huh?
Trump doesn’t speak for America I’m sorry. Embarrassing. We can’t wait to repair the damage and America will never be a ken as seriously as we were before rump
Because Democrats are institutionalize like the Chinese communitst. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, they take their marching orders from the party hierarchy. Like lemmings they walk on. Unfortunately these people are also our college professors and media elite. Incapable of having an original thought.
Democrats seem to have decided on a senile pussy-grabber for their 2020 pick.

FWIW, I would ask both candidates how many abortions they've funded.:eek:
Trumps probably funded a couple abortions
Because Democrats are institutionalize like the Chinese communitst. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, they take their marching orders from the party hierarchy. Like lemmings they walk on. Unfortunately these people are also our college professors and media elite. Incapable of having an original thought.
Biden sexually assaulted someone? Let’s see if more women come out like with trump.

judge cavanaugh is guilty?
View attachment 328259
Biden doesn't only harass women, but also harasses children. With your blessings.
Hannibal the cannibal
Call him what you want, he is your man.
Jacob Wohl comes to mind, everytime you bring this up.

Wohl gained attention in 2018 after news outlets reported his failed plot with lobbyist Jack Burkman to discredit Robert Mueller, U.S. Special Counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, by attempting to frame him for sexual misconduct.[2][9][7] In April 2019, Wohl and Burkman again received media attention for attempting to frame Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana and declared 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, for sexual assault.[19][20]

Wohl has created and promulgated other false or unfounded claims and conspiracy theories, mainly against Democratic Party politicians such as Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, and Elizabeth Warren.[4][5][21][22] On February 26, 2019, Twitter permanently banned Wohl for violating its rules regarding creating and operating fake accounts.[23] To aid his schemes, Wohl created multiple fake private intelligence agencies, and has fabricated death threats and protests against himself.[24][25]
Democratic Party is shit. They have no nuts and no backbone. They are they most Anti-American, unpatriotic, worthless cocksuckers of all human history.
We think that about you deplorable.

we are statemen and politicians and serious and intelligent. You’re all poor people who are as stupid and crude as trump is. Only without the money.

trump is the perfect example of an ugly American. He’s a perfect republican. Funny he used to be a liberal. On social issues. Probably still is secretively. But his policies favor the rich even with all his talk about bringing jobs back home and booting illegals. You buying that?

Don’t be so blind. Liberals who run the Democrats favor the rich as well. They throw bones to the poor and absolutely fuck the Middle Class and small business entrepreneur. The Liberals court the wealthy, engage in corporate cronyism, and fuel class warfare among the poor to get power.
Yea but republican policies specifically widen the gap and make us poorer.

i forgot number 4. They cut social programs like social security

3. send jobs overseas

2. Illegal employers

1. Break unions

These 4 things in the past few decades are the things the rich got the gop to do for them and they hurt the middle class. Don’t deny

The fact that corporations have too much power in both parties is true but democrats are the labor party. Sorry.

i know trumps trying to win over the unions and he did win them over in 16 but not this time. You’ll see

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